Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2272: Reunion

I saw a majestic mountain from a distance. The Mongols called it Hangai Mountain, but China generally called it Yanran Mountain. It was here that Dou Xian defeated the Xiongnu. Yanran Leshi and Fenglangjuxu were also called ancient generals. The highest honor.

Thinking of the glory of the predecessors and martyrs here, Song Qingshu was agitated, wondering if he could have such a day in the future?

The snow and rain on Hangai Mountain eventually converged into a river rushing to the northeast of the Orkhon River, and Hala and Lincheng are located at the upper reaches of the Orkhon River.

Noting that the forests of this generation are densely covered with water and grass, it is no wonder that Mongolia will build its capital here.

When he came to Helin City, Song Qingshu realized that he had some frogs at the bottom of the well before. He thought that Helin City would be the gathering place of large yurts, but he didn't expect that this place was not much different from the big city of Central Plains.

Moreover, not only Mongolians can be seen in the streets, but also Semu people from Central Asia, Persian merchants, blond and blue-eyed people from Eastern Europe, and even Han people.

Before Song Qingshu was worried that he would be too eye-catching if he came here as a Han, but depending on the situation, it was like water dripping into the river and sea, who would notice him.

Song Qingshu could not relax in his heart. After all, this shows how powerful Mongolia is, a country that has conquered so many people, and at the same time it can conquer them for their own use. In terms of fully integrating the forces of all parties, the Central Plains countries are far behind. Mongolia.

He still has a fresh memory of how the rebels in the North were treated in the Southern Song Dynasty. On the one hand, the rewards and punishments were clearly distinguished, and on the other, they were squeezed and suppressed.

Helincheng is heavily guarded, but there are no obstacles to entering the city with Princess Chabi and Xu Liewu. Xu Liewu originally planned to see Temujin, but he learned that Da Khan happened to take someone out to hunt and he would not return until tomorrow. , He had to rest in the palace for a day, and then go to the palace tomorrow.

Song Qingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He now has a black eye on the information here. If you go directly to see Temuzhen, you can't guarantee that there will be no mistakes. It would be good to let him figure out the situation one more night.

"Oh, isn't this my sixth brother who is wise and martial artist, how can he be made so miserable by others." At this time, a team of horses approached, and the head of the son should also be a prince in his costume. Looks a bit similar to Xu Liewu, but

Even more arrogant and domineering.

"People have missed their hands and horses have stumbled, but the seventh brother will not bother." Xu Liewu said lightly.

Song Qingshu was stunned. It turned out that this was Brother Ali. Although it was the first time I met, I also had a lot of dealings with him. In the early days, the tantric Sangjie, the blood knife ancestor, and even the owner of Shenlong Island seemed to be They are all his subordinates, and the site is next to the Manchu and Qing Dynasty. The two sides fought dozens of times. Later, because of repeated defeats, they only exchanged sites with the Royal Palace of Ruyang. Shan Yuru and others who met in Xingqing Mansion a few days ago seemed to have taken refuge in him.

Thinking of this, he looked at Brother Ali Bu, but didn't see Shan Yuru, but the few people beside him were obviously proficient and familiar with their breathing rate. They should be masters of the Yingui School.

At this time, Brother Ali sneered: "Aren't you mainly in the Western Regions? How can you learn the literary words of the Han people, it's no wonder that you have become as weak and incompetent as the Han people."

"The Great Khan also experienced the fiasco of the Thirteen Wings back then. He also drank the muddy water with 19 brothers on the banks of the Banjuni River. In the end, he established an unprecedented vast empire, so the momentary success or failure is what counts." Xu Liegu held his head high, and even though he was still wearing a bandage, his momentum did not lose at all.

Brother Ali was furious: "Enough, what kind of thing do you dare to compare with Da Khan?"

The guards next to Xu Liewu glared at him one by one, drawing their knives one by one, and the guards beside Alibu didn't take a step back. They also pressed forward one after another, and the battle between the two sides was on the verge of breaking out.

Princess Chabi came out to stop him and said, "Okay, let's stop fighting with brothers, so as not to hurt the peace." This time the master of Xu Liewu's side in Xixia's trip will definitely suffer a loss.

Brother Ali could not help laughing when she saw her, and her tone was a bit yin and yang: "It turns out that it is the fourth sister-in-law, and the fourth brother is really big-hearted, so he sent his own wife to personally **** his younger brother. No wonder the sixth brother has been helping the fourth brother. It turns out that the fourth sister-in-law has made great efforts in it."

Princess Chabi was immediately flushed with anger: "Brother Ali, keep your mouth clean!"

"Did I say anything?" Brother Ali Bu shrugged, "It's just the truth, don't think about it, my sister-in-law, hahaha~" A string of arrogant laughter was left behind.

Song Qingshu was happily watching from the side

, I didn't expect these Mongolian princes to be more arrogant and domineering than the other, this was just what he wanted, and he wished that the more intense the fight between these people, the better.

Looking at the distant figure of Ali Buge, Xu Liewu's face was gloomy, and his eyes flashed with murderous intent. The corners of the lips of the old man in the mountain not far away also rose slightly, and he was obviously happy to see what had happened.

"Sister-in-law, don't take that bastard's words to heart." Xu Liewu packed up and hurriedly apologized to Chabi.

Princess Chabi also had a frosty face: "Brother Ali is getting worse and worse!"

Xu Liewu sneered: "Sooner or later my fourth brother and I will teach him a lesson."

After this turmoil, Princess Chabi didn't have any mood to stay, and after a few words with Xu Liewu, she hurried back to her house. Obviously, what Brother Ali said just now caused her a certain amount of damage.

Xu Liewu went back to his residence to rest because of his injuries.

Song Qingshu found an opportunity and slipped out of the Sixth Prince's Palace quietly. He wanted to find Zhao Min's whereabouts.

The Royal Palace of Ruyang is very famous in Mongolia. As the first beauty of Mongolia, Princess Shaomin is the object of many young men's admiration. After a little inquiries, he found out her whereabouts.

After she brought her little nephew to Helin Xiang Tiemuzhen and cried, she was placed in a house near the imperial city under the name of Rest, but it was actually under house arrest.

When talking about her, many Mongols sighed. Obviously, the experience of King Ruyang has made many people sympathize. Coupled with Zhao Minyan's name, it has gained the favor of many passers-by.

All the way to the yard where Zhao Min was under house arrest, Song Qingshu didn't walk through the front door because there were guards at the door, but sneaked in.

Although the guards in the yard were not as heavy as the guards of the imperial palace, they were still heavily guarded. It seemed that Temujin still valued this side very much.

Because he often goes over the wall and enters the hospital, Song Qingshu can easily guess the layout of the yard, all the way to where Zhao Min is most likely to be.

I faintly saw a young girl in a light yellow silk shirt through the window. She had fair skin and radiant looks, but her eyebrows were a little more sad than usual.

Song Qingshu was about to step forward, but suddenly stopped because he noticed that there were still people in the room.

"Minmin, how are you thinking?" A young man's voice rang.

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