Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2268: Two-line dispute

"I heard that Shuiyue Dazong had escaped in Xingqing Mansion before. I thought he had betrayed Xu Liewu. I didn't expect him to appear suddenly. Could it be Xu Liewu's deliberate trick?" the leader of the "horse thief" asked.

The beautiful woman shook her head: "No, how could a person like Xu Liewu put such a bitter trick at the expense of his own legs? I thought it was Shuiyue Dazong who had escaped and regretted it, but I wanted to return to Xu Liewu's door. This matter."

The leader said solemnly: "Shuiyue Dazong martial arts is extremely good. It is not easy to get rid of him. Unless the evil emperor personally takes action on our side, I am afraid that no one will be his opponent."

The beautiful woman shook her head: "Xiang Yutian's identity is sensitive and can't be moved lightly. What's more, why use a knife to kill. I don't believe Xu Liewu has no grudges about his escape." Her eyes flickered, and she obviously had an idea. .

The leader continued to ask: "Yang Xuyan is being hunted down, do you want to pick him up?"

The beautiful woman snorted coldly: "What if I get caught by Xu Liewu and Chabi's men at this time? Don't worry about this. We will evacuate immediately and don't leave any handle."

The leader hesitated and said: "But Yang Xuyan is a rare talent after all, and he is...hehe, loyal to the princess, it would be a shame if he loses."

The beautiful woman looked indifferent: "Don't worry, the descendant of Butian Pavilion, if you can't even protect yourself, you will be the number one killer in the world."

After speaking, he put on his cloak again, greeted his subordinates and disappeared into the mountains.

At this time, Princess Chabi and Xu Liewu were already discussing this matter in the tent: "I never believe that the mother and the eldest brother will attack you. There should be another mastermind in this matter."

Xu Liewu nodded: "Yes, in fact, I roughly guessed two people before. One of them is Brother Ali. He competes with the fourth brother for a position. I have always been kind to the fourth brother. He naturally regards me as a thorn in the eye. But if he directly used the army to besie me, he probably doesn't have that courage yet.

"The sixth brother's words are indeed possible," Princess Chabi clearly knew that the dispute between Brother Ali and her husband had become fierce, "Who is the other suspect?"

Xu Liegu looked north, revealing a complicated look: "The sea fan

Lost. "

Song Qingshu, who was eavesdropping not far away, was taken aback, wondering who was this lost in the sea? Continue listening in a hurry.

"Hai lost?" Princess Chabi also had something strange in her eyes, "This woman could have fascinated you brothers back then."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, thinking that the women are full of jealousy, and they still can't forget it after so many years.

Xu Liewu flushed and snorted coldly: "Unfortunately, she chose to marry the short-lived ghost Guiyou in the end."

"At the time Guiyou was the grandson of the emperor, Hai lost and chose him as expected," the corner of Princess Chabi's mouth revealed a slight sneer, "It's a pity that she didn't expect Feng Shui to take turns, and finally the inheritance right was transferred to our department. "

"Yes, it was a lot of sweat that made Kowotai the prince, but Kowotai was jealous of his father's prestige, and murdered the father's life with treacherous tricks. The mother and concubine endured the humiliation and pretended not to know that they would continue to be kind to Kowotai. The establishment of the shadow government finally used his own way to get rid of Kuowotai and Guiyou, and successfully won the position of heir..." A hint of happiness flashed across Xu Liewu's face.

Song Qingshu was shocked to hear. He came to this world and found that the death rate of Mongolian kings was very high. The second generation princes like Shuchi, Chagatai, Kuowotai, and Torre were almost wiped out, only left. The third generation of kings and grandchildren, such as Meng Ge, Kublai Khan, Xu Liewu, and Ali Bu Ge under the Torre Department, are active on the stage. At first, they thought that the war was too fierce and caused many people to die. Now I listen to them. Said, there seems to be another hidden story.

Kuowotai was very addicted to alcohol and died of excessive drinking during an expedition. Guiyou was the eldest son of Kuowotai. He was not in good health since childhood and liked to drink. Later, he died in a military camp during a western expedition. I thought they were them. All of his deaths were accidents, but now it seems that someone murdered them!

"Hai Lost has always had doubts about her husband's death, and most of the remaining forces in the Kuowotai group are also the same. Humph, although I was a little skeptical about the death of my eldest brother, but I am still not sure, today they are planning to besiege me, it seems The group of people who lost in the sea has already started to do it." Xu Liewu's face was extremely pale, "The fourth sister-in-law also asks the fourth brother to take precautions."

The eyes of Song Qingshu, who was hiding by the side, lit up, the sea lost, the princess who wanted to avenge her husband, the revenge of the Kuowotai family and the Torre family

Resent... he suddenly felt more certain about this trip to Mongolia.

Princess Chabi nodded hurriedly: "I will immediately revise the book and remind him, yes, after this time we return to Helin, we will explain this to Da Khan. With your current status and power, your sixth brother, they sent someone to attack, Da Khan. I will never let her go."

"Never!" Xu Liewu immediately shook his head.

"Why?" Princess Chabi asked puzzledly.

Xu Liewu replied: "We have no evidence."

Only then did Princess Chabi woke up. Those who had participated in the attack committed suicide before, and none of them survived. As for taking their first class to Helin, with the meticulousness of being lost in the sea, most of these people were unconcerned. Dead man, it is difficult to trace her.

"And it's useless even if we have evidence." Xu Liewu sighed suddenly.

"Huh?" Princess Chabi frowned slightly, she really didn't understand, but she knew that this sixth brother had always been very deep in the city, and she would never aimlessly.

"Back then, Kuowotai used poison to murder his father and the king, did the fourth sister-in-law think that he would not know about it?" Xu Liewu asked, "Even later, the mother and concubine established a shadow government and eliminated Kuowotai and Guiyou, I guess. Khan probably knows it too."

Princess Chabi was taken aback: "It's really hard to hide from him with his prowess, but why has he been indifferent?"

"I think he acquiesced to the fight among his subordinates..." Xu Lie's brows were tightly frowned. "This is something I have never figured out. There are similar examples in those Han dynasties. The emperor will ensure that the throne is not threatened. By tacitly allowing the kings to fight with the prince, you can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, but with the prestige and martial arts of the great sweat, who can threaten his status? How could he use such methods like the emperors of the Han?"

"Da Khan has become more and more unpredictable in recent years, I am afraid no one in the world can guess his mind." Princess Chabi also looked worried.

Song Qingshu listened for a while, and the two quickly chatted about some homely stuff. Mongolia is not like a Han, and there is nothing to avoid suspicion between uncles and sister-in-laws. He didn't hear more, so he went back to his camp.

But this time I got enough information. I thought Mongolia was strong and impeccable, but now it doesn't seem to be monolithic.

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