Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2183: Anti-General

Song Qingshu in the distance heard the conversation between the two clearly, and couldn't help but want to laugh, but then again, although Li Qiushui was old, he did look like a young woman on the outside, which was quite deceptive.

I don't know if Li Qiushui heard their conversation, but I shouldn't have heard it. Otherwise, with her temperament, I'm afraid I won't be able to tear this Lord Rao Shizi?

At this time, Li Qiushui and Shuiyue Dazong were fighting, and Shuiyue Dazong is worthy of being the third master in the entire East. The self-made wateryue knife technique has already touched the traces of the Tao. A cold light is like a breeze blowing on the hills, like a bright moon. Dajiang, everything is so natural and flowing, but the will of the **** of death is hidden in the sword technique.

Li Qiushui's whole person is like an elf under the moon, using Lingbo's microsteps to the extreme, turning the whole person into countless white afterimages, while avoiding the murderous intent of the opponent's sword technique, while waiting for the opportunity to counterattack with the white rainbow palm.

Dazong Shuiyue had just witnessed Shan Attendant's death under the palm of his own eyes. Naturally, he had twelve points of mental defense. The two men became more brave as they fought, and neither dared to be distracted.

Fang Yeyu frowned slightly in the distance: "Master, did you say that Dazong Shuiyue could beat that woman?"

"It's hard to say," Xu Liewu looked solemn, "Shuiyue Dazhong martial arts is extremely high, even in our Mongolia, it is one of the top masters, but this woman's light work is so amazing, it can be said that she is invincible first. Land, time, and time, I am afraid it will be detrimental to the Shuiyue Sect. Of course, the competition between masters is often a matter of moments, and no one can tell the result until the end."

Fang Yeyu whispered in his ear: "My lord, Yingfei and the others are about to finish their mission and come back. I don't see it... Send them away as soon as possible, so as not to have many nights and dreams."

Ying Fei is a young master with his equal fame, and at the same time his most respected good friend, no matter how smart or martial arts are not inferior to him, even the magician Pang Ban is very valued.

This time, he was sent to assist Xu Liewu. He also participated in the martial arts contest before. He led another mission to go out tonight.

"That's right," Xu Liewu nodded, took a step forward, and said loudly, "The two of you, stop for the time being, all this is just a misunderstanding today. You think we slaughtered the Goryeo mission and hid the Goryeo prince. We have a clear conscience and let you search."

When he said, he motioned to his subordinates to leave a way

, Looks like you can check.

Fu Junyu couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "It was the same thing just now. They didn't take it seriously. As a result, seeing that a super expert came from Xixia, he was immediately asked to investigate. They were all bullying and hard-working bastards."

Fu Jun shook his sister's hand with a sad expression. Today's Goryeo is indeed the weakest and most deceptive.

Song Qingshu frowned at this moment. Since Xu Liewu was so confident that he would let people go in for investigation, the Crown Prince of Goryeo was probably not inside.

Yelu Nanxian glanced at him without leaving any traces. Obviously she wanted to go together, but now that they are already riding a tiger, they can only wave their hands and let the subordinate warriors enter the other courtyard for investigation.

Dazong Shuiyue and Li Qiushui naturally stopped, and the two sides returned to their respective camps. Dazong Shuiyue looked at each other with fear. Unexpectedly, a woman on the other side could be so powerful in martial arts.

"What does the prince mean, does the mountain attendant just die in vain?" Feng Nu muttered a little dissatisfied.

Lin Shi hurriedly tugged at her sleeves: "Quiet, dare to question the prince, you don't want to die?"

Feng Nu was a little uneasy. She wanted to ask Shuiyue to comment on it, but she found that the master looked gloomy, and she didn't even look at the dead mountain attendant, nor did she intend to avenge him, which inevitably gave rise to a sense of tragedy in the rabbit's death and fox.

After Li Qiushui returned to Xixia, he took a look at Yelu Nanxian: "You are the new concubine of the prince? Sure enough, the world is stunning, no wonder they will let their father and son turn against you for you."

Yelu Nanxian couldn't help being greatly embarrassed. Li Yuanhao was upset at first and wanted to turn her crown prince into his own concubine, and randomly assigned a maid, Li Daitao, to stiff, which was the source of the subsequent series of turmoil in Xixia.

However, after the current situation stabilized, the court officially restored her status as a princess. This is also considered a qualitative matter. Others will not open their eyes and mention it again. Unexpectedly, Li Qiushui has no such scruples. .

After seeing the magical martial arts that she just laughed at Yanran who killed the servant of the mountain in an instant, coupled with the other party's special status in Yipintang, Yelu Nanxian couldn't help being a little scared, but soon thought that the lover was still here, and immediately restored her composure: I have seen the Toffee."

Li Qiushui nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, not bad. This kind of attitude is indeed graceful and noble. I heard that you and Qing

Good relationship? "

"Sister Qinglu is very good and treats me well." Yelu Nanxian wondered if it was OK, even the men were the same.

Li Qiushui was about to say something, a dumb voice came from beside: "Sister Shenxian~"

Li Qiushui looked back and couldn't help but smile: "It turned out to be Young Master Duan." The two had met at the Zhenlong Chess Game in Leigu Mountain. She had always liked handsome boys again, and she naturally remembered this foolish and silly son.

"It's me, it's me," Duan Yu's expression was shocked. "Sister Shenxian still remembers me. Duan Yu is really lucky for Sansheng."

Li Qiushui was trembling with his teasing, and the two soon started chatting, and they didn’t care about talking to Yelu Nanxian.

Song Qingshu in the distance saw a chill, thinking that Li Qiushui's appetite was really good. He was so old and worried about small fresh meat. In addition, Duan Yu was so pleased with her grandmother, she didn't know what Miss Wang was like. Kind of mentality.

At this moment, the people from Kung Fu Yipin Hall had checked the inside of the hall and came out, Yelu Nanxian greeted them expectantly, but everyone shook their heads without leaving a trace. She couldn't help but sighed secretly, as expected.

The Fu sisters suddenly became anxious, and Fu Junyu said, "Will it be hidden in some secret room?"

Song Qingshu shook his head and said, "No, although the martial arts of the people in Yipintang may not be high, but there are many strange people and strange things, and the secret room can't escape them. In addition, this hotel is prepared by Xixia, and it is naturally clear about the situation inside. ."

Fu Jun's son-in-law on the side was a little disappointed: "Where did they catch the prince?"

Hulagu laughed loudly: "Now that our Mongolia’s innocence has been confirmed, this king has long said that what happened to the Korean mission tonight has nothing to do with us. I want me to say that you Xixia lost the crown prince of Goryeo and can’t find it. I’m here, so I want to find us Mongolia to take the blame."

Yelu Nanxian said coldly: "The prince, please be careful, who is behind the scenes tonight, and the facts must be clear to everyone."

"Fact?" Xu Liewu put a smile away, "The fact is that there are no killers and Goryeo princes in our Mongolian restaurant. On the contrary, you Xixia have been aggressive. When we Mongolian hundreds of thousands, Xue Jun is a vegetarian? You don't give me an explanation for this matter today, it's endless!"

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