Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2161: Yan Fan

"Ah~" Fu Junxu exclaimed, a button has been cut off his ribs, and the blood soon stained his clothes red.

Seeing that his sister was in danger, Fu Junyu couldn't take much care of it anymore. She drew her sword and greeted him. The sisters had the same source of martial arts, and they worked together without any blockage, and finally stabilized the situation. Sasaki Kojiro was tricky and fierce in swordsmanship, but the sisters Still able to guard the door, let him do nothing.

"Miyamoto, hurry up and help." Yushiba Hidekatsu frowned. Jubei Yanagyu was seriously injured and did not dare to send him on the court again. If he accidentally folded it, it would be over. As for other ninjas, martial arts The gap is too big, and going up will only add chaos.

Hearing his words, Miyamoto Musashi didn't move: "This is against the spirit of Bushido, let alone dealing with two women, I don't want to come to Kojiro to help me."

He wanted to take this opportunity to see what the famous Yan Fan is all about. There is a saying in Dongying that no one has ever seen Kojiro's Yan Fan, and everyone who has seen it is dead.

Sasaki Kojiro naturally understood Miyamoto Musashi's thoughts. The two had always been in a competitive relationship. Sooner or later, there would be a life and death battle, and they would be afraid of each other's martial arts, so he was unwilling to expose his unique skills to each other.

However, facing the two women who could not attack for a long time, he also felt a little faceless, so his moves became faster and faster, and his moves became more and more fierce.

The Fu sisters were just able to cope with it. Thinking that there are so many Dongying masters around, the two women will inevitably panic. The most important thing about Yi Jianshu is the state of mind. When the heart is confused, the sword skills will be greatly reduced. The situation of the two women was immediately precarious, and it didn't take long for the two women to suffer a lot of sword injuries.

"Jun Yu, I'll hold these people in a while, you take the opportunity to go!" Fu Junxu knew that to continue to drag, both of them would be folded here, thinking of Dongying people's lewdness and cruelty, she couldn't help but pale.

"No, I will cover you away!" Fu Junyu bit her lip tightly. She didn't say anything stupid about two people walking together. In today's situation, one person is sacrificed, and there is still a glimmer of life to cover the other. Both can only go. No one can leave.

"Your martial arts are not enough to hold these people, and no one will be able to leave at that time, not to mention you are still young, I live a few years longer than you, and I live enough, go quickly, don't waste time." Fu Junxi was already in his heart. Start planning and wait for a while to use the same style of death to see if you can give it to the girl

My sister creates opportunities.

"Want to go? None of you can go today!" A gleam of excitement flashed in Yuchai Xiusheng's eyes seeing the unusually flexible posture of the sisters dancing swords.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside, and Yu Chai Xiusheng frowned: "What's going on outside?"

Soon a ninja came in and said something, and Fu Junxin vaguely heard something like a fire outside.

"Baga! How can the good ones catch on fire?" Yu Chai Xiusheng was furious, and now there are no accidents in the hotels in so many countries in the city. If their sites are burned out, they will be very shameless by the time.

After cursing, he said to Miyamoto Musashi who was watching the play: "You go and see if there is anything."

He wouldn't help if he stayed here. Instead, Sasaki Kojiro was tied up, so he might as well send him away.

Reluctant, Miyamoto Musashi saluted at will and followed Shinobu to check the fire, and Jubei Yanagi was also helped out to heal the wound.

Seeing that both of them were gone, Sasaki Kojiro's eyes condensed, no more scruples, and an instant stunt shot.

"Yan Fan!"

Fu Junxu and Fu Junyu instantly pale, because they discovered that three Sasaki Kojiro at the same time swung their swords at them from the front, back, and side at this moment.

Generally speaking, as long as the speed is fast enough, a similar afterimage can be formed, but the afterimage is after all, and it often only plays the role of confusing the line of sight, and has no real lethality.

But the Yan return in front of him is different. The three Sasaki Kojiro are absolutely genuine. Each of them carries a fierce sword aura, which brings people a kind of terrible pressure. No matter who is struck by them, there is absolutely no life.

"Keep people under the sword!" Yushiba Xiusheng hurriedly stopped, what a joke, if two such beautiful flower girls were cut in half by Sasaki Kojiro's sword, it would be too violent.

Sasaki Kojiro frowned, but after all, there was no killer.

The Fu sisters exclaimed one after another. Both of them were hit by the back of the sword. Although they were not killed, this heavy blow also caused their internal breath to be overwhelmed, and they couldn't afford to fight.

Seeing that they had no resistance, Yu Chai Xiusheng smiled and walked over: "Although the two girls are a bit fierce, but they look pretty good, take one back to Dongying.

Dedicated to the foster father, one for my own use, hehehe..."

Hearing what he said, the eyes of the two sisters were splitting, and they wanted to end their lives with a knife, but now the qi is chaotic, how can it be done.

Seeing the look of the two men unable to resist, Yuchai Xiusheng only felt that there was a fire in her lower abdomen. She couldn't help but reach out to touch the faces of the two women. Seeing that the white and delicate blows can break, it must be very comfortable to touch. .

Seeing that he was about to hit the opponent's face, suddenly the wall on the side was knocked away with a bang, and a firewood car smashed in quickly.

Hidekatsu Hashiba exclaimed and hurriedly backed away. Sasaki Kojiro drew a knife to split all the scattered stones. Just as he was about to rush over, the burning firewood wagon was overturned suddenly, and countless fireballs were flying all over the sky.

As the so-called ruthless water and fire, Rao was based on Sasaki Kojiro's martial arts, and he had to avoid his sharp edge, constantly using a knife to pick up the fireball in front of him, and at the same time to protect the safety of Hashiba Hidekatsu.

When the dust settled, it was found that the two women had disappeared in the room.

The cooked duck flew away, thinking about letting those two charming beauties escape, Yuchai Xiusheng's heart was dripping blood: "Hurry up!"

Sasaki Kojiro nodded, and asked the other samurai to protect the young master's safety. He turned into a purple shadow and chased it out from the hole. It was just a mess outside, where are their figures?

At this time, in a remote firewood room in the Dongying Hotel, Song Qingshu looked at the two pale-faced sisters and shook his head constantly: "I asked you not to take me when you came in, right?"

Fu Junson said weakly: "Thank you." When she said this, she caused the wound on her body, and the pain caused her to sweat immediately.

Fu Junyu looked around and said with some worry: "Why are you still staying in Dongying's site? Why don't you run out quickly?"

Song Qingshu explained: "The most dangerous place is the safest place. I took you two to run outside and couldn't run fast. I will definitely be caught up by the Dongying master soon, so I might as well hide here."

In fact, it is not difficult to take the two women away. The main reason is that he still does not want to reveal his identity. In addition, he also needs to retain Dongying's strength. Although the Dongying people have great ambitions, they can be used by him to deal with Mongolia. This is already faint in his mind. Have a plan.

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