Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2286: Mystery plan

Song Qingshu remembered what Zhao Min had said to him, that the daughter of the Hong Jira clan was the queen and the son was the princess. Dexue Chan, the patriarch of the Hong Jira clan, was the father-in-law of Temujin. Dexue Chan had three sons: Jiachen, Huohu, Side; there is also a daughter, Palty, who is the Queen of the Palace of Temujin.

Dexuechan has passed away. Now the patriarch of the Hongjila family is based on Chen. His youngest daughter is married to Kublai as the princess, that is, Chabi. In addition, he has 3 sons: Wuchen, Nachen, and Ai'er. Huodu, all served as high-ranking officials in the DPRK, these brothers are either ten thousand households or thousand households, and they can be described as powerful figures.

Among them, Nachen was the person who entangled Zhao Min the last time Song Qingshu met, which is why he remembered the information of this family so clearly.

The names of these people in Mongolia are too random, and all kinds of slurs are still very similar. If you don't pay attention, you will get confused.

"As far as I know, the Princess Huozhen Farewell was not betrothed to the Golden Swordsman, why is she now married to Orchen?" Song Qingshu asked, and at the same time complained about the Mongolian generation. This thing is completely inappropriate. What's the matter, Chabi is Torre's daughter-in-law, but Chabi's brother actually wants to marry Torre's sister?

However, Zhao Min mentioned similar things before. There are many things like this in Mongolia, which is nothing.

Hai Mi replied: "Didn't the Golden Swordsman repent of his marriage back then? He betrayed Mongolia. Da Khan was very angry about this. Hua Zheng has also been depressed. I don't know how many marriages have been pushed over the years. He has been alone. Now he is three. She is more than ten years old, and she is an old girl at our age."

Song Qingshu nodded with the same sympathy. Although it seems that the early 30s are the golden age in later generations, in ancient times, women were generally married early. On the Mongolian grasslands, women married at a younger age. Huazheng still did not marry when he was in his thirties. It can be called astonishing.

Hai Lost continued: "Da Khan has always been dissatisfied with her choice, and at the same time, she did not want her daughter to be immersed in the past and unable to get out, so she was thinking about finding him a husband-in-law, but because she has not found the right person and Princess Huazheng. Opposing, so it's in a state of ignorance, but the original wife of Orchen passed away some time ago, Da Khan felt that the two of them were just right. The Hong Ji La clan had a tradition of giving birth to a male princess, and Hua Zheng was also considered a good match. "

"Wang Hao just said that this is a golden opportunity. I don't know what it means?" Song Qingshu thought to herself that Huazheng took Guo Jing away last time. When she saw her former lover again, how could she agree to marry someone else now.

Hai Lost revealed a mysterious smile: "Fun is fun when the Golden Swordsman is back."

"Oh?" Song Qingshu thought he finally found out about Guo Jing. I don't know.

Said that he has recovered from his injury now.

Hai Mi lost and said: "But Princess Huazheng has been keeping the secret from others. I am afraid there are only a handful of people who know that the Golden Sword and Lincheng are there."

"Why?" Song Qingshu thought to himself, no wonder he deliberately inquired after coming to Lin Cheng, and didn't hear Guo Jing's news. He thought that he didn't inquire in detail enough, and it turned out that someone was concealing the truth.

"Because the Golden Swordsman guarded the city of Xiangyang a few years ago and fought with our Mongolian army for many years. I don't know how much blood of Mongolian soldiers and masters had been stained in his hands. Now the group of people with the Golden Swordsman has passed away long ago. These people have no friendship with him, only hatred. Many people can’t wait to get rid of him. Even the profligate sweat has already been murderous against him. Therefore, Princess Huazheng has been concealing the news of the Golden Swordsman, and she is afraid of being killed by others. It was a coincidence that I found out that I was taking his life."

Song Qingshu tentatively said: "According to what I know, the Golden Sword Horseman seems to have been martyred during the Southern Song and Northern Expedition of the Golden Kingdom, right? How could he be with Lincheng again?"

Hai Mi replied: "According to my investigation, the Golden Sword Cohort fell into a siege during the Northern Expedition and was seriously injured. It seemed that someone had rescued him. Then Princess Huazheng passed by and brought him back to recuperate. The injury is also really serious, and it took him so long to barely recover. This is still based on the premise that he is very good. If he is replaced by someone else, he will have been injured so badly, I am afraid he would have died long ago.

Song Qingshu was overjoyed, and it seemed that Guo Jing was safe and sound: "But as far as I know, the Golden Swordsman is dedicated to the Southern Song Dynasty, and his wife and daughter are also there. Since he has recovered his wounds, why didn't he go south?"

Hai Lost shook his head: "I don't know this, but I think men are all virtues. How can a wife at home have an outside lover? Even if your wife is beautiful, she can be together for so many years, I am afraid it is not as good as outside. A lover with a slightly worse appearance, not to mention that Princess Huazheng looks okay. Since being rescued, Guo Jing has been staying in Huazheng’s big tent. As expected."

"That's true." Song Qingshu agreed, but he thought secretly in his heart. It was like this when he changed to another person. It is impossible for Guo Jing's character and personality to do such a thing. There must be some reasons why he doesn't know. "But what does this have to do with the princess's plan, what on earth do you want me to do?"

Hai Mishou smiled slightly: "You will be notified when the time comes. Now I just breathe in advance to let you be prepared, so that you won't be caught off guard."

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice: "You are so unclear about it, it doesn't seem to be a cooperative attitude." He was very curious.

What is the other party's plan?

Hai Mi shook his finger: "Mr. Wang, please forgive me. This matter is of great importance. If you say it in advance, I'm afraid it will not work."

Song Qingshu snorted: "Then I'll be ugly in the front, and if you find me when things happen, I may not be able to take action."

Hai Lost walked behind him, and leaned his arm lightly on his shoulder: "Don't worry, you won't be embarrassed by the time."

Song Qingshu had to admire this woman. She was born so beautiful and was good at taking advantage of a woman. The key is to stop every time. It will not be offensive. It will only evoke endless reveries. She is really a stunner. It is a pity that her husband died too early, which is indeed a little blessed.

After chatting for a few more words, Song Qingshu left the room and saw the girl waiting at the door, and was startled: "Are you still following me?"

Feng Nu smiled and said, "I won't follow Master or who else."

Song Qingshu had a headache, she followed her on weekdays, it was really not convenient to go where she went, but if Feng Nu suddenly disappeared, I am afraid that people like Temujin would also doubt it.

"Follow you if you want." Song Qingshu said faintly, thinking about what plan he lost in his head and whether it would endanger Guo Jing's safety.

For Guo Jing, he admired and felt guilty, so he tried desperately to save him every time, but after saving him so many times, he still felt a lot of guilt in his heart, and he had been suffering a lot.

"Where are you sacred? Since I grew up next to the master, it is difficult to see the flaws. I can barely find out by trickery." Feng Nu turned around him curiously.

Song Qingshu said solemnly: "Don't talk nonsense about these things in the future, otherwise it will be a big trouble if someone hears it. I ask myself that I can run away. Your martial arts are not enough in this and Lincheng."

"Is they really curious?" Feng Nu blinked her eyes, but still lowered her voice, "This water moon knife, my master has never left. Is it dead?"

Song Qingshu said lightly: "Why, want to avenge him?"

Feng Nv curled her lips: "Who would avenge that bastard, use us as a shield in crisis."

Song Qingshu snorted, "In the palace, you can say that he is kind to you for nurturing."

Feng Nu said disapprovingly: "I have done so many tasks for him and killed so many people over the years, and I have already repaid his kindness."

Song Qingshu was thinking about whether what she said was true or false. Suddenly a window on the side of the street exploded, and a dazzling cold light instantly pierced his eyes.

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