Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2175: Exchange homicide

Wang Baobao frowned slightly, but still said, "Fang Yeyu and Yingfei want to deal with me. It's too overwhelming."

Shan Yuru pursed his lips and smiled: "With the prince's martial arts, of course, you are not afraid of Fang Yeyu and Yingfei, but Xu Liewu can consume you in advance through them, and at the same time, he can first detect the prince's martial arts situation, and the prince is here. But you don't know anything about him, so it will be very unfavorable to fight at that time? Lord, you are a famous general on the battlefield. I don't need to say more about the importance of knowing yourself and the enemy, right?

"It's a bit interesting for you to say that," Wang Baobao curiously asked, "Then how are you going to help me?"

Shan Yuru put out a sign to indicate: "I also participated in this martial arts contest. Although my martial arts is not very high, but it is still fair, so I can help the prince in advance like Fang Yeyu and Yingfei. Some opponents may even help you directly eliminate Xu Liewu."

Wang Baobao shook his head: "With Xu Liewu's martial arts, you can't eliminate him."

Shan Yuru smiled: "It's not that there is no chance, you can always give it a try."

"Why are you helping me?" Wang Baobao took a deep look at her, waved his hand, and motioned to the others to leave, leaving only a few people including Xuan Ming and Elder.

After waiting for people to leave, Wang Baobao asked, "Did Brother Ali sent you here?"

"Talking to smart people is saving effort," Shan Yuru replied. "The king of Henan should be aware that our prince and Kublai Khan have been fighting for the right to inherit the Great Khan. Xu Liewu controls the power of the Western countries. The position of Khan has a lot of influence, but he happened to be a relative of Kublai Khan, our prince naturally also needs to find a helper."

Song Qingshu, who was hiding in the tree, heard it secretly. He didn't expect that the internal disputes in Mongolia had become fierce to this level. However, he couldn't help being a little happy when he learned of this. The more intense the internal fighting in Mongolia, the more advantageous it would be to him. The only thing to worry about Will Zhao Min be affected?

Wang Baobao was silent for a while before he said: "You should be aware of the current situation of our Ruyang Palace. Cooperating with us now is probably not wise."

"This is what the prince of our family meant. As for what he thinks, we as subordinates don't dare to speculate. But as a concubine, there are many soldiers under the Royal Palace of Ruyang, and your father and daughter can Wen Nengwu is a good ally no matter how you look at it." Shan Yuru's lips rose slightly.

, Obviously there is no smile, but there is a natural smile, which is very sweet and makes people feel like a spring breeze.

"In that case, thank you prince for me." Wang Baobao breathed a sigh of relief. Now that Ruyang Palace has internal and external troubles, it is considered that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages with the support of Brother Ali.

"That's right," Shan Yuru was about to leave, suddenly remembering something, turning around and saying, "I'm here with a message from the prince. The Dongying people just found Xu Liewu not long ago."

Wang Baobao was taken aback: "What does it have to do with us?"

"Of course it's related," Shan Yuru explained. "It was revealed that the Dongying people had killed the Korean envoys before. They decided to do nothing and kill the rest of the Korean mission; but this is the site of Xixia after all. , They were a little scrupulous, so they found Xu Liewu and asked them to take action."

Song Qingshu on the tree was startled, how could the Dongying people be so cruel? It seems that the Fu's sisters broke into them before, making them a little suspicious, worried that they would incite the power of other countries to deal with them, so they are better off first, but I don't know if Xu Liewu has agreed to it?

In addition, why is Shan Yuru so clear about the information over there? Could it be that Xu Liewu also has an undercover from their destiny?

"Will Xu Liewu help them?" Wang Baobao obviously didn't believe Xu Liewu could talk so well.

Shan Yuru replied: "Hulalieu agreed. There are two reasons. First, it will make Goryeo and Mongolia become hostile, and Hulalieu’s site is a thousand miles away from Goryeo. He doesn’t care at all. , But the Ruyang Palace is close to Goryeo, and Goryeo will retaliate against you first; in addition, Xu Liewu will help them kill the Koreans, and the Dongying people will help Xu Liewu solve the prince you."

Wang Baobao was immediately furious: "Everyone really treats me as a soft persimmon. Even the mere Dongying people want to deal with me?"

Shan Yuru said sternly: "The prince should not be careless. One of the two swordsmen from the East is named Miyamoto Musashi and the other is called Sasaki Kojiro. They are very strong in martial arts. They are worried that they may not be opponents when they are facing each other. To the effect, it may capsize in the gutter."

At this time Song Qingshu had no time to listen to their conversation, but rushed to the Koryo Hall in a hurry. It wasn't that Dongying people had never been guarded before, but the Koryo Hall was heavily guarded, and Xixia soldiers patrolled nearby. Dongying people don’t have that ability to do, who knows they would even look for Xu

Liewu helped.

He rushed all the way to the Goryeo Hotel, and he saw that it was plunged into a sea of ​​fire from a distance. He went in and found that all the people in the Goryeo mission were lying in a pool of blood. The only thing that was fortunate was that he did not see the Fu sister In addition, it seems that the corpse of Prince Goryeo has not been seen.

Vaguely heard that many people were coming here in the distance, Song Qingshu quietly left the hall, and then boarded a tall building to have a panoramic view of the entire Xingqing Mansion, looking for the possible whereabouts of the Fu sisters.

At this time, a few streets away, a group of mysterious people in black cloaks were carrying Fu sisters, Prince Goryeo and others, and there happened to be a quiet restaurant nearby. The three people upstairs were drinking.

"I haven't seen him for a long time, my eldest brother has become more and more unfathomable." A handsome man in a green shirt smiled while holding a wine bowl, looking at the burly man in front of him.

The big man laughed and said, "Speaking of which, my second brother is not afraid to laugh. I was drunk by myself the other day."

The young man in Qingshan was shocked: "Who has such a large amount? There is actually something better to drink than Big Brother in the world?"

Another young man on the side laughed and said, "But that one is not much better, it should be considered a tie."

The three of them were Duan Yu, Xiao Feng, and Yelvqi. Duan Yu and Xiaofeng reunited for a long time. Naturally, they began to drink together. Yelvqi and Xiao Feng had come all the way, so they came to drink together.

Duan Yu was anxious: "Who is that person? Huh..." His eyes had already noticed the group of people in black passing by downstairs, and noticed that they were still **** with two beautiful girls, and his feelings of pity and pity for Yuyu suddenly began. Jumped straight downstairs and stopped in front of the man in black:

"Who are you guys who dare to rob people's girls?"

The headed man in black shrank in his cloak, unable to see his face clearly, and when he saw him blocking the way, he shouted: "Get out of the way!" His tone was extremely strange, obviously not from the Central Plains.

As soon as the voice fell, he had already appeared in front of Duan Yu, pressing a palm on his chest. Although Duan Yu had a magical skill, he didn't have the foundation of martial arts, and the reaction to the enemy was too bad. He didn't expect that the opponent would take the shot, and his body skills were so strange that he came to him in an instant.

"Second brother, be careful!" A figure fell from the sky at the critical moment, pushed him away, and then confronted the mysterious man in black.

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