Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2245: Staged in advance

Back to the Southern Song Hall room, Song Qingshu fell asleep until Xue Baochai couldn't see him until the next day, so he ran and knocked on the door: "When is it all, don't you get up? The game is about to begin."

After knocking on the door for a long time, there was no movement. If it weren’t for Zhongyuan’s little red mouth to learn that he was in the room, I’m afraid she would have broken into the room long ago, and it took a long time before the door was opened.

Xue Baochai was startled when he noticed the pair of black circles on the other side's whole being weak. "What's wrong with you?"

Song Qingshu yawned: "Maybe I didn't sleep well."

Xue Baochai looked suspicious: "Didn't you go back to bed early last night?"

"Really?" Song Qingshu chuckled, "It may be that too many things have happened recently, coupled with unacceptable conditions, I have been insomnia last night, and fell asleep very late."

Counting with your fingers, this period of time has basically never stopped every day, if it weren't for the joy-Zen protection, he would have become a medicine scum if he was replaced by another strong man.

"You are about to compete soon, how can this state work?" Xue Baochai couldn't help frowning.

Xue Pan, who had passed by, couldn't help but laughed: "Sister, you really take him seriously. Today, you are facing the Great King Xiaofeng of the Southern Academy of Liao State. He doesn't have much trouble no matter how good he is."

Xue Baochai only then woke up, and couldn't help but chuckled: "It's not bad, but I didn't react for a while, because he has come to this point all the way, and it feels a pity to give up." You must know that her expectation was to be able to appear in a group. That's fine. It's good to have an explanation when I return to Lin'an. I won't be treated as a joke. Who would have thought that he didn't know what **** luck he had stepped on, and he would pass all the way to the semi-finals.

Song Qingshu didn’t pay much attention to Xue Pan’s words, knowing that he didn’t have any malicious intentions, but only harmed each other’s friends: “That’s not necessarily, what if I can advance?” With Xiao Feng’s strength, there really is no trick. , I can only show off martial arts. Fortunately, there have been some things that pave the way for Xia Ke Island before, and Xue Baochai and the others will not be so abrupt.

"Can you beat Xiao Feng? If you can win, I will cover all the money for drinking and drinking in the next year." Xue Pan laughed.

Song Qingshu's face changed: "Don't, don't look for me for a drink!" What a joke, these things in my own family have already made people busy enough, how can I still want to go to a brothel.

Xue Pan still wanted to say that she was dragged aside by her black-faced sister, pulling her ears aside: "You only need to go to those filthy places by yourself, for

What would you want to damage Baoyu! "

Xue Pan can be said to be crying without tears: "I took him badly? This girl has a bad stomach, and I can play more than I can."

Soon a group of people came to the school grounds. Although there are fewer and fewer people competing, the enthusiasm of the audience is getting higher and higher.

"Great King Xiao, Great King Xiao..."

As soon as Song Qingshu stepped into the school grounds, he heard the mountain whistling and the tsunami calling Xiao Feng. Apart from letting him teach himself this profligate person, the slogan he chanted the most was actually to **** him?

Following the prestige, I saw Du Guming in Wushuang City jumping up and down, presumably he instigated this slogan.

Xue Baochai at the side pulled his sleeves: "I will give up when I get to the stage for a while, lest I get beaten out... Then I will ignore you."

Song Qingshu said speechlessly: "People Xiao Feng is a gentleman, how could he start with such a heavy hand." After finishing speaking, I suddenly felt something wrong. So, is it a despicable villain to beat Dugu Ming out of shit?

In the end, amidst the thousands of calls, Song Qingshu came onto the stage first, and he was greeted with boos, and he didn't care, as he stood calmly on it.

Yelu Nanxian and Li Qinglu saw these and thought that Song Lang's temperament was extraordinary, but in the eyes of others, he felt that he was not afraid of boiling water.

Then a group of people shouted Xiao Feng to appear on the stage, but they never saw Xiao Feng's figure. Everyone looked in the direction of Liao State, and saw Yelvqi also looking anxiously at the entrance of the school. Soon a Liao warrior was in a hurry. Came to hand him a letter, and his face changed a lot after seeing it.

In the end, he reluctantly came to the stage and told that Xiao Feng had left alone. It turned out that the battle with You Tan yesterday brought back memories of his battle at Juxianzhuang. He couldn't help but miss Azhu, not to mention that he didn't care about what Princess Xixia was married to. , It doesn’t make sense to stay, so leave the book as goodbye.

After learning that Xiao Feng was gone, regretful sighs rang out in the court, but more raging anger followed. Why, the **** dude on the stage was lucky enough to advance to the final?

"Blame me?" Song Qingshu shrugged. He didn't expect Xiao Feng to leave without saying goodbye. He thought there was going to be a big battle today. After all, Li Qinglu threatened him in every possible way last night, and she must win her face by competing against her.

"Don't force your face!" Many people were so irritated that they rushed to the ring to beat him.

Press on the ground and rub.

Fortunately, the master of Yipintang had already been on guard near the ring and stopped those people. Duan Yanqing hurriedly blasted the annoying guy on the stage. Damn, every time you have moths, let us give it to You wipe your ass!

Then quickly let another match begin to divert attention.

"Congratulations!" When Song Qingshu returned to his seat, Xue Baochai's eyes were smiling like crescent moons. A woman who doesn't want to like someone more capable, she doesn't care how the other party wins.

"Thank you." Song Qingshu couldn't help but glanced at Xue Pan, only to see that the other person was dumbfounded: "You are too lucky for this shit, why don't I have such luck!"

Xue Baochai ignored her messy elder brother, and approached Song Qingshu and asked, "Baoyu, who do you think the two above will win?" For some reason, she suddenly felt that the other party's words were very convincing.

Looking at Xu Zhu and Xu Liewu, Song Qingshu said in a deep voice: "If there is nothing unexpected, Xu Liewu should have won the victory. Even if Xu Liewu holds guns in both hands, he is inconvenient to move, and Xu Liewu has too high martial arts, and he has defenses. It's not like Chen Jialuo and others before."

But the thing is so surprising. After taking the stage, Xu Zhu said: "Ami...cough cough, I can't think of a way to crack the prince's musket, so this time I admit defeat." Shaolin's prestige, simply surrendering at the very beginning can still leave a generous reputation.

"Another surrender?" All the audience were dumbfounded, and it was unexpected that today's two semi-finals ended so dramatically.

"It's no wonder that the power of the musket is so powerful that if it touches it, it is dead or injured. This little monk is also considered wise, not to mention that it is easy to offend the powerful Mongolia." Most viewers think this way.

Only a few real masters frowned, because they all saw that Xu Zhu had a high probability of winning, so how could they directly admit defeat.

Xixia didn't expect that today's game would end like this, and they were a little bit mad. As a result, the audience did not know who shouted: "Anyway, I haven't played a game today. It's better to start the finals directly."

"Yes, yes, one shot to death the shameless one."

"But he is so lucky, what accidents happen to the opponent if he gets on stage later?"

"Damn, if he can win the championship, I won't drink anymore!"

"Add one, I won't touch women from now on!"


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