Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2157: Sudden assassination

Gu Zixian's usual snow-white face is now red like a persimmon: "Mother, what are you talking about?"

Song Qingshu is used to seeing wind and waves, and now he feels that Mrs. Shuang-Xiu's proposal is a bit weird.

Mrs. Shuang-Xiu's oval face was a little red, obviously she also felt a little ashamed to say this: "I also know that it is not appropriate to say these things, but it is really important, Xian'er, the son, he doesn't know, you I should know how powerful it is."

"Yeah." Since childhood, Gu Zixian has been aware of the double-heart cultivation method, and now she is very upset about why she forgot just now. She quietly glanced at Song Qingshu, her eyes were terribly shy. The previous initiative seemed to consume all her courage. Now There was no invitation at all.

As a caring man, how could Song Qingshu make it difficult for a woman to do it, and nodded: "The princess is as beautiful as an immortal. I can't ask for such a thing."

Gu Zixian turned his head, the corners of her lips rose slightly, mixed with shame and joy of complimenting her lover.

Mrs. Shuang-Xiu also made her heart jump when she heard the love story between them, and hurriedly said: "Xian'er, don't go back to your room. There are many people on the road and it's not easy to be seen by others. Just stay in my bedroom, I Go out and see for you, so that people don't get close here." After saying that, he trot out as if to escape.

Song Qingshu looked around the room, all the furnishings were quiet and dignified, but the faint fragrance of roses in the room seemed to reveal the fiery heart of the owner...

"What are you looking at?" Gu Zixian's curious voice heard.

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and hurriedly said: "No, nothing." Seeing the other party's white skin, as delicate as a flower, he was a little bit contemplative just on the road, and now he can't stand it anymore and copy it. Bend her legs and hugged her horizontally.

With a cry, Gu Zixian buried his head in his chest.

"Hey, why is this bed so soft?" Song Qingshu was suddenly curious, this bed was much softer than a normal bed.

Gu Zixian yelled and replied in a low voice: "My mother has very sensitive skin and is afraid of hard things, so the beds are much softer than normal."

"This physique is really special." Song Qingshu heard

The special fragrance on the bed couldn't help but think of it in a random way.

"Brother Song~" Gu Zixian snorted him back to reality, Song Qingshu's face blushed, thinking that he was thinking about something messy.

"Big Brother Song, pay attention to my infuriating movement later, and don't resist." Gu Zixian said with humiliation.

Song Qingshu nodded. He is actually an expert in this field and naturally knows the principle.

Gu Zixian smiled shyly, opened two white lotus arms and hugged her lover tightly...

After a while, Mrs. Shuang-Xiu came back from patrolling the surrounding area. She was about to ask her daughter. When she heard a voice from inside, she couldn't help but blush: "This girl is really. What should I do if I go."

She was going to walk away, but she was worried that someone would come over and hear the leak, so she forced her heartbeat and stayed not far from the door. At first, she wondered whether her daughter remembered the key moment of luck. On the one hand, I worry about whether the current remedy will work.

But later, as the situation in the house intermittently spread to her ears, her heart was messed up a long time ago. She has lived alone for more than ten years and has been living a pure-hearted life, but she is at the pinnacle of a woman after all, and she will feel cold and lonely in the dead of night, but often those thoughts will be driven out of her mind by reason.

But now the sound coming from the room is so touching, Mrs. Shuang-Xiu can't help but think of the strange attraction that came from the other party's body when she was close to Song Qingshu. With this thought, her thoughts can no longer be controlled. Can't help.

"Why would I think about these things..." Madam Shuang-Xiu stroked her face with her hand, only feeling that she was getting hot.

I don't know how long it took. When Song Qingshu came out of the house, he happened to ran into Mrs. Shuang-xiu who was sitting in a pavilion not far away.

"Hello, madam." Song Qingshu was a little weird, thinking how to say hello to her daughter who just fell asleep.

Mrs. Shuang-Xiu did not stand up, her legs under the stone table trembled slightly: "Why are you alone, Xian'er?"

Song Qingshu was a little embarrassed: "She...she is a little tired, resting inside."

"Oh~" Mrs. Double-Xiu responded

Come here, no one can support the change for so long.

The two of them stared at each other, and the atmosphere in the air suddenly became a little embarrassing.

"Just...how?" Mrs. Shuang-Xiu returned to the question she cared most after all.

Song Qingshu was taken aback, wondering how you would discuss this with me, but thought it was a custom in the Western Regions, so he replied: "Ma's appearance is refined, her body is tender and soft... That... it feels naturally perfect..."

Mrs. Shuang-Xiu blinked her eyes. At first, she could still hear her in the mist. Later, she finally understood what he was talking about. Her face instantly turned red: "Who asked you about this? I'm asking about the Shuang-Xiu Mind Method. How's the effect."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was immediately embarrassed, and hurriedly replied, "Your mansion's mental method has indeed taken a different approach, and it has achieved very good results. My own skills are a lot more refined. As for the princess, her skills should be improved even more. "

Shuang-xiufu's mind method and Huanxi-Zhan method are really in the same vein, and when combined, they have a multiplier effect, and the feeling of unity of soul and body is even more lingering.

From his perspective, if he had just been seriously injured, he could be healed by this, and the mentality of Shuang-Xiu Mansion was truly extraordinary.

"I'll leave first, and then come to visit." Song Qingshu felt that it was too embarrassing to stay here, leaving a word and hurriedly bid farewell.

Seeing him running away, Mrs. Shuang-Xiu couldn't help but chuckled. She got up and planned to ask her daughter. When she got up, her feet softened and she almost fell, and her cheeks became even more ruddy for a while.

Let’s say that Song Qingshu came out of the Shuang-xiu Mansion. As the saying goes, people feel refreshed on happy occasions, and they seem to have to walk a lot lighter.

Reminiscing about the amorous feelings in the boudoir, Gu Zixian's endless gentleness, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raise a faint smile of satisfaction.

Suddenly, his expression condensed, but he did not stop. Instead, he deliberately walked into a small alley nearby and walked to a shadowy place. A sharp long knife appeared out of thin air and struck his neck.

Song Qingshu stretched out his hand, and the **** snapped off the opponent's long knife in an instant. The masked man in the dark looked in shock, and hurriedly dropped a smoke bomb, and disappeared instantly.

"Ninja?" Song Qingshu sneered, "Can you run!"

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