Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2297: Get out

Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile: "Same words are also given to the princess, then don't respect your identity, you can't hold back your face and pour me wine."

Aaron only felt that the Dongying man in front of him was simply abominable, so he snorted and returned to his seat.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on!" Alan Da'er stopped between the two of them, blocking his vision, and placed a jug of wine heavily on the table in one hand, "It's too troublesome to use a bowl, just blow the altar!" He has always been good at drinking fast drinks, and many people who drink about the same amount as him will be defeated by this kind of fast drinking. Originally, he was disdainful of using such methods, but this time it was about his mistress, and he did not dare to have the slightest bit of it. main idea.

Even if the Mongols are generally massive, the people around them are also shocked, thinking that if you drink this altar, you can't die of drunkenness?

Song Qingshu knew that the other party was going to take the lead first, and in front of so many people, he naturally couldn't weaken his aura: "Okay, I'll do it first!" After speaking, he directly patted the mud, picked up the wine jar, and started filling.

Alan Da'er was taken aback for a moment, thinking that the other party would push three and block four times, but he started to drink so straightforwardly. For a while, he was a little skeptical about life. Isn't he good at drinking too?

But then I thought about where the Dongying people can go no matter how good they can drink, so I feel a little rested, seeing that he has been drinking for a while, he hurriedly picked up the wine jar and started drinking.

After Song Qingshu has been tempered with modern high-purity distilled liquor, these so-called spirits in ancient times are naturally not a problem. In fact, they may not lose according to the real amount of alcohol. It is just that this kind of competition is not a drink between friends. How can it be really hard to drink.

When the wine entered his throat, he immediately wrapped the wine internally, but it did not really enter the stomach. Although he doesn't know how to use the Six Meridian Excalibur, his sword aura can also have the same effect of pressing wine, but now in full view, he is worried that the wine will be exposed when he is forced out, so it will temporarily exist in the body before there is When the opportunity arises, we will force the wine out.

Of course, the cheering and cheering of the people around was mainly to cheer Alan Da'er. A lonely person like Shuiyue Dazong naturally had no friends. Soon the two of them drank up their jars of wine.


Song Qingshu threw the wine jar on the ground and smashed it to pieces, indicating that there was no more wine left in it, and then proudly said, "Come again!"

After speaking, he picked up another jar of wine. The opposite Alan Da'er had just finished drinking a jar, only to feel the drunkenness surge, his face flushed, and the whole person was a little dizzy, and found that the other party was like a okay person. For a while, he became a little panicked.

"Don't be afraid, he is mostly playing mystery." At this time, Princess Yalun came to him and whispered comfortingly.

Alan Da'er's uneasy mood instantly calmed down. He recalled that when he had been drinking, he would meet the kind of people who didn't look good when drinking, but he might get drunk in the next moment.

Because of the encouragement of the mistress, his morale doubled, and he didn't have only one bottle of alcohol, so he quickly picked up one and started drinking.

While drinking, Song Qingshu quietly observed the reactions of the people. Seeing Alan Da'er flushed and other people looking at him with curious and shocked eyes, he suddenly realized that he still had to perform something, otherwise it would spread to the ears of the caring people. I'm afraid it will arouse suspicion.

He doesn't know if anyone in Lincheng knows the true amount of drinking of Shuiyue Dazhong, and he is also worried that the masters suspect that he is using internal force to resolve the alcohol.

So he really drank 30% and refined 70% with sword aura. As expected, his face quickly became drunk.

Seeing that his figure was a little shaky, Alan Da'er was overjoyed, thinking that you are pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. I didn't expect it to be at this level.

Soon after the second jar of wine was finished, Song Qingshu put down the jar and made a big hiccup. He shook his body and did not speak for a long time.

Alan Da'er threw the wine jar in his hand heavily on the ground, and laughed: "Come again..." Although his head was dizzy, he felt that the other party had reached the critical point, and he just needed to do it again. Just add a little strength.

Song Qingshu deliberately showed a look of embarrassment, and after a long time he snorted vaguely: "Come... come, who... afraid of whom!"

Then the two began to drink the third altar again. At this time, the speed of both parties obviously slowed down. Alan Da'er drank while waiting for the other to faint, but although the other party was unstable, it was not until the third altar was finished. It still didn't fall down.

"I...look at you...how much else you can drink..." Alan Da'er also gave up, and continued to start the fourth and fifth altars...


Alan Da'er finally couldn't hold it, and fell straight to the ground. The wine jar in his hand was shattered, and the wine inside poured all over the floor.

Song Qingshu put down the wine jar and looked at everyone drunkly: "It seems that I won?"

Yalun's face was pale, even though the boy was about to fall when the wind blew, he still didn't fall. Alan Da'er was already unconscious. The Mongols were always straightforward, and they couldn't do things that they would lose or deny. .

Brother Ali stood up and clapped his hands to congratulate him: "Dai Zong really is a good drinker. Today is really an eye-opener for this king."

Even the kings of the Chahetai system looked at him with enthusiasm, and one after another sent their own admiration and praise.

Song Qingshu responded and complained that the wine culture in Mongolia is really hard currency. As long as you can drink it, you can win respect and fame. In history, there are basically not many emperors in Mongolia who have longevity. Many of them died when they were in their prime of life. Most of it has something to do with the damage to the body caused by alcoholism. Drinking alcohol to this point is really stunned.

"Your drinking capacity is admirable. This princess is willing to accept the bet, so I will pour the wine for you." Yalen was also refreshed. After ordering his subordinates to help Alan Da'er to take care of him, he took the initiative to stand up and propose to fulfill the betting contract.

The defense between men and women in Mongolia is not that serious, so Brother Ali and the others just watched all this with a smile, and didn't feel anything wrong.

"Then...thank the princess." Song Qingshu picked up a bowl and passed it over, watching the woman in front of her closely. She was different from the characteristics of ordinary Mongolians. She had small eyebrows and a fair complexion, and she looked more like everyone in the south of the Yangtze River. The girl is indeed a beautiful woman, but it's a pity that such a woman is destined to fade slowly, and grow old alone.

"Your hands are steady." Aaron held the wine jar and noticed that his bowl kept dangling, making her still inaccurate.

"I'm sorry, Wang Hao, I just...drinked too much, and there are... ghosts in front of her." Song Qingshu took a step forward in order to cooperate with her. As a result, he stepped on the fragments of the wine jar on the ground and slipped, making the whole body unstable. Fall down.

Aaron exclaimed, subconsciously trying to support him, but where he could bear his weight, the two suddenly rolled into a ball.

"Bold, how dare you offend the princess!" The generals under Alan pulled out their scimitars and rushed over.

"It's okay," Yalen was already struggling to stand up at this time, tidying up some messy clothes, looking at Song Qingshu who was asleep on the ground, her frowning eyebrows gradually loosened, "I want to come, he also passed drunk. ."

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