Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2278: Sky Witch

The eyes of the white-clothed old man are very bright, as vast as the sea and as deep as stars. The first sight of him will be attracted, and it is difficult to remove his eyes.

Song Qingshu's heart was stunned. He could already feel a spiritual invasion, and instantly understood that this person was the four admonishment officials mentioned by Zhao Min and was also one of the four largest households.

Last night, Zhao Min warned him that the old man Wusun had the ability to communicate with the gods, and at the same time, he could silently kill Temujin’s enemies in his dreams. At that time, he was still a little sneer, but see you today. It suddenly became clear that the mental power of this old man Wusun was very terrifying, and he should have specially practiced the method of mental attack. With his ability, he left a hint of the soul, and it is indeed not difficult to obliterate the other's consciousness in his sleep, plus Most people are superstitious and ignorant, and they spread word of mouth, forming the mysterious image of old man Wusun nowadays.

Feeling the other party's spiritual invasion, Song Qingshu wondered about the other party's current carelessness. He didn't know his true identity, let alone that he was also a master in this area. At this time, as long as he suddenly made a move, it would probably kill his soul instantly.

You must know that with the mental power displayed by this old man Wusun, Song Qingshu thought that if the duel was a fair match, he was not entirely sure that he could beat him in this regard. If he did not attack this time, he might not have such a good opportunity in the future.

However, looking at the full house of Mongolian masters, Song Qingshu finally dispelled this tempting idea and replied: "Fu Cailin's swordsmanship is already powerful. When facing him, I still had the upper hand. I felt that whether it was a sword. Both his mind and his aura have reached the peak, and he will be able to split him in half in the next moment, but at this moment, the tip of the opponent's sword suddenly appeared in front of my throat...No, it should be said that it is more like me taking the initiative to shoot him. It’s like hitting the tip."

Song Qingshu originally wanted to talk nonsense and mislead Temujin, but so many top players in the field knew Shuiyue's martial arts level very well. If they were not defeated reasonably and reasonably, they would definitely doubt it, not to mention Xu Liewu still from the side at the time. After witnessing it, he hesitated and retelled the situation that night.

"Take the initiative to hit the tip of the sword?" Tie Muzhen was thoughtful, his expression a little bit puzzled.

Old man Wusun was a little surprised

Yi, the other party can recover from his mental influence so easily, but after another thought, Suigetsu is a master of profuse sweat after all, and the samurai on the other side often meditates and so on, wanting to have a better mental power. It is normal for people to be taller.

"What do you think?" Temujin looked at several people beside him.

Song Qingshu noticed these people when he came in just now. Except for Temujin, these people have the highest martial arts skills. One of them is very handsome and does not look like a middle-aged man. He has a flat head and a monk robe. The only one who was born in Tantric Buddhism and who was born in Tantric Buddhism under Mongolian can stand beside Temuzhen is the emperor Basiba.

Although there is no official match, Song Qingshu has roughly estimated that his martial arts will surpass the King of the Golden Wheel by a lot. Perhaps the difference between the two is not so much in terms of skill alone, but the spirit of Basibah is almost consummated, far from the Golden Wheel. Such a strained and extremely poor psychological quality of the Lord is comparable, so the real gap between the two sides will be more obvious than imagined.

The other person was wearing yellow clothes, his face was very long, and his skin was whiter than that of a girl. It was as smooth as a beautiful jade and transparent as snow. There were no traces of Hu root around his mouth, especially the long and bright eyes. Gives a sense of beauty and evil.

Chi Mei in the shemale!

He is the head of the three great masters outside the territories who are also known as Nian Lian Dan, and his skill is still above Nian Lian Dan.

He only heard a soft and pleasant voice: "Although I ask myself to be slightly better than Shuiyue Dazong, I must rely on my physical skills to get the head start."

Basiba beside him also nodded and said, "Yes, that Fu Cailin actually let Shuiyue Dazong use his sword to the extreme before making a shot, but he easily defeated him, which really makes me puzzled."

At this time, another monk stood up and shouted: "I don't believe that someone in the world can defeat the imposing Shuiyue Dazong with a single move. Could it be that you deliberately exaggerated and described the enemy more powerfully than you actually were in order to reduce your charge of escaping. Much."

The other party stared straight at Song Qingshu. Song Qingshu also looked at him, and saw that he was majestic, with white beard and eyebrows, and dressed in a lama's vestment that was red on the outside and yellow on the inside. His message immediately popped up in his mind, the Red Sun King. Together with Li Chimei and Nian Liandan

Three great masters outside the region.

The Red Sun King and Shuiyue Dazong once fought for a short time, admiring each other's martial arts, and consciously they have similar cultivation skills. If Shuiyue Dazong was defeated by Fu Cailin with one move, wouldn't it mean that he was defeated by Fu Cailin. Isn't Fu Cailin's enemy either?

For him, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, this is completely unacceptable, and at the same time, he doesn't believe in his heart that there is such a high level of human weaponry.

The words of the Red Sun led a group of people around to look at Shuiyue Dazong, either gloating or secretly scorning them. Because these words were reasonable and reasonable, many people believed that the Shuiyue Dazong said this to alleviate guilt.

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice: "The Sixth Prince was also there at the time, and he had also witnessed the other party's shots. If I was telling lies, you will know when you ask."

Seeing everyone looking at him, Xu Liewu had to answer: "That is really not like the martial arts in the world, I can't see how he did it when I watched it nearby."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became dignified. It was not uncommon for Wugong to beat Xu Liewu in the field, but they also knew that Xu Liewu was also a top player, so that neither he nor Shui Yue Dazong could see the way. One can imagine Fu Cailin. How powerful martial arts are.

At this time Temujin spoke: "Wide out, what do you think?"

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on the person in the seat next to the throne. The person was wearing a hat with bright feathers on his head. There were many colorful cloth strips hanging down on his robe, mixed with a lot of jewels and bones. The chain formed, the whole person has a special sense of weirdness, a golden mask covers the whole face, adding to his mystery even more.

Song Qingshu listened to a heartbeat, this person has such obvious characteristics, you don't need to recognize it to know that he is the shaman leader Tongtian witch!

Hearing Tiemuzhen’s culture, Tongtian Wuurn replied in an annoying voice: “If you want to judge Fu Cailin’s martial arts skills, it’s easy, just try Shuiyue Dazong to get better.

As soon as he finished speaking the last word, he appeared before Song Qing wrote, and covered his head with a palm. At this moment, the surrounding air seemed to be exhausted, and his palm was like a black hole, full of destruction and dominance. The sense of.

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