Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2225: the reason

Wanyan Chongjie on the side was immediately unhappy, and pouted: "The person surnamed Zhong just said that as long as you follow him, he will save you, and I haven't seen you take off your clothes so obediently."

Shan Yuru smiled slightly: "Of course it's different. How can Zhong Zhongyou's posture of heaven and human be comparable to Zhong Zhongyou's short, fat and ugly man? What's more, the son has a good heart, and how can Zhong Zhongyou's wicked and shameless person be compared."

Wanyan Chongjie snorted: "I suddenly regret letting my brother save you."

Song Qingshu finally spoke: "I don't believe in the dignified Destiny Sect leader who is so obedient for this reason. There are more than 10 million people in the world who have better appearance and quality than Zhong Zhongyou? Why haven't I seen the leader like this?"

Shan Yuru bit his lip with a hesitant expression on his face. After a while, he replied, "Actually, it was the last time I used my own power to perform charming techniques on the son, but I was backlashed. I couldn't refuse the son. ."

Song Qingshu was taken aback: "Do you recognize me?"

Shan Yuru nodded: "The son was also with this little sister last time. The martial arts like ghosts and gods are exactly the same as last time. What's more, because he performed the charm technique on the son last time, he was very sensitive to the breath of the son. I thought the son was a martial arts senior, but I didn't expect to be so young..." As he said, the skin on his neck had a rosy color.

Wan Yan Chongjie on the side was concerned about other issues: "You just said that my brother can't refuse you?"

"Not bad." Shan Yuru's face has a bit of bitterness.

"Do you follow any request?" Wan Yan Zhongjie's eyes widened.

"Yeah." Shan Yuru showed a shyness between her eyebrows. Of course, she did not know whether it was true or false.

Song Qingshu was immediately happy: "Then you still use these charms to attack people all day long? Are you not afraid of backlash?"

Shan Yuru smiled bitterly: "There are still a few people in the world who have cultivated like a young master." If she really meets the top masters who are famous in the world, she will naturally not use the charm to attack them easily. Last time It was also accidentally kicked to the iron plate.

Song Qingshu inspected her wound and said, "I still don't believe it. Just a fascination backlash can make you listen to me." You must know that the soul-shifting method cannot treat oneself while the person is fully awake. Words follow the plan.

Shan Yuru explained: "Of course not all requirements. Generally speaking, the requirements should not go against my subconsciousness too much."

Song Qingshu nodded. Just like love, a person who falls in love with another person will do a lot of irrational behaviors for the other person, but no one will be mad and do things that violate values ​​for the other half too much. Surgery backlash should be the same.

For example, ordering her to commit suicide, or destroying the Destiny Cult, and things that conflicted with her subconsciously, she would definitely not listen.

But he immediately thought that if she let her sleep with him, he didn't know if she would agree or refuse?

This thought flashed past, Song Qingshu didn't take it to heart. There were many confidantes around him, even if there were a lot of people on call in Xingqing Mansion, there was no need to think about this kind of thing.

In the mentality of ordinary people, women are important things, but with certain status and wealth, women-related issues are not a problem at all. On the contrary, there are many other things that are more worthy of care and effort.

"How old are you now?" Feeling the jealousy of the girl beside him, Song Qingshu changed the subject.

"The little girl is twenty-eight years old." Shan Yuru replied.

"Are you sixteen?" Song Qingshu laughed angrily, "Then I am still after 00."

Shan Yuru couldn't understand what he meant by post 00, but he could sense his dissatisfaction and quickly explained: "I am twenty-eight years old. This is not a lie. I hope the son will not dislike it."

"How could I dislike it?" Song Qingshu smiled. This is indeed an old girl in the twenty-eighth age. Of course, she doesn't know that in her own age, this age can be said to be a magnificent and prosperous age.

I thought Shan Yu was an old fairy like Li Qiushui, but she didn't expect her to be so young in this world. He didn't think that the other party was lying to himself, his martial arts was so high that his breathing and heartbeat were a little bit wrong, and he would immediately notice it.

"Restrain your mind, I want to help you get the bullet out." At this moment, Song Qingshu has found out the condition of her injury. Only the shadow of her hands is left on her body. The last palm slaps her back. Above, a cluster of small, dense iron beads shot out and dived directly into the opposite wall.

Naturally, the muskets of this age cannot have only one bullet, otherwise with Shan Yuru's skill, it will not be impossible to force it for so long.

"Okay, this is Tianxiang Intermittent Ointment of Hengshan School. It has miraculous effects on external injuries. You can apply it to the wound and take it for a while to recover." Song Qingshu wiped her hands and handed her a porcelain bottle.

After applying the medicine, Shan Yuru put on the clothes again, and bowed down on the ground while bowing: "The son is great and virtuous, Yuru has no teeth and is unforgettable, but he will be driven in the future, Yuru will certainly be a must."

"Okay, don't say these polite remarks, take care of yourself, don't get killed when I need you," Song Qingshu said calmly.

"Now Mr. Demeng will force all the bullets out for me. If the concubine body is caught again, it will really be in vain as the master of the sect." Shan Yuru's tone has a faint self-confidence, which is a step in the magic door these years. The confidence and calmness brought by stepping to the top.

"That's good." Song Qingshu smiled, "You can rest yourself."

"I'm leaving too. It's been exposed here. It's not a place to stay for a long time." Shan Yuru bids farewell to the two of them. As the master of a sect, she still has a lot of things to deal with, not to mention such things as Zhong Zhongyou. It's impossible to leave it like that.

After the two sides parted ways, Wan Yan Chongjie couldn't help sighing: "I know that the surname Shan is a demon girl who reverses all living beings, but it is always difficult to feel bad for her when I come into contact with her."

Song Qingshu replied: "She has reached the highest level of her charming technique, and she can often moisturize things silently, but she didn't expect to be able to kill both men and women."

Wanyan Chongjie suddenly laughed: "But Brother Qingshu is still the best. Facing the temptation of the enchanting girl, he was unmoved. I am afraid that few men in the world can do this. Is it because I am here to make you embarrassed what to do to her?"

Song Qingshu couldn't help squeezing her face, and the touch of a girl's unique collagen came up in her hand: "I usually have such a pretty little demon like you around me, so how can I be so easily seduced by others?"

Perceiving his affectionate behavior, Wanyan Zhongjie became happy for no apparent reason, hugged his arm, and lightly placed his head on his shoulder: "Brother Qingshu, I must be more beautiful than her when I grow up."

Feeling the youthful vitality of the girl's body on her arms, Song Qingshu's heart jumped and couldn't help but replied, "You are no worse than her now."


"of course it's true."


The two of them wandered in the mountains like this, chatting casually. Song Qingshu patiently listened to Wanyan Chongjie’s childhood fun, and Wanyan Chongjie asked him many things about his past from time to time. Such a stroll under the moon made the two of them irrelevant. Is the body and mind more intimate.

When Song Qingshu arrived at the school the next day, both Xue Baochai and the girl in the yellow shirt were used to his absence at night. They wanted to reprove a few words, but they couldn’t help reminding them with concern: “That Zong Zan is a violent temper, you Try to surrender as soon as possible later to avoid danger."

Song Qingshu nodded, wondering if there was no way to make tricks. At that time, he should properly expose the martial arts. Anyway, there is the tiger skin of Xia Kedao, and it should be able to pass afterwards.

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