Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2155: Joys and sorrows inside and outside

"That's it..." Xue Pan couldn't hide his disappointment, but he was also aware of Jia Baoyu's recent job and couldn't find a reason to refute it for a while.

Song Qingshu was also overjoyed. Recently, his investigation was at a deadlock. He didn't expect to get a new breakthrough from Gu Zixian. He couldn't help wondering: "What the **** is it?"

Gu Zixian looked around, with a look of embarrassment: "There are many people here..."

"Then go to my room." Song Qingshu nodded, took her hand and ran to her room.

Xue Pan looked straight and said, "Wipe, how come you signed your hands together?"

I wanted to catch up, but the two disappeared in a blink of an eye, making him too late to say: "Be sure to let my sister see the true face of this scumbag!"

After Song Qingshu returned to the room, he hurriedly asked, "Princess, what clues did you get?"

What responded to him was a sweet and waxy lips. Gu Zixian didn't know when he took off his veil, revealing her unspeakable face.

Song Qingshu was taken aback, still instinctively hugged her soft and slender body, starting with an exaggerated elasticity full of youthful breath.

After a long time, Gu Zixian’s white cheeks flashed a red tide, her beautiful eyes were glowing with moist luster, and her long eyelashes trembled gently: "Gongong, I have been telling myself to be calm these days. Don’t fly moths to the fire, but in the dead of night, you are always in your mind. The feeling of longing is getting stronger and stronger. Finally, I can’t help it. I decided to go out and come to you. I didn’t expect to meet the fat guy from Tubo on the road. The prince entangled, and I didn't expect to meet you again. All this made me feel that everything was doomed by God."

Song Qingshu was greatly moved by hearing it. He knew in his heart that Gu Zixian's feelings had come so fiercely, mainly because she had been living in despair for the future these years, and had been looking forward to getting out of the cage of arranged marriages, but it was a pity that her responsibility made her unable to do so. Taking that step, it was not until the appearance of herself that her life in the stagnant pool finally took on color.

Once a good girl who has been obedient since childhood becomes rebellious, she tends to be much bolder than the average person.

Thinking of this, Song Qingshu felt more pity in her heart, gently stroking her soft hair, and proactively kissed it.

Perceiving his actions, Gu Zixian was ecstatic. She had taken the initiative to look for the other party the night before, but the response of the other party was not as enthusiastic as she imagined, which made her feel a little bit about gains and losses.

Now that she sees the other party finally taking the initiative, she finally let go of her feelings of anxiety, and then the whole body is full of sweet feelings.

"Can you take off the mask? It's a bit... weird." Gu Zixian was soft, but still tried her best to stop her.

"Okay." Song Qingshu was concise and concise, but now he can't speak.


The two young bodies were entangled hotly, one with deep roots in love and the other with strong energy. They both wished to rub each other into their own bodies, and soon the clothes fell like butterflies, revealing the infinite and beautiful scenery of youth.

"Ah~" Gu Zixian Huazhi trembled and couldn't help but exhale.


Suddenly there was a rapid knock on the door outside, and the two in the room couldn't help but stop together, subconsciously looking in the direction of the door.

"Princess, are you okay?" Xue Pan's anxious voice sounded.

Gu Zixian was ashamed and annoyed, lowered her voice and said in Song Qingshu's ear: "Your friend is really..."

Song Qingshu gently brushed her hair wet with sweat on her temples: "Who makes you look so beautiful? Which man doesn't like you when he sees you."

Hearing him complimenting herself, Gu Zixian was sweet in her heart, but she was soon replaced by shame: "But I don't like him again. If he is not your friend, I won't give him a good face."

Song Qingshu laughed blankly: "Xue Pan is actually a wonderful person, don't care about him."

However, Xue Pan obviously didn't think so. Seeing that there was no response inside, the voice of the door was even more anxious: "Princess, princess? Baoyu, you are not bullying the princess anymore!"

Song Qingshu looked weird, staring at the tender and beautiful woman under him, thinking that this should be regarded as a kind of bullying.

Holding back the shame, Gu Zixian said to the outside: "Thank you Master Xue for your concern, I'm fine."

"That's good, that's good." Xue Pan chuckled twice, "I'll be waiting for you outside. If Baoyu dares to bully you, call out and I will help you teach him."

"It's really not necessary, Master Xue, go and take care of your own business." Gu Zixian's eyes were wide open, thinking that we are in the room... If you are outside, what can you do!

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I'm relatively empty anyway, it doesn't matter if I wait." Xue Pan hurriedly replied.

Gu Zixian almost cried, looking at her lover: "Why is he doing this?"

"It doesn't matter what he is." Song Qingshu smiled and continued to lower his head.

Gu Zi Xianbei bit her teeth tightly, her hands gripped the bedding tightly, her whole body tense to the extreme...

I don’t know how long it took. Xue Baochai came over from Princess Jincheng and found that his brother was in a daze at the door. He couldn’t help but curiously said: “Hey, why don’t you go in here?”

"Princess Double-Xiu and Baoyu are discussing things inside. It is not convenient for me to go in." Xue Pan replied.

Xue Baochai is so smart, he immediately reacted: "I am afraid that the princess does not want to see you, brother, she obviously has no intention of you, so don't waste your energy on her."

"Who said that, she has always been extremely cold to other people, and only smiles to me." Xue Pan blinked, and the beauty of her smile appeared in her mind, and she felt uncomfortable for a while.

Xue Baochai curled his lips: "She smiled more at Baoyu."

Xue Pan instantly hit an arrow, and his smile gradually solidified.

"Why don't they come out after talking for so long?" Xue Baochai looked suspicious, she was not like her brother, because she waited obediently because the goddess said a word, thinking that Jia Baoyu was living in the same room with a beautiful woman. It feels a bit sour.

When I walked over, I was about to knock on the door. The door had been opened from the inside, and Jia Baoyu and Princess Shuang-Xiu walked out of it.

Xue Baochai frowned slightly. He always felt that the two looked weird, but she couldn't tell where it was to blame. The only thing worth noting was that Princess Shuang-xiu's face was not as pale as usual, and she seemed to have a faint smile.

Song Qingshu coughed and said first: "The princess has brought me key information, which is very helpful in solving the case. I will send her back now."

Xue Baochai wanted to ask something, but seeing that the two of them were so mysterious, they wanted to come here and they didn't want to disclose it, and she didn't care much about the affairs of Korea, so she didn't follow up.

Xue Pan leaned over, "I will prepare a carriage for the princess... Hey, princess, are you uncomfortable? Why do you feel that walking is a little unnatural?"

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