Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2242: Killer

"Dog thief Xiao Feng, today I want you to pay for your blood debts!" ​​Zhuang Juxian saw the burly figure on the opposite side, his eyes instantly red.

Confused, Xiao Feng stepped forward and said loudly: "Every time your Excellency sees me telling me that I have blood and deep enmity with Xiao Mou, dare to ask what the **** is it?"

He is tall and he has an inexplicable aura when he raises his hands. Zhuang Juxian once witnessed the scene of him killing all over the place in Juxianzhuang. It was a great shadow in his heart. Seeing him forced to come over, he couldn't help but feel terrified. Can't speak.

"Cut~" Seeing this new leader of the Beggar Gang was so persuaded, there was a boo in the surroundings, and the members of the Beggar Gang were even more dull. Many of them refused to accept Zhuang Juxian at all. They still missed Xiao Feng, the old gang leader, and looked at him eagerly. .

"You Khitan dog thief, in order to conceal your life experience and kill the heroes of all walks of life in the Central Plains, our village gang will naturally have blood and deep enmity with you." Seeing that Zhuang Juxian was not upset, Quan Guanqing hurriedly said.

Xiao Feng was furious: "Quan Guanqing, you need to confuse the crowd. When did I kill those people?"

Duan Yu at the side was very puzzled. He thought that the cause of Bai Shijing's death last time was that his father had not repaired the book and handed it to the Beggars. He wanted to do the same for the other victims. Why did they blame the eldest brother.

Quan Guanqing saw Xiao Feng glaring at him like an angry lion, worried that he would rush down to kill him, and no one could stop him at that time. He hurriedly said, "Why, you want to kill in front of so many people. Huh? Don’t talk nonsense with him, the village chief will clear the door for the Central Plains Wulin."

"Okay!" Zhuang Juxian also slowed over at this time, and the whole person rushed towards Xiao Feng like a cannonball. His left hand volleyed out, and his right palm followed the Swift Polar Region. The left palm power came first and then the right palm power. The start comes first, and the two strengths are staggered forward, extremely weird.

Xiao Feng fought him the last time, knowing that his internal strength is very deep, and there is also ice silkworm cold poison in it, which is extremely difficult to deal with, but he himself is also a strong opponent when he is strong, and he is furious when he sees the opponent attacking directly. Sheng, laughed out: "Good job!"

Speaking time, he took off and landed eighteen palms of the dragon, and took a few palms with the opponent head-on, and the two tyrannical internal forces collided, and the whole ring was a little shaken.

Xu Liewu, who was watching the battle, was secretly shocked: "Everyone in Central Plains Wulin

Bei Qiaofeng and South Murong, and Bei Qiaofeng is indeed well-deserved, so how terrifying is Song Qingshu, who has been more prestigious these years? "

In the Southern Song Dynasty, Xue Baochai couldn't help but frown as he watched the battle on the stage: "I see that Great King Xiao trembles slightly after every palm. Could it be that Zhuang Juxian's internal strength is so high, not even the famous Xiao Feng? opponent?"

Song Qingshu replied casually: "The cold toxin of the ice silkworm in Zhuang Juxian's body is cultivated by the inner strength of the Shen Foot Sutra, supplemented by good and evil, and the combination of water and fire has become the world's most powerful internal strength. Of course, compared to pure internal strength, Xiao Feng is not weaker than He, but Zhuang Juxian's internal strength is still mixed with first-class cold poison, so he is somewhat at a loss."

After he finished speaking, he was very eager to add: "I heard Sister Yang mentioned it before."

"That's it..." Xue Baochai had no doubt when he heard it was said by the woman in the yellow shirt.

Song Qingshu's thoughts spread out at this time, thinking that the secrets of the Shen Foot Sutra himself also had the situation when he was taught to those confidantes, especially when he was teaching Chen Yuanyuan, when he thought of the lively and fragrant scenes, he was a little dry. dry.

At this time, there have been changes on the stage. After all, Xiao Feng has extremely rich combat experience. He immediately slapped several palms and swept across with his right leg while Zhuang Juxian raised his palm to greet him with all his strength.

The elder of Zhuang Juxian’s cold toxin and Shen Foot Sutra internal skills, the fists and feet all learned from Azi, then it is very commonplace, suddenly felt a sharp pain in the leg, and with a click, both shin bones were broken at the same time. He fell to the ground and screamed.

Xiao Feng said loudly: "The Gang of Beggars will give priority to the benevolent man. As the leader of the gang, you are extremely vicious in your actions. You have not humiliated the beggars' reputation of being chivalrous for hundreds of years!"

Only heard the group of heroes "Huh", it turned out that the veil on Zhuang Juxian's face fell aside when he fell. The audience saw that the Beggar Gang's face was concave and convex, one red and one black, full of traumatic scars, and erosion of facial features. , The ugly and terrible is extremely terrible, all are shocked.

Xiao Feng was originally prepared to kill his life for the martial arts, but he couldn't help but be stunned when he saw his appearance.

Hearing people around him talking and all kinds of disgusting expressions, Zhuang Juxian's eyes were full of tears, and he said loudly: "Dog thief, you kill me, just like you killed my father and uncle in Juxian Village. "

"Juxianzhuang, Zhuangju

Xian," Xiao Feng finally reacted, "Are you You Tanzhi? "

You Tanzhi raised his head and said: "Not bad!"

Xiao Feng sighed: "Although your father and uncle weren't killed by me, they are considered to have died because of me. Why should I harm their descendants again? You go."

After speaking, he waved his hand and walked out of the school lonely. At this moment, he suddenly thought of the various things in Juxianzhuang. Only when he thought of Azhu did he feel warmth in his heart.

The second game was divided, and You Tanzhi was also carried to the treatment by the Qing Dynasty. The third game immediately began.

Xu Liewu played against Chen Jialuo.

Chen Jialuo was frustrated in the Central Plains and left for the Western Regions. Fortunately, Mengmu Zhuolun took him in. He always wanted to repay this kindness. What's more, he fell in love with Huo Qingtong's sister, Princess Xiangxiang at first sight, and hoped to make great contributions to the wooden table.

If it was replaced by another opponent with broken legs, maybe he would disdain to take advantage of others, but Xu Liewu is the enemy of Mu Zhuolun's department, not to mention that the opponent still has a musket in his hand, so he doesn't have this concern.

After the start of the competition, Chen Jialuo was afraid of the power of his musket, and kept moving his figure. Although the power of the musket was great, the shortcomings were also obvious, that is, it couldn't fire continuously, and the time to reload after the shot was enough for a master to attack many times.

So as long as you dodge the first shot, you will be invincible behind.


Xu Liewu fired, and Chen Jialuo dodged aside in a hurry. In such a case, he was almost shot. He thought that the martial arts master would shoot. Both the angle and the timing were quite difficult to prevent, and the power was much greater than that of ordinary people.

However, the opponent's shot was missed, and this victory was destined to belong to him.

Chen Jialuo quickly rushed towards the opponent, but he was also a little afraid of Xu Liewu's internal strength, planning to use his inconvenience to make a fuss.

As soon as he appeared on the side of the wheelchair, Xu Liewu's left hand was lifted up, looking at the black muzzle, Chen Jialuo was immediately dumbfounded, why is there still a gun?

At this moment, he also understood in his heart that the other party had just deliberately fired a shot first, just to paralyze himself, otherwise even if he had two guns, he would not be shot so easily.


With a loud noise, Chen Jialuo had fallen into a pool of blood.

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