Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2188: The style of that sword

Xu Liewu and Fang Yeyu stood on the spot in a daze. They thought that the Chi enemy’s sneak attack was successful, but the situation reversed in the next second. Seeing the blood gurgling from Chi enemy’s neck, Fang Yeyu felt that his neck was a little hairy. Liang: "Senior Fu, Mongolia and Goryeo have never had any grudges, is there any misunderstanding in this?"

If he can conquer the opponent with absolute force, he will naturally be too lazy to make sense, but now that the opponent is obviously strong in force, then the reason that should be said has to be said.

"Misunderstanding?" Song Qingshu sneered. "Why didn't you say it was a misunderstanding when you slaughtered my Korean delegation?"

Fang Yeyu smiled and said: "Senior Fu must not listen to the slander of the villain. Xixia Yipintang came to us to search for people before. It has proved our innocence. Someone deliberately planted and blamed us."

Song Qingshu was too lazy to play tricks with him: "You just want to lie to the old man without knowing what you said? Killing you Mongol Tartars one by one will be regarded as avenging the Goryeo soldiers who died tonight. ."

"What a big tone, does Fu Cailin do you really think you are invincible in the world?" A gloomy voice sounded, Shuiyue Dazong had already walked out with Feng Linhuo's three servants, and his fight with Li Qiushui just now made him a lot of gains. After going back, he closed the door and resumed the battle, so even though he heard the movement outside, he never came out. He didn't come out leisurely until the complete replay was over.

After digesting the first battle, Shuiyue Dazong felt that he had made great progress in martial arts, and there seemed to be signs of a breakthrough in the realm that he had been stagnating. At this time, his confidence reached Consummation, and he thought that even if he was a master of God, The magician Pangban also had the confidence to fight.

"Shuiyue Dazong?" Song Qingshu frowned. The other party was from Dongying, and Dongying and Goryeo had always been close to each other. The two of them had never met before. Wouldn't you want to expose yourself?

"I thought you were the first self-proclaimed frog at the bottom of the well in Goryeo. I didn't expect to know my name. It seems that you are not so self-proclaimed." Shuiyue Dazong's face showed a trace of complacency. You must know that Fu Cailin is with you. The two great sword sages of Dongying, Nobuzuna Ueizumi and Buden Tsukahara, who are equally famous, are objectively more famous than him. After all, he is only the third master of Dongying, and the opponent is the first person in Korea.

Of course, through these years of combat experience, Shuiyue Dazong sneered at the fighting power of the Koreans. It was not that great to come to Fu Cailin to rule the roost in Korea. He didn't think he was weaker than the opponent.

He has always been very dissatisfied with his subjugation to Nobuzuna Kamizumi and Buden Tsukahara. Unfortunately, he challenged them several times.

No one should fight. Later, when he came to the Central Plains, he had no chance to fight against each other. If he could defeat Fu Cailin, who was as famous as the two, then Dongying would recognize that there were three sword masters instead of two.

"Are you confident?" Song Qingshu breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the other party had not seen Fu Cailin. At the same time, he felt the vigorous fighting spirit on the other party. For a while, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Did you help him brush his record?

"The sword in my opponent is very confident." Shuiyue Dazong said that the sword was out of its sheath, as if a crescent moon in the water, quiet and full of murderous intent.

Xu Liewu and Fang Yeyu on the side breathed a sigh of relief. Fu Cailin was not afraid of the presence of Shuiyue. Maybe there is still a chance to give full play to the advantage of the number and leave this Goryeo's first swordsman.

Shuiyue made a low cry, and had already taken the lead to rush towards the opponent with a knife, stepped out, everyone in the yard was shocked, as if his foot weighed more than ten thousand kilograms.

Seeing him stepping out of the second step, all defending together, one by one, he was worried that he would be injured by his internal strength again. Who knew that this second step was as light as a feather and effortless. Many Mongolian warriors were so uncomfortable that they wanted to vomit blood. There was such a big reaction when it spread, and that Fu Cailin would be even more uncomfortable facing the front.

But what is surprising is that Fu Cailin still held that ugly look, and his expression did not change at all, as if he were a judge of hell.

Shuiyue Dazong took the third step, and even Xu Liewu and Fang Yeyu also began to guess whether he was heavy or light. But to their surprise, the third step never really touched the ground. The person turned into an afterimage like Feng Xuyufeng and rushed directly in front of Fu Cailin.

Seeing that the other party hadn't moved, Shuiyue sneered secretly. After these three steps, his sword technique had reached its peak, and his power was enough to destroy any obstructed objects on the road.

This Fu Cailin originally had some abilities, but unfortunately, this time it was still a big deal. This kind of series duel, once he was given a big deal, all that awaited him was death.

Xu Liewu looked excited: "This Shuiyue Dazong is worthy of being a super expert who even values ​​profusely. The knife in his hand is half-empty and half-real at this time, and it can be said that it has reached the extreme of knife skills." He is originally from negative martial arts. , But in the face of this knife, he asked himself that he could not hide.

Fang Yeyu's eyes were also bright: "Shuiyue Dazong seems to have made a breakthrough after just fighting Li Qiushui, and Fu Cailin has asked him to fully use the power of the sword. Although the sword art can predict the enemy's first chance, After all, it has its limits." He always feels that the principle of Yi Jianshu is a false proposition.

, Facing the martial arts weaker than himself, facing a master of the same level, can he still be able to get ahead of the enemy?

He imagined that if his Master Demon Master Pang Ban made the move, it would be impossible for Fu Cailin to predict the opponent's moves in advance.

At this moment, Fu Cailin, who was certain to lose in their eyes, finally moved, and the sword in his hand seemed to pierce into the void.

Dazong Shuiyue frowned. He couldn't see through the opponent's sword. No matter which angle he thought of, this sword was destined to only pierce the hollow. Could it still hurt himself?

But thinking of the name of the other party, Shuiyue Dazong became a little uncertain, instinctively withdrew three points of strength, then blinked, and suddenly found that the sword tip with a few drops of blood appeared in his throat. Before the distance, his skin could feel the coolness on the tip of the sword.

"How is it possible?" This is not only the doubts of Shuiyue Dazong at this time, but also the mood of Xu Liewu and Fang Yeyu at this time. It is clear that Shuiyue Dazong has the upper hand and can split each other in half with a single knife. In a flash, he hit the other's sword by himself, exactly the same as the Mongolian warriors just now.

Thinking of this, the two looked at each other and suddenly felt an inexplicable chill.

After all, Shuiyue Dazong is a master in the world. In the critical moment, his footsteps changed, and he avoided the vital points of his throat dangerously and dangerously. Now he can only be fortunate that he has just left a three-pointed eye, otherwise he might have already drunk hatred on the spot.

However, although he avoided the critical point, his shoulder was still hit by the sword. At that moment, Shuiyue Dazong was horrified, and he couldn't even hold the long knife in his hand.

Performing the secret technique flew back, but the tip of the sword was like a tarsal maggot, following him like a shadow.

At this time, the three major sword servants of Feng Huo Lin saw that the situation was wrong, and they all pulled out their weapons and rushed to cover him.

But Shuiyue Dazong was not at all happy, because with his cultivation level, the three of them couldn't stop this sword at all. Without any hesitation, there was a trace of ruthlessness between his brows and his feet directly. Kicked the heart of Huo Shi and Lin Shi, let them use their bodies to block the path of each other's sword.

At the same time, he grabbed Feng Nu with his uninjured left hand and smashed it directly on the other's chest. The several apprentices that Fu Cailin had collected were all beautiful girls, who wanted to be a womanizer, so with Feng Nu's appearance, he wanted to make the other party more attractive. He hesitated for a moment, and this moment was enough for him to escape.

The reason why his Water Moon Sword Technique is so unpredictable is largely due to his light work, as long as he seizes the opportunity, he is confident that no one will catch him.

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