Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2219: Grandiose

"The two countries of Jin and Song are mortal enemies, this time is mostly wonderful." Obviously the audience in the audience was a bit dissatisfied with the victory without a fight just now.

"Wonderful ass, don't you look at who is on stage this time?"

"Fuck, is the shameless one?"

"Damn, it's such a bullshit. The first round relied on money to buy the opponent, and the second round the opponent had diarrhea. Let's see what he can produce in this round."

"Jin Song has such a feud, this time his opponent is King Jin, and it is impossible to be bought by him. I want to see if the surname Jia is beaten out of **** this time!"


Hearing the faint dialogue in the air, Song Qingshu was speechless for a while. It seemed that he was guilty of speculation in the first two rounds of competition.

"Didn't you have a good relationship with the little prince of Jin Guo? This time I have the ability to let him let you." Qiu Tongfu and the Lu brothers said jokingly. In their opinion, no matter how good the relationship is, it involves the important matter of recruiting relatives. , And it's about national honor, so the other party naturally has no reason to keep it.

Xue Baochai frowned and reminded him: "Be careful yourself." In her opinion, the relationship between the two of them is extraordinary. Jia Baoyu will not be in any danger this time. As for the result of the match, she doesn't care much, anyway. The promotion to this round of face is already passable, and there is no need to force the rest.

Song Qingshu nodded. On the way to the stage, Wanyan Chongjie ran into him. He only heard the other pouting and saying: "You haven't come to find anyone in the past two days. I won't let you today."

Song Qingshu was stunned, and then realized that the indifference of these two days had made her play a little bit, and she had a headache for a while, but under the eyes of everyone, it was hard to say anything. I can’t help but worry for a while. Wanyan’s renewal of martial arts is not weak at all. In addition, I have been taught by Ouyang Feng over the years, I can be regarded as a master in the arena, and I can fight without revealing my strength. It's a bit troublesome.

I was planning to talk to her through the secret transmission, Wanyan Chongjie had already taken the lead: "Look at the move!"

Everyone saw a flash of white shadow, she had already appeared before Song Qing wrote.

"This is the superb light work of the White Camel Villa's "Quickly a Thousand Miles", right?"

"This little prince turned out to be the heir of Ouyang Feng of Western Drugs."

"Hey, this kid named Jia is finished."


Song Qingshu was shocked. He hadn't thought of how to deal with it. Wan Yan Zhongjie returned to the place at a faster speed: "Good eyesight, I can predict the enemy's aircraft first, and break my move first."

Everyone in the school field looked at each other. What just happened? The surname Jia doesn't seem to move? Is the surname Jia

Is it really hidden?

Even the Lu brothers and Qiu Tongfu in the Southern Song Dynasty looked at each other. Others didn't know, but they knew the relationship between Jia Baoyu and Xia Kedao. Could it be that this guy has been pretending to be a pig and eat a tiger?

Xue Baochai was a little shaken, and couldn't help but pull the yellow shirt woman next to him: "Sister Yang, is Baoyu really good at martial arts?"

"Tall fart!" As soon as the woman in the yellow shirt spoke, her face turned red. She didn't know why, but she was a little angry when she saw Jia Baoyu, "They are both acting as doubles. It seems that Baoyu's charm is really great. , Even the prince of the Kingdom of Jin is willing to release water for him."

Knowing everything, Xue Baochai was amused and worried. Baoyu's luck in coming back this time was a bit too prosperous.

The face of Ouyang Feng in the Jin Guoxi was blue. He was also one of the few insiders. He thought that this little girl would not use my martial arts if he wanted to send a lover. Where would I put my dignified face?

"Look at my Spirit Snake Fist again!" Hearing Wan Yan Zhongjie's jealous call and using his own housekeeping skills, Ouyang Feng finally couldn't stand it anymore, he snorted and left the table early. It looked too bad. The heart is out of sight and the heart is out of sight.

Everyone in the school field saw Wanyan Zhongjie’s two arms as if they suddenly lost their bones, as if they had become a soft whip. After they were shot, they could turn at will in the air. They exclaimed one by one, and even many masters secretly wondered: " I heard that this is what Xidu Ouyang Feng prepared to use for the second time Huashan Lunjian, and it was really amazing."

Seeing that he was about to hit the opponent, Wan Yan's arms suddenly turned and hit his chest, and he turned back to the place again with a yell, spitting out the pigment blood that had been prepared, and pointed at the opponent with amazement. : "What a deep internal force, the whole body is covered with a wall of internal strength three feet? Merely the force of the counter-shock has severely injured me! I surrendered."

Song Qingshu has a black line, thinking that your play is too exaggerated.

The people in the schoolyard were not fools either. The first time they were really bluffed, but they didn’t understand when they saw it, they scolded:


"Don't want to face it!"


"I want to refund!"

"Huh, did you pay for a ticket?"


The whole school field suddenly boiled, and many people started throwing things into the field. The referee on the stage hurriedly invited them down with a black face. This surname Jia is really not a thing, and it makes a jump every time.

Song Qingshu is also very helpless, does this blame me?

"Did you really think I was going to fight you?" Wan Yan Zhongjie laughed heartlessly, and approached Song Qingshu with excitement.


Song Qingshu nodded: "At first I did think you were going to come for real."

Wanyan Chongjie laughed more and more happily: "How can people be willing to embarrass you, just joking with you, how about it, how about my acting skills?"

"The first half is okay, the back..." Song Qingshu pointed to the excited audience from all directions, "You can see their reaction."

Wanyan Zhongjie's eyes lit up: "They were really impressed by my acting skills, and I saw them excited."

Song Qingshu: "..."

In the next game, Mingjiao Guangming Left Envoy Yang Xiao faced a yellow shirt girl from the Southern Song Dynasty. Yang Xiao directly surrendered, and the audience immediately quit: "You have never played, how do you know that you can't beat the other party? Just now, the surnamed Jia said, somehow. Do you know how to play for a while, don't you even do it?"

Song Qingshu's face was depressed, and he could still lie down on his gun.

Yang Xiao said: "Last night with Yang Gu...cough cough, fought against her, I admire her nine-yin divine claws, and feel ashamed. If you compare it to 10,000 times a thousand times, it is not her opponent."

Not to mention that he was rescued by a woman in the yellow shirt last night, even if he was badly injured last night without this layer, he would not be on stage at this time.

"Cut~" His response was a boo.

Zhuang Juxian from the Beggar Gang looked at him suspiciously. He always felt that there was a familiar aura in him, much like the person last night, but with his ice silkworm cold poison, how could it be so quick and easy?

In the next game, Qiu Tongfu of the Southern Song Dynasty played against Dongyingyu Chai Xiusheng.

In the face of Yuchai Xiusheng's various tricks of ninjutsu, Qiu Tongfu fell into a disadvantage at the beginning, and it didn't take long to lose. Although the excitement was average, the victory was fierce. The audience watched the absence and acting in several games in a row. , Surrendered, and after seeing this kind of real test, they cheered.

However, Xue Pan didn't miss this great opportunity to taunt Qiu Tongfu: "Who was there yesterday and was beaten like a dog, but Baoyu is still very powerful."

"He's just **** luck, I don't believe that everyone will let him!" Qiu Tongfu was in a bad mood when he was defeated. Now he was stimulated by him and suddenly broke out.

The woman in the yellow shirt on one side looked weird, thinking that if he defeated Prince Zongzan in the next round, he would be against herself, so that he would let him...

At first, he just said casually, how could he have expected him to get this far? However, the woman in the yellow shirt immediately felt that she was thinking too much. The opponents in the previous rounds were related to him. The Prince Zongzan was determined to marry the princess. .

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