Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2167: Lose both

"Xiao Feng?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile at the thought of that arrogant and dry man, waiting to find a chance to exchange Azi Azhu back as soon as possible. Now I think that the original behavior is still a bit too ridiculous. It's just that Ah Zhu knows the secret of his disguise, which is really difficult.

"Hahaha, don't have to call me, I'm already out." With a hearty laugh, a burly man walked out of the inner hall, his eyes full of power, with an oppressive aura, not Xiao Feng or Who.

"Brother Xiao!" Song Qingshu walked over and looked at him, "It's been a long time since I've seen his skill getting better."

Xiao Feng couldn't help but shook his head: "Compared with you, it's still far behind. The more I practice my skills, the more exposed, but you are getting more and more reserved. If people who don't know think you don't know martial arts at all, this is a gap. It's getting bigger and bigger."

"You two will talk about martial arts as soon as you meet." Yelu Nanxian couldn't help but give them a blank look.

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "That's right, this time I brought Nanxian girl back to visit relatives in her ‘natal house’. You can talk more about your hometown."

Yelvqi ran to bring a lot of things: "Nanxian, this is a gift from those in the family who asked me to bring you." Although her biological parents are no longer there, there are still some relatives in such a big family. The family can only be saved by sacrificing herself to marry, so everyone is grateful to her.

Seeing this, Yelv Nanxian choked in an instant, and Yelvqi told her about recent events and news in Liao.

Song Qingshu didn't bother, but asked Xiao Feng, "Hey, why didn't you see Ah...Azhu?"

Xiao Feng frowned, "I'm here alone this time."

Perceiving his slight expression, Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and he hurriedly tapped on the side, "When are you going to invite me to a wedding drink?"

"It's estimated that it will take a while," Xiao Feng hesitated, and finally he sighed. "Brother Song is not an outsider, and there is nothing to hide. The main reason is that I always feel that Azhu is not right. Sometimes Inadvertently, her personality is a bit like her sister Azi. I don't know if something happened that caused her to change her character."

"It's not very happy to stay with her, so I used the excuse to help Yelvqi to recruit, come out and breathe it out, and give the two people some space to calm down temporarily."

Song Qingshu laughed and said: "Girls need more coaxing." But he was secretly wary. Xiao Feng was a man who was thick and thin. He was once the leader of a gang, and later became the king of the Southern Academy of Liao. His skills and abilities are among the people. Long, he just didn't think about that before, so he didn't realize it. Now that he has doubts, Zi must not be able to hide it for long.

It seems that Azi Azhu must be exchanged back immediately. As for Azhu knows his secret, think about other means to control her, and the dust will settle in a few years, and she is not afraid that she will shake everything out.

Regarding the feasibility of releasing Azhu, he also thought about it carefully. Azhu’s personality is actually very reserved and deep. She will hide everything in her belly and let herself bear all the pain, otherwise she will not be in the original book. He didn't tell Xiao Feng anything, but he ran to die by himself. So on the whole, the exchange of Azhu will probably not leak the secrets.

Of course, the most reliable way is to kill her, but Song Qingshu is not the kind of cold-hearted person after all, and can't do the kind of frantic things.

"What is Brother Song thinking?" Seeing him in a trance, Xiao Feng called out several times.

"No...nothing," Song Qingshu hurriedly changed the subject, "I'm just curious about Brother Xiao's opponents this time, I think they are desperate if they get you inside."

Xiao Feng smiled bitterly: "You also know that it is impossible for me to marry the princess. The purpose of participating in this is to clean up. By the way, I will help Yelvqi. I will find time to quit by myself."

Song Qingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it. That's okay, otherwise, with Xiao Feng's combat power, it would be impossible to defeat him without revealing his true strength.

"Come on, let's not talk about these annoying things, I finally see it, come here, and drink dozens of large bowls!" Xiao Feng pulled him into the house and moved a few large jars of wine out.

Song Qingshu was also aroused in his heart: "Well, whoever drinks first is a dog!" He who has been baptized with various high liquors from later generations, how can he hold back the low liquor of this world?

Xiao Feng's face turned dark: "Don't use True Qi to dissolve, otherwise I can't drink you."

"Don't worry, you don't need to be really angry." Song Qingshu promised, patting his chest.

Xiao Feng was overjoyed: "Well, we will fight for 300 rounds!"

A few hours later, when Yelu Nanxian brought Song Qingshu out of the Liao State House, it was already dark. While helping him to get into the carriage, he complained: "I knew you would drink like this. You shouldn't bring it today. You come here."

Song Qingshu pointed his finger to the sky, and his brows danced: "I, give Xiao Feng a drink and get on the ground!"

"Aren't you being drunk yourself?" Yelu Nanxian had a headache. "You will have to compete tomorrow. If you drink it like this, it will be a problem whether you wake up or not."

"It's okay, I'm not drunk, and it's okay to drink another three hundred bowls." Song Qingshu slapped his chest, but after hammering twice, he felt a little overwhelmed. He hurriedly stretched out the window and started to vomit, causing all the guards accompanying him. Look sideways.

Yelu Nanxian blushed for a while, thinking that fortunately, he was accompanied by his own confidant guards today, otherwise he would be shameless if he told him that he was a princess.

Gently patted his back, and wiped his cheeks with the towel and basin prepared by the Liao Guo Hotel: "Drink your mouth and rinse your mouth."

"Water? I don't want to drink, I want to drink." Song Qingshu directly refused.

Yelu Nanxian had a dark face, so he had to coax him and said, "This is wine, Xixia's unique teriyaki."

"Oh? You have to taste it." Song Qingshu suddenly became interested and took it and poured it directly into a big bowl.

"Ah, what kind of wine? A bird came out." Song Qingshu directly vomited out from the window, "This can be your famous wine in Xixia? It seems that the people of Xixia are living in dire straits."

"Yes, yes, I will take you to drink better wine another day." Yelu Nanxian laughed dumbly. He looks like a tall man on weekdays, but now he is drunk like a child, but it makes her feel more real and cute.

Song Qingshu rolled over, just when she met her radiant eyes, only feeling particularly charming, he hugged her and pressed her under her body to kiss wildly.

"Ah~" Yelu Nanxian subconsciously exclaimed unexpectedly of his sudden attack.

"Princess, what's the matter?" Some guards heard the movement and hurriedly knocked on the door to ask.

"No... it's okay." Yelu Nanxian dodged in a panic, while responding.

The guards were not fools, they were used to seeing similar things in the royal family, so they watched their noses and noses.

In the carriage, Yelu Nanxian was begging softly: "Song Lang, there are people outside here, and they are on the street again..."

It's a pity that the other party was drunk and looked like an instinctive beast. No matter where he could hear it, Yelu Nanxian had no choice but to bite his lips bitterly to avoid making any shameful noises.

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