Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2197: Reactions from all sides

Where Wang Baobao was located, he was shocked when he heard the news, and repeatedly confirmed Xu Liewu’s death and injury. After learning that even Xu Liewu’s leg had been interrupted, he couldn’t help but laugh three times. Came to a jar of wine and had a good time.

However, after being happy, he also developed a deep jealousy. After all, that person could destroy Xu Liewu and also kill him. Although he was self-reliant, he had enough self-knowledge. Although he was not afraid of the people of Xu Liewu, he did not. The law surpassed them, and the two sides were no match for them.

So he immediately sent his subordinates to investigate the whereabouts of Fu Cailin, so as not to be suddenly attacked by him; of course, there is another purpose to win over this great master. Although Ruyang Prince's subordinates have many masters, they are truly called the great master. But not, so I have always been very worried about Temujin, Dishi Basiba, and Magician Pang Ban. If they can successfully win over Fu Cailin, then Ruyang Palace will have more and more confidence in the bargaining chip in the future.

In the Tubo residence, Prince Zongzan also laughed: "I was worried that Xu Liewu would become the prince’s biggest enemy in recruiting. I didn’t expect to be interrupted by someone now. God helped me, hahaha, Hahaha~"

The beautiful Jincheng Princess Dai's eyebrows frowned: "Zongzan must not be careless, you must know that there are many heroes in the world, even without Xu Liewu, there are others."

"Yes, the poor monks at the conference also looked at it roughly before, and there are still many masters that should not be underestimated." said Ku Mazhi on the side, such as the Great King Xiaofeng of the South of Liao State, the Xuzhu from Shaolin Temple, and even the beggar's Zhuang Juxian. His martial arts are far from what his prince can match, but he knows that Zong Zan is always arrogant, and it is useless to tell him, on the contrary, it is easy to irritate the other party, so he is not blunt.

Anyway, this martial arts recruiting was only one aspect, and there was a literary examination later. Compared with recruiting relatives, he put more thoughts on the Fu Cailin last night.

I have seen Mongolian masters before. Although self-confidence is not weaker than anyone else, Kumazhi also knows that he can't deal with so many Mongolian masters alone. Is it that the Gaoli Yijian master is far better than himself?

Kumazhi has always been addicted to martial arts, and he feels very upset when he thinks that martial arts are not as good as others.

"What the Queen Mother and King Ming taught is that Queen Queen must be careful." Seeing both of them said this, Zong Zan couldn't refute, so he had to say something wrong.

I lowered my head just to see the slightly exposed toes under the skirt of Jincheng princess, I thought it was really small and exquisite, if I held it in my hand, I didn't know what kind of pleasure it would be.

Prince Zongzan licked his lips and raised his head to look at the young queen in front of him. She was calm and elegant, beautiful and dignified. His every move was extremely temperamental. His skin was so white and tender that he could pinch out water with a single pinch, completely different from ordinary Tubo. The darkness of the woman gave him a strange attraction.

"It's no wonder that Zampo spoiled him so much these years, but Zampo's body is about to die. When this king inherits the position of Zampo, I must put this woman in the room and spoil her." Zongzan's body was crushed severely on the bed, and Prince Zongzan suddenly felt that he couldn't wait for Zanpu to die.

As if she had noticed something, Princess Jincheng uncomfortably retracted the three-inch golden lotus back to the bottom of her skirt: "I'm a little tired, so I'll go back to my house and rest first."

She is not used to Prince Zongzan’s extremely aggressive eyes, but she has nothing to do. After so many years in Tubo, she also knows their customs more or less, like many nomads, because women and population are a kind of There is a shortage of supplies, so after the death of the father, the son can inherit all the other concubines from the father except the biological mother. After the death of the elder brother, the younger brother can even inherit the sister-in-law.

I just learned that this is against the ethical customs

, The princess of the Southern Song Dynasty, who came from the prevalence of ethics, was very shocked. She felt that she couldn't bear all this at all, but what could she do for a weak woman?

The only thing she can do now is to pray for Zanpo to live for a few more years. Unfortunately, Zanpo is getting old and is close to running out of oil. What effect can her prayers do?

In the early years, Prince Zongzan had some scruples, and his eyes have become more and more unscrupulous in the past two years. Thinking of her tragic fate in the future, Princess Jincheng felt sad, but she was powerless to all of this, so she could only hide in the bed and cry secretly in the dead of night.

At this time, in the other side of the city, the other side of the city, in the hotel, got a report from the subordinates about Prince Zongzan's happy appearance, and sneered repeatedly: "The mud can't support the wall, it's not worth mentioning."

Li Lizun, the national teacher on the side, smiled and said, "Khan, the less this Zongzan becomes a weapon, the more beneficial it will be to us. If he is a wise martial artist, there is no chance for us to counterattack Tubo."

"That's true," Hunsi was overjoyed, "Mongolia suffered this catastrophe last night, which proves that they are not as invincible as imagined. After I became the governor of Tubo, I will integrate the resources of Tubo and Qinghai, enough to compete with Mongolia. ."

Li Lizun said: "Last night there were accidents in Goryeo, Huarazim, and Mongolian residence. Now Xingqing Mansion is in chaos. Just taking this opportunity to fish in troubled waters, the plan for Zongzan and King Jincheng can also be implemented. "

Yan Si also laughed weirdly: "All I have to rely on is the national teacher."

Not everyone was happy with what happened to the Mongolian mission last night. In the Dongying Hotel, Yuchai Xiusheng was panicking at this time, walking around in the room like ants on a hot pot:" Having suffered, even so many masters in Mongolia have been bloodbathed, aren't we even more powerless to resist Fu Cailin?"

He knew that the reason why Mongolia ran to attack the Goryeo mission was because of the deal he ran to make. After all, he was the culprit. What's more, the murderers in Goryeo were the Dongying people at first. How could Fu Cailin let it go? What about him?

"That Fu Cailin may not be invincible. If he comes, I will fight him." Miyamoto Musashi's decadent eyes were filled with strange light at this time.

"Naughty, Shuiyue Dazong is our third master in Dongying, second only to the two great sword masters. Have you ever beaten him? That Fu Cailin easily defeated him!" Yu Chai Xiusheng snorted coldly.

"Shuiyue Daizong Dongying is third? Whoever approves it, I don't recognize it." Miyamoto Musashi asked the young man who looked like a nobleman next to him, "Do you recognize it?"

"He is indeed the third in the hearts of most Eastern people," Sasaki Kojiro caught Miyamoto Musashi's brows in the first half of his sentence, but then he said, "But I haven't beaten me, I don't think he can beat me. "

Miyamoto Musashi clapped his hands: "That's all right. We have two masters who are no less than Shuiyue Dazong. Fu Cailin can't be pleased if he really comes."

Although he is confident but not arrogant, although he does not think that Shuiyue's martial arts is better than himself, he does not think that his martial arts is far better than Shuiyue's. Since Fu Cailin can easily beat the opponent, then martial arts are more likely to be better than him. He is tall, so he did not hesitate to think of joining forces with Sasaki Kojiro.

Sasaki Kojiro nodded. He obviously wanted to go together. Although he had a personal grievance with Miyamoto Musashi, the enemy is still more important to defend against the enemy.

In the residence of the Qing mission, Nalan Rongruozheng warned the girl in front of him: "Wuyunzhu, you should also know that our respective families have lost power in the country, so this time the emperor did not send any masters to us, so that even the whole area of ​​Korea can do it. Oppress us, but so many masters in Korea have been bloodbathed, the most powerful Mongolia

There was also an accident in the mission. Now the city is very chaotic. We try not to go out on weekdays so as not to catch fire. "

"Oh~" The girl murmured absently, but she was full of thoughts about the situation when her elder brother rescued her. After the separation a few days ago, the two had never seen him again, and did not know where to find him?

In the Dali House, Zhu Danchen is also doing the same warning: "My son, the city is in chaos nowadays, you still have to take precautions, and it's better not to go to the streets."

Although Duan Yu's Six Meridian Magic Sword is powerful, his knowledge of martial arts is too poor. In addition, his sword energy is not good at all times, and it is easy to be controlled by a real master.

"Oh." Duan Yu leaned on the table and replied feebly. At this time, his mind was filled with the smile of the fairy sister.

"By the way, I'd better go visit Girl Mu when I have time." Zhu Danchen continued.

"Wan Qing?" Duan Yu was taken aback, "She is now the Queen of Xixia, I am afraid it is not appropriate for me to visit her?"

Zhu Danchen replied: "Don’t say that you were once friends, just say that Ms. Mu has brothers and sisters with the son. It makes sense for the son to visit him. If you want to come to Ms. Mu, you will not refuse. After entering the palace, see if you have a chance to see him. If the Yinchuan princess can win her favor in advance, it would be great. You must ask Girl Tuomu for her help in all this."

Hearing what he said was so utilitarian, Duan Yu immediately became disgusted and was about to refuse. He suddenly thought of something and asked in surprise, "Is that fairy sister also living in the palace?"

Zhu Danchen furrowed his brows and was heartened to persuade him, but when he saw his face full of joy, he couldn't say anything: "As the Princess of Xixia, she naturally lives in the palace."

"That's good, let's go into the palace and see Wan Qing together." Duan Yu seemed to be beaten with blood.

Yelvqi of the Liao Kingdom was asking Xiao Feng about Fu Cailin’s martial arts last night. They fought against a group of masters in the mountains. They knew the strength of the Mongolian masters. They didn’t expect to be so easily given by Fu Cailin. Speaking of them, The two were the most shocked.

"That Shuiyue master martial arts is extremely high. I am afraid it will be difficult for me to beat him in the arena competition. Of course, I should be able to beat him in life and death, but it is definitely not as easy as Fu Cailin. Is there such a terrifying martial arts master among Gaoli? "Xiao Feng was lost in thought.

Yelvqi said, "I've inquired about the old man in the mountains who were not in the Mongolian Pavilion last night."

Xiao Feng breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. Otherwise, that Fu Cailin can bloodbath the hall under the hands of the old man in the mountain, the Shuiyue Dazong and so many masters. I am afraid it is not an exaggeration to call it the number one in the world."

On the other side of the Shaolin Temple resident, Xu Zhu also fell into the same doubt: "Is that Fu Cailin martial arts really so high?" He believed that he would never be able to do all that when he was in a different place. I am afraid that only the unnamed holy monks can have the whole Shaolin This is the skill.

"Xu Zhu, you don't have to worry too much. We have no grievances with Gao Li. No matter how high Fu Cailin's martial arts is, he doesn't care about us. On the contrary, Xu Liewu's legs have been broken. Xuan Ji from the Discipline Academy said.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​Fang Sheng on the side called out the Buddha's name, "The Mongolian embassy was hit hard by this, and the prince was also injured. I am afraid that chaos will arise in the world, and I don't know how many people will be displaced. Moreover, Xu Zhu returned to the vulgar to participate in the invitation. I feel something is wrong."

This time the leading Kongwen said: "Hey, Junior Brother, we are also doing it this time for the people of the world as a last resort. As the saying goes, I don't go to **** and whoever goes to hell, the junior brother is in love."

Fang Sheng nodded: "Brother taught me a lot."

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