Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2200: Shit is out

Song Qingshu did have a headache to deal with him without leaving a trace, but now that he knows his condition, it is naturally much easier.

He doesn't need to do anything, just avoid it, time is on his side.

Du Guming's moves are all killer moves. He used to have the mentality of catching a cat and a mouse, but now he can't afford it, but I don't know why, the opponent who thought that there was no resistance suddenly became like a loach, every time although He was in a hurry, but he could always avoid his attack dangerously.

Du Guming didn't think too much, only that his stomach was uncomfortable and he didn't dare to exert any effort, so the speed was slow.

After attacking twice in a row, he returned to no avail. Du Guming stood still but didn't dare to move. The sharp-eyed people on the sidelines could see that his face was twitching, obviously resisting the feeling in his body.

Feeling the rivers and seas in his stomach, Du Guming knew that he couldn't help it, but if he ran to the latrine now, wouldn't it be cheaper for the stinky boy in front of him?

Try one more trick, one last trick!

Although there was already a faint tendency to be unable to hold back, Du Guming was unwilling to give up like this, and decided to try one last move, knocking down the opponent first.

In order to be foolproof, he directly took the long sword in his hand and displayed the Wushuang City's unique Holy Spirit swordsmanship, sealing all the other side's dodge directions, and using the opponent's martial arts, he would inevitably die under his own trick.

"Baoyu, surrender!" Xue Baochai in the audience suddenly became anxious. She had already seen that Du Guming's sword contained murderous intent and might really kill the opponent.

The woman in the yellow shirt sighed secretly, and secretly clasped a teacup in her hand, intending to rescue him when the situation was wrong, so she couldn't really let him die on the stage.

Who knows that "Jia Baoyu" on the stage seemed to be frightened and stupefied, standing still dumbfounded, unable to move away at all.

Seeing Du Guming's face stabbed with a sullen sword, everyone had a thought: Will there be death in the first game?

However, with the exception of a few relatives and friends around the two sides, most people just watch the excitement and hope that the more **** the stage, the better.

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

"Kill... uh?"

I saw the sudden change on the stage, and Dugu Ming rushed forward fiercely, but halfway through, the wooden planks on the ground did not know whether it was rotten or what, and instantly broke when he stepped on it, and a hole appeared on the ground to make Dugu Ming out of thin air. Just fell a dog to eat shit.

The ring was newly built by Xixia. Naturally, it is impossible to use dead wood. This was when Song Qingshu dodged just now, he deliberately shattered the plank on the sole of his feet with internal force, just to cheat him at the critical moment.

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you!" Du Guming now ignores his image, and wants to kill someone when he gets up.

But as soon as he stood up, he was stunned and felt a hot stream gushing out. He lowered his head incredulously and saw a yellow liquid flowing out of his trousers, accompanied by bursts of stench.

The audience also calmed down. Everyone was a master of martial arts. Naturally, what happened could be seen with sharp eyes.

"Ah!" Duguming screamed. At this moment, he couldn't even bother to chase Song Qingshu, raising his sleeves and covering his face and ran to the latrine under the stage desperately.

"The first game, Jia Baoyu wins!" The officials on the side looked weird. Unexpectedly, the first game of martial arts turned out to be a farce.


There were boos all over the school grounds. Obviously everyone was not satisfied with this competition, but it was quite interesting to witness an incontinence of a noble boy on stage.

Song Qingshu arched his hands to Sifang, and said with a smug look to the people around him: "I'm a good way to split the palm. Just now, I hit a first-class master directly, so please don't do it after praying. Against me."

Xue Baochai, who was just nervous in the audience, sat back in his position with a look of shame, for fear that someone would know that he knew him: "This person is really shameless to a certain level."

The woman in the yellow shirt next to her put the teacup back in her seat, also looking weird: "At least he is lucky."

But other people are not so polite. Many people are already quite shameful of his promotion because he paid for the opponent in the first game. They have long wanted to see the real master teach him, but they did not expect that this time the master turned in the gutter. ferry.

With the skill of your three-legged cat, can you slap your opponent out of **** with one palm? This Nima is really shameless!

The audience suddenly began to scold, and many people even threw their things on the stage. The official of the Yipintang on the stage was hoping that these people would kill the shameless **** in front of him. Unfortunately, where his duty lies, he can’t go. He stopped all the thrown things for the other party without making a move.

"The son, please step down quickly, we are about to start the next game." Resisting the urge to beat him, the official of the Yipintang squeezed a smiling face.

"How can you laugh more ugly than crying?" Song Qingshu vomited, and then stepped down from the stage, like a proud big cock, vividly interpreting the triumphant appearance of a dude.

To fall into the eyes of the uninformed person is naturally itchy. The insider can't help but smile when he sees it. Wan Yan Chongjie couldn't help but smile and said, "Brother Song is really interesting."

Ouyang Feng, who was on the side, couldn't help but feel happy: "This kid is really good at acting, and he is more and more found that he has the talent to be a bad guy."

Wan Yan Chongjie couldn't help but glared at him: "Don't talk nonsense, Brother Song in our family is the best person in the world."

If someone else spoke to the dignified Xidu, Ouyang Feng would have been angry and murderous, but looking at the girl with bright eyes, Ouyang Feng couldn’t get a trace of anger: "Yes, yes, he is the best, and I don’t know that the kid will give it to him. What kind of ecstasy are you used to."

Song Qingshu returned to the mission area at this time, and said to Xue Baochai somewhat proudly: "Sister Bao, I didn't expect that I would be able to advance."

"You're a dead dog... **** luck." Xue Baochai's face was reddened, obviously thinking of the situation on the stage just now.

Song Qingshu chuckled and said, "It's indeed because of the **** that we got lucky."

Xue Baochai and the girl in the yellow shirt frowned, and hid aside with disgust, apparently disgusted by him.

Only Xue Pan approached in the field: "Brother, yes, I don't know if I will have such luck in a while."

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "With Xue brother's martial arts, naturally there is no problem." After some usual praise, he looked at the Lu brothers aside in a weird manner, knowing that they would never let go of ridiculing themselves in this way. What's wrong with your chance today.

The two of them looked heavy, as if they were thinking about some important issue.

At this moment, the second game of Kung Fu has begun, with Jin Guo's Wan Yan Zhongjie playing against a master from the Bagua Sect.

After Wanyan Chongjie took the stage, he slapped the air in front of his nose with disgust: "This place is so smelly, don't you want to change it?"

The referee of Yipintang was about to cry. How to change the ring for a while, he had to smile and said, "We have just cleaned it."

"It always feels like a smell." Wan Yan Chongjie said to his opponent while covering his nose, "Hurry up and get out of here."

The person at the gossip gate saw that her lips were red and teeth were white, and there was still a lot of affection in her heart, but when he saw that he ignored him so much, he was immediately angry: "Little white face, let you taste the power of our gossip knife and gossip palm!"

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