Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2247: Literary test

"What is this?" Everyone was confused when they saw a black bead flying over, and they looked like rosary, but what kind of hidden weapon is a rosary? Even if it is thrown, it doesn't matter at all, right?

However, Xu Liewu's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly turned his wheelchair to hide to the side, his posture in an unseen manner.

When everyone was at a loss, the black beads had fallen to the ground where he was before, and there was only a bang, a flame exploded, and a black hole had been blown out in the ring.

"Thunderbolt and firebomb!" There were a few people who had experienced the lion slaughter conference, and finally recognized what hidden weapon it was. The disciples of the Emei faction used this to blow up many masters in the world.

Xu Liewu suddenly changed his color. It was fine if others didn't know him. How could he not know? The Thunderbolt was originally invented by the big cannibals after gunpowder was spread to the West. He has been fighting with Western countries all the year round and he naturally recognizes this stuff.

So when everyone hadn't reacted just now, he was rushing to avoid it.

"The prince is really knowledgeable." Song Qingshu said admiringly, but there was no ambiguity in his hand, and several black beads flew toward the other side.

As a man of Zhou Zhiruo, how could he not use the things of the Emei School to the fullest. He had long ordered the people under his hand to imitate it on a large scale. Originally, such a hidden weapon was not suitable for competition in the arena, but Xu Liewu used a musket first. Then he has no more scruples, so that he doesn't need to expose his martial arts, which is the best of both worlds.

Seeing several thunderbolt bombs thrown over, Xu Liewu knew that it was too late to move the wheelchair, so he slapped his hands quickly and jumped up from the stool.

His martial arts is already very high. Now, although his legs are injured, his internal strength is still there. This time he jumped like a crane for nine days, his posture looked quite chic, and the cheering around even overwhelmed the wheelchair below and was blown to pieces. the sound of.

Xu Liewu knew that it was not a way to go on like this, so he immediately took out his musket and wanted to shoot him to death before the opponent shot again, but the next second he was completely stunned, because there was something more. Duo Heizhu appeared in front of him.

Now that the person is in the air, and there is no place to borrow, he can't avoid it. The only thing he can do is curl up into a ball, lift up his internal strength, and block the vital position with his hands at the same time.

Bang bang bang~

A series of explosions sounded. Although it was daytime, a series of dazzling fireworks were still seen in the sky, and then a black body fell weakly on the ring. His hair had been burned out, his body was smoking, and the air was faint. There was a burst of meaty aroma.

Is it cooked?

Everyone is dumbfounded, this is too miserable.

The Mongolian warriors under Xu Liewu had already rushed into the ring, staring at Song Qingshu with blood red eyes: "The despicable villain actually hurt people with hidden weapons!"

Xue Baochai also recovered from the shock and hurriedly took people up to protect him behind him.

Song Qingshu spread his hands: "Everyone heard that just now, your prince said that using firearms is not a violation of the rules, let me use it casually, and also agreed with me that if there are any casualties during the game, the other side cannot be held accountable, do you want to Is it against the master's order?"

"You!" The faces of those people were uncertain, they naturally remembered Xu Liewu's words just now, but who would have thought that the prince would lose, and the words that they said actually dug a big hole for themselves.

"The match has already decided the outcome, not to mention that the two sides have spoken first, and please don't break the rules." Duan Yanqing and others got the instruction of Yelu Nanxian and stopped in the middle one after another to prevent the two sides from really fighting together.

"Ah~" Xu Liewu, who was lying on the ground, groaned weakly at this time. The group of men were overjoyed when they saw that he was not dead yet. They could not worry about troubles with Song Qingshu and hurriedly carried him down to find someone. heal.

Song Qingshu had seen early in the morning that Xu Liewu was wearing a golden silk armor, and even Wei Xiaobao could get one. Given the wealth of Mongolia, there is no shortage of such things. Xu Liewu is also the most powerful in Mongolia. One of the princes, there are naturally many things to protect, and that thunderbolt is not enough to kill his life, but it is inevitable that his skin will be broken.

Although Yelu Nanxian wanted to laugh in her heart, her current status had to stop the doctor from healing Xu Liewu's injuries immediately, and a group of people were in a mess.

Song Qingshu sighed faintly on the stage: "I said long ago not to force me to shoot. I will die or be injured when I shoot. Those people who have retired before, you think it is my lucky, in fact, this is their luck. ."

"It's shameless!" Seeing his expression, all the audience in the audience had the same thought, but this time was different from before. No one dared to scold again. After all, he had seen the power of thunderbolt bombs with his own eyes. Once annoyed him, would it be worth it if he just threw one over?

Even the most ferocious Dugu Ming he had scolded before was very fortunate. Compared to Xu Liewu, he was confused. It seemed that it was no big deal to be beaten out of shit.

The first thing Song Qingshu got off the stage was to find Xue Pan: "Did you make a bet just now?"

"Success and success, all the profits have been made." Xue Pan also smiled openly, "I will go to those gambling shops to collect money later."

A grieving voice suddenly came from the side: "Why do you have a thunderbolt?"

Although many people are at odds with Jia Baoyu on weekdays, they are both in the Southern Song Dynasty. They are basically happy to see him winning the first prize. Only the Lu brothers and Qiu Tongfu are not happy.

"You didn't ask me again." Song Qingshu gave them a blank look, and he roughly guessed one or two about their secret collusion with Mongolia.

The Lu brothers can be said to be crying without tears. You must know that yesterday they patted their chests and said in front of Xu Liewu that Jia Baoyu has nothing to fear. As a result, when he came here today, I am afraid that Xu Liewu will recover first. The thing is to settle accounts with them.

This time I came to Xixia with great pains, and finally got on the Mongolia line, but it was broken. Moreover, according to this posture, Mongolia will not be able to tolerate them in the future. It seems that I have to find another way.

I don’t know if it’s too late to work hard to pursue Princess Xixia. Anyway, there will be a literary test after the martial arts test. Maybe the Princess Xixia prefers literary talents. Who are they afraid of the great Song scholars than Wen?

Officials of Yipintang announced the end of the martial arts test. The literary test will be held at the palace tomorrow. Only those who have entered the martial arts test team are eligible to participate. Someone immediately asks what the literary test test should be. Is it the test of poetry, poems, and poetry or by Jingwei?

The official of Yipintang replied: "The literary examination is made by the princess herself. We don't know what the examination is. But in general, it is to assess the authenticity of the sons, and there is no need to temporarily hold back."

Song Qingshu became a little curious, what exactly did Li Qinglu Na Nizi plan to take the test, she wouldn't ask about Menggu Menglang as in the Tianlong Babu.

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