Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2299: Xing Zang exposed

Song Qingshu returned to the house in advance and lay down again. It didn't take long for Brother Ali to come, and he asked at the door: "Where is Shuiyue Dazong?"

The guard replied, "Where to sleep in it?"

"Have you been in the house all the time?" asked Alibu.

Song Qingshu was startled, wondering if he found something? Fortunately, the guard replied, "I have been there, I haven't seen him go out."

Brother Ali just opened the door and came in. He frowned when he saw Song Qingshu still lying on the bed and fell asleep. The guard on the side watched his words and expressions: "Should your subordinates call him to get up?"

"No need," Ali Bu Ge Yang stopped, "After drinking so many jars of wine, I can't wake up for a while. I'll go to the other side first. Pay attention to staring here. If Aaron passes here, you Don't let her go to the backyard."

"Yes!" Hearing the answer, it was obvious that he had left a few guards here to watch.

Song Qingshu was curious, who is going to meet Ali, who is mysterious and mysterious? Do you want to hide it from Alan? It stands to reason that they shouldn't be allies?

After hearing them go out, Song Qingshu couldn't restrain his curiosity, slipped out of the window, and quietly followed him.

I saw Brother Ali walking around and coming to a remote courtyard, vaguely saw the back of a woman with a curvaceous figure, bowing her bow and shooting arrows, showing the perfect curve of her figure vividly and vividly.

Song Qingshu faintly felt that this figure was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

The woman shot an arrow and just split the arrow in the center of the target's red heart into two halves. Brother Ali couldn't help clapping his hands: "Good arrow technique, good arrow technique, my sister-in-law's archery skills are probably comparable to the gods back then. Goodbye Jianzhe."

"Another sister-in-law?" Song Qingshu was also stunned when he heard his name.

"Seventh brother, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter, my little trick, how dare you compare with Zhebei's archery." The woman handed the bow and arrow to the next person, and turned around to reveal a charming look. The moving face, who is it if it is not lost in the sea?

"I'm wrong, I'm really sincere." Looking at the beautiful face in front of me, and then at her bumpy figure, the color of greed in Brother Ali's eyes is full.

Hai Lost obviously noticed the strangeness in his eyes, but didn't care: "Are you so glib with that sister-in-law?"

Thinking of Aaron’s dignified and quiet appearance, Brother Ali suddenly became sober: "Then I dare not, you also know that her temperament has always been cold and reserved, plus

That time the fourth child wanted to offend her, she was very sensitive to this aspect. "

"That's right. If it weren't for this, she wouldn't be able to completely support you," Hai Mishou couldn't help laughing. "That kid Kublai looks so decent and serious on weekdays. I didn't expect that he would do this. thing."

Brother Ali laughed happily: "They are all men, not to mention that the sister-in-law is indeed very beautiful. In the past few years, the influence of the fourth-year-old is getting stronger and stronger, and she looks like a prince. If I change places, I will definitely It will also swell beyond restraint."

"You guys are also honest," Hai Mi said with a smile. "Do you men have an uncontrollable profanity toward those dignified and virtuous women?"

Brother Ali reached out to hug her: "That's not necessarily true. We like you too."

"Sure enough, men don’t have a good thing," Hai Mi lost a turn and avoided his hand. At the same time, he chuckled. "Yalun’s temperament is really strange. Our Mongolian customs are brothers and brothers, fathers and sons. It’s commonplace to remarry, but she has to follow those Southern dynasty women, posing as a chaste woman, and she doesn’t know who to show it to.

Brother Ali withdrew his hand angrily: "Don't talk about her, it's not the same with you. For so many years, although you seem to be obsessed with cigarettes, you haven't heard anyone say who actually got in your bed."

"It's easy if you want to get on my bed," Hai Lost leaned close to him, and breathed a little into his ears, "Go and kill the culprit who killed my husband. You can get in as you want. on."

Brother Ali smiled bitterly: "Are you not sincere to embarrass me."

"In that case, we'd better be friends." Hai Mi lost two steps backwards, leaving a distance within reach but never touched.

Brother Ali scratched his head: "You also want to avenge your husband, and Aaron also wants to avenge his husband. Back then, Khan didn't know how many wives and daughters were robbed, and no one wanted to avenge their husbands."

"How do you know?" Hai Mi lost a meaningful expression.

"Who are you talking about?" When he noticed her expression, Brother Ali was taken aback and asked hurriedly, "Is it the Three Queens? Her husband was killed in front of her by a lot of sweat."

Song Qingshu in the dark was secretly shocked. With the rise of Tiemuzhen, I don’t know how much he has done to take away wives and daughters, but this guy is far more ruthless than himself, and he still needs him if he snatches his wife. Life?

Hai Lost shook his head: "Don't guess, I just said casually."

Brother Ali didn't care much about the harem problem of profuse sweat, and quickly returned to the question he was worried about: "By the way, there is something I always wanted to ask you, was the death of my elder brother that year, did you do it?"

"What is it, what is it not," Hai Fan was disappointed in the sky, showing a hint of joking, "Since you deliberately arranged me and Alan in two places, and you didn't let the other party know, obviously you already have something in your heart. The answer."

"I just had doubts, so I asked you to verify." Alibaba stared straight into her eyes.

Song Qingshu’s curiosity was also raised. In the world of the golden book, Meng had originally died under the stone shot by Yang Guo during the Xiangyang War, but when Meng died in this world, Yang Guo had not yet become a hero, and The Mongolian subordinates are like clouds, even if Yang Guo is really depressed and completely complete, it is not easy to kill Meng in the army, so Meng's death is somewhat intriguing.

"I said it wasn't that you would believe it?" Hai Mishou sneered, "What's more, even if I killed it, would you turn your face right away and stop cooperating with me against your fourth brother?"

Brother Ali was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "Sure enough, I was confused. It doesn't make sense to entangle these issues. I hope we can cooperate happily in the future."

"It will naturally be happy." Hai Mizu asked, "By the way, why did Aaron come to change clothes just now?"

"Shuiyue Dazong accidentally threw her on after she was drunk, causing her clothes to get a little wet." Brother Alibu roughly described the situation just now.

"I'm afraid it's not getting wet by the wine, but the milk," Hai Mi snorted. "And that Shuiyue Grand Sect, as expected, is as lustful as the rumors, even the princess's tofu dare to eat." She obviously remembered. In the other party's tent that night, he was almost taken advantage of.

Brother Ali's face changed: "You mean he is pretending?"

Hai Mi replied: "Since he drank it, Alan Da'er is fine, why did Alan get drunk when he went to toast?

"Unreasonably, I dared to tease this king, I will go and see him now!" Alibaba suddenly got up.

Song Qingshu was shocked and turned around to go back. At this moment, a man who had been beside Brother Ali turned his head feelingly and asked sharply, "Who!"——

The plot is so troublesome

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