Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2207: If something goes wrong, it is a demon

Next was an unknown disciple against a dart board player. Whether they were a sect or their name, they were Lu Renjia. Song Qingshu didn't even bother to remember their names. The two rookies pecked at each other for a while, and finally the dart board disciple won.

Then it was the turn of Shaolin's lay disciple Xu Zhu to face the blood knife master Bao Niu.

Hearing the identity of the Shaolin disciple, the audience was booed. It is really unbelievable that monks can come to invite relatives these days.

The shaolin monks had hot faces, but they kept suggesting that they were striving for that great goal. It was nothing to be criticized and wronged in a short period of time. As the saying goes, if I don’t go to hell, whoever goes to hell.

Different from other people's attention on Xu Zhu, Song Qingshu looked at his opponent curiously. The blood knife gate was still strong. The blood knife ancestor was killed by Ah Qing last time in the Golden Snake Conference. I thought that the blood knife gate had disappeared in smoke. It seems that the disciples of the blood knife ancestors are all of the treasure generation. For example, the martial arts of Baoxiang and others are not bad. This person is called Bao Niu, and I think it is the highest group of martial arts remaining in the blood knife.

It's a pity that even if the blood knife ancestor came personally, he would not be Xu Zhu's opponent, let alone his disciples and grandchildren. There was no accident in the competition on the court, Bao Niu let out a scream, fell to the ground, and the victory was divided.

Seeing that Xuzhu was so powerful, the school audience booed even louder. If the monk finally married the princess, it would be really depressing.

Song Qingshu thoughtfully, Xu Zhu's martial arts seemed to have improved again. It should have been the true biography of the sweeping monk. I don't know how the sweeping monk is recovering from his injuries now.

The next game was Mu Jiansheng, the young master of the Royal Mu Palace of Yunnan, against the Kunlun faction master Qing Lingzi.

Song Qingshu did not expect that Mu Jiansheng would also appear here. I think it should be because he is getting older, and the other people in the Mu Palace are anxious about his marriage. After all, Mu Palace has a single pass. If he is defeated here, I am really sorry. Ancestors.

"I have to find a chance to get married for him." Song Qingshu secretly thought, after all, the other party is his eldest brother-in-law. It's been a long time since he saw Mu Jianping. They have been in charge of training navy masters on Shenlong Island. It's really hard.

Sometimes Song Qingshu also feels that he is not a thing, provokes others to stay away for a long time, and fails to fulfill the responsibilities of a man. Of course, he has this idea to a large extent because he comes from modern times, and the values ​​he has accepted since childhood made him treat women as equals. In fact, in this era, no one of the other high-ranking people will have his troubles and guilt.

"This Qinglingzi's martial arts seems to have surpassed the Kunlun school leader He Taichong." The woman in the yellow shirt on the side gave a horrified voice. She saw He Taichong and his wife at the Lion Slaughter Conference, and she could naturally judge it.

"I heard that the Kunlun Sect also has the Three Sages of Kunlun, and the martial arts is even more unfathomable. The young girl named A Qing at the last Golden Snake Conference seems to be from Kunlun Mountain. It seems that the Kunlun Sect is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. "Xue Baochai is in the Imperial City Department, and he is very precious to this information.

"Golden Snake Conference..." Upon hearing the information about that man, the woman in the yellow shirt frowned, feeling a little more bored in her heart.

Song Qingshu was evoked in memories, and he didn't know when he would see Ah Qing again.

The martial arts of Prince Mu Mansion is more suitable for fighting on the battlefield. It is obviously not enough for the masters of the famous schools in the rivers and lakes. After fighting for more than a dozen rounds, Mu Jiansheng knew that he was invincible, and jumped out of the battle circle to admit defeat. Being born in Yushu and facing the wind, with such a humble attitude, it has won the favor of many passers-by.

"I heard that his sister is King Qi's confidante. King Qi has such a high-sightedness. The women around him are all beautiful and beautiful. With such a beautiful sister, it's no wonder that the little grandfather was born so handsome." Xue Baochai couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Tao.

The woman in the yellow shirt was immediately annoyed: "Can you just mention that person without moving?"

"Well, well, I won't mention it." Xue Baochai's eyes were bent like crescent moons, and a certain guess in his heart has been confirmed.

The next game was Ke Jun from the Ke family in Lanzhou against a disciple of the Hengshan faction. The Hengshan faction was severely injured by Qiu Qianren, the leader of the Iron Palm gang, and was later forced to death by the Songshan faction, the head of Liu Zhengfeng. Now there is only a master in the door , The momentum can be described as much worse than before.

Everyone thought that this was another rookie pecking, but the kid of the Ke family was extremely surprised when he shot. Seven kinds of hidden weapons were released, killing the opponent in seconds.

The audience in the school field suddenly discussed:

"This hidden weapon is a bit powerful."

"The Lanzhou Ke family was founded with seven hidden weapons, known as the Keshi Qiqingmen. This is their housekeeping skill."

"Which Qiqing?"

"Did you not see it just now, Hidden Arrows, Migratory Locust Stones, Iron Bodhi, Iron Briers, Throwing Knives, Steel Darts, Funeral Nails."


Song Qingshu also secretly nodded. These seven hidden weapons are extremely common, but his family-renowned launching method is unique, with a knife in a stone, a nail in a dart, and several hidden weapons can collide in the air on their own, causing their heads to be skewed. Oblique, it is extremely difficult to avoid. With such a sophisticated technique, many martial arts higher than him will probably lose to him.

In the next game, it was Xiaowu's turn to play. Although the big and small Wu had average qualifications, after all, he learned from Guo Jing and Huang Rong since he was a child, and he naturally surpassed the disciples of the general martial art.

"Why are these brothers so lucky? One opponent was absent and went straight to the promotion, and the other was a weak chicken." Xue Pan was about to play, and seeing others could be promoted so easily, his heart was quite unbalanced.

Song Qingshu patted him on the shoulder, holding sympathetic eyes: "Let's surrender early, or it may be dangerous." Because this silly opponent is the Toei samurai Kojiro Sasaki.

Xue Pan bit his scalp and said, "How can a man, a man, give up easily."

Xue Baochai next to him was a little anxious: "You still listen to Baoyu's words. According to the information we have found, this person has used one trick in Dongying to pick up all the masters. Anyone who has seen him make a move. , None of them survived."

Xue Pan paled: "So cruel?"

The woman in the yellow shirt comforted: "Baochai, you don't have to worry too much. Sasaki's Yanfan will not be easy to shoot, not to mention Xue Pan and his martial arts are too far apart, and will not labor him to produce the killer skills."

Xue Baochai still looked nervous: "I'm just such a elder brother, if something happens to him, how can I explain it to my parents."

Song Qingshu said: "Don't worry, I'm here, and he won't have any trouble." Xue Pan, this hanky person, has treated him well during this period of time, and he is quite loyal, not to mention the relationship with Xue Baochai, which is naturally not. Maybe he really sat and watched his blood splash on the spot.

"You?" Xue Baochai had a weird look, and he didn't know where he was confident.

Song Qingshu reacted and said with a sneer: "I mean I've always had good luck. It's okay if I cover him."

The woman in the yellow shirt rolled her eyes, and then said to Xue Baochai: "Don't worry, if things go wrong then, I will take action."

Xue Baochai breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you Sister Yang!"

Master Lu suddenly walked over to Xue Pan and said, "I wish Brother Xue a long time to win!"

Song Qingshu was a little puzzled. The Lu brothers had never dealt with him, so why did they run to say good things at this time?

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