Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2320: recognize

Song Qingshu was taken aback, before he had time to answer, the curtain of the tent was opened, and a petite and exquisite figure rushed in: "Master, are you...?"

The person who came in was naturally the girl of the wind. Song Qingshu heard the steps of the person early in the morning, so he didn't stop it.

"What can I do?" Song Qingshu asked.

Feng Nu looked at the beautiful young woman in the bed. She didn't recover for a while, and she subconsciously pointed outside when she heard his words: "There seems to be something wrong with Tie Yanbu, that Cherku's wife was taken... gone."

The more she talked, the weaker her voice became. The woman in front of her looked very exotic, her hair and dress were exactly the same as Tie Yanbu's, and her identity could be guessed with her toes.

"Oh, has anyone found it?" Song Qingshu was rather calm.

"Those people from Tieyanbu divided into several groups and searched out. Borhu also personally took people to chase in the wild, but there is no news yet..." Feng Nu's expression became more and more weird. It is really hard to guard against house thief by day and night. The woman is here, and if they can find it in the wild, it will be hell.

"Did anyone ask me?" Song Qingshu asked in a deep voice. He disappeared halfway through the bonfire party just now. If someone investigates afterwards, I am afraid they will be suspicious.

Feng Nu replied: "Yochen did ask, I said, Master, you suddenly had an epiphany, and you found a place to break through. I was worried that they would send someone to find you, so I hurried back to see.

At first, she thought that Song Qingshu disappeared to meet Hai Lost, but she didn't know that she was going to steal incense and jade...

Song Qingshu nodded: "You are clever enough, and there is no reason to be drunk." You must know that at the Mansion of Alibeus, he defeated Alan Da'er in a fight against wine. He is already a famous wine fairy with Lin Cheng. If you were drunk, anyone would doubt it.

Feng Nu looked at him with a complicated expression, and said with a grieving expression: "I finally understand why you haven't touched me these days, master. It turns out that you like the man-wife tune."

Song Qingshu has a black line: "What nonsense is not what you think."

"Are you from the Mongolian Mission?" Yalixian finally understood at this time and couldn't help exclaiming.

Song Qingshu said lightly: "Sometimes it's not a good thing to know too much."

Yalixian’s beautiful face showed a hint of panic. At first, he thought he was the messenger sent by the True Lord to save her, but he did not expect that he and the old man Na Wusun were both from the Mongolian mission, so what did the other party want to save himself? What...

Feng Nu drew her dagger from her thigh and placed it on Yalixian's neck in an instant: "Master, kill her when you are done, otherwise it will be troublesome to expose the matter."

Hearing what she said, Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel a little painful: "Don't kill her, it's still useful for me to keep it."

Feng Nu understood what he meant, and hurriedly persuaded: "This woman is indeed beautiful, but now she is in the Tieyan Department after all, and her identity is special. Once discovered, the Mongols will not protect you, Master. If you are really reluctant, I will use it a few more times tonight. I will secretly find a place to deal with her tomorrow morning."

Yalixian originally saw this petite and pretty woman who had a good impression, but when she heard what she said, a thought came to her heart: Are these people all demons?

Thinking of being played all night long as a slave girl by others, and having to be silenced afterwards, she could no longer hold her nerves frightened tonight, and tried to get up and ran outside the tent while calling for help.

It's a pity that the poison on her body is unclear, and she is very weak. She fell to the ground after two steps. As for her cry for help, the cold wind is whistling outside, and everyone is mobilized to look for it. The whole camp is noisy. , Can't hear the sound at all.

"Looking scared her." Song Qingshu gave Feng Nu an angry look, and walked over to Fu Yalixian.

Yalixian was scared and hurriedly shrank back: "I thought you were a good person, but I didn't expect that you saved me just to occupy me for a long time."

Song Qingshu faintly said: "Do you feel better about yourself? Although you are beautiful, I have seen more beautiful people than you in the world. Not all men greedy your body as meanly as you think. ."

"Then why did you save me?" Although the other party's tone was unceremonious, Yalixian felt a little more settled in her heart.

"Isn't it okay to draw a knife to help when the road sees injustice?" Song Qingshu snorted.

The **** the side looked puzzled, what is the master doing? Just take off your clothes and push it until it's done. Why are you doing this? Does he not only want to get her body, but also her heart?

Well, the master rank is indeed much higher than the previous master.

Finally, seeing that Song Qingshu did not take any further action, Yalixian stabilised her emotions suspiciously. Song Qingshu reminded: "Remember what I just said, and you have also seen my methods. Don't want to cause trouble or investigate my identity, let alone reveal Have seen me."

"Yes~" Yalixian is now a knife and I am a fish, so there is no room for rejection.

Seeing her expression, Song Qingshu nodded in satisfaction, and said to Feng Nu who was watching the show: "Tomorrow morning you will quietly send her back, and rest here these days. By the way, help me monitor whether she is talking nonsense."

Feng Nu was suddenly anxious: "I want to be with the master..."

Before finishing speaking, Song Qingshu interrupted mercilessly: "Have you forgotten the pain of riding a horse?"

The hot pain on the inner thigh made Feng Nu no longer able to say anything behind her. When she thought that riding a horse in the desert would be even more bumpy, she retreated in her heart and no longer resisted the other party's arrangement.

"It's time to rest soon. You sleep with her." Song Qingshu pointed to Yalixian on the side.

Yalixian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although the girl's words were scary, she was a woman after all, and it was better to sleep with her than with a man.

Feng Nu laughed: "No, I will make a floor by myself. Master, please go to bed." During this time, she had faintly touched the temper of the new master. She was obviously a bit lustful, but she cared about the skin. She was a maid. How can the earth be ignorant?

Yalixian on the side instantly paled, thinking that if the other party really agreed, she would desperately not to protect her chastity.

"Put away your careful thoughts." Song Qingshu glanced at Fengnv. "The bitter cold place in the north is bitterly cold at night, and it won't save the heat at all. If you sleep all night, I am afraid that your life will be gone."

"What about you?" Feng Nu felt warm. Although the new owner was fierce every time, she seemed to be very kind. In the past, Shuiyue Dazong would not think so much for their disciples.

Song Qingshu tied a piece of rope to the two ends of the tent, and with a little tiptoe, the whole person lay on his back: "I will sleep here."

"Master, how did you do it?" Feng Nu hurried over to observe. It was obviously an ordinary rope. How could a person sleep on it so finely to maintain balance?

Yalixian on the side also stared at the magical scene in front of him with wide-eyed eyes. Is this man really a messenger sent by God?

"Just keep your heart still." Song Qingshu couldn't help but think of Xiaolongnv. She had known that she had been more careful when she was hanging out with Li Qingluo on Wudang last time, otherwise she wouldn't have left without saying goodbye.

Thinking of regrets, the rope couldn't help but sway, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly put away his thoughts, and it would be really shameful if he accidentally fell after just pretending to be.

Early in the morning of the second day, a large group of troops assembled to explore the treasures of Gao Changguo in the depths of the desert. Originally, Supu wanted to stay and help Aman find Yalixian, but he was suddenly and flatly rejected by Orchen and Bor. Even Aman had to go. , Because their first task this time is to find Gaochang’s treasure. As for the wife of a tribal warrior, who cares?

Su Pu was upset when he suddenly saw Song Qingshu, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He couldn't help asking, "Have we met before?"

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