Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2327: Treasure Map

"That person..." Li Mochou hesitated for a moment, and considered his words, "I know that person. The reason he pretended to be Shuiyue Dazong this time is because he has very important things to do, so don't do bad things. "

Li Wenxiu grabbed her arm with a look of gossip: "Looking at the way my sister is trying to talk, isn't that man a brother-in-law?"

Li Mochou was furious: "Brother-in-law, don't talk nonsense! It is possible that the person who became your brother-in-law died 16 years ago!"

Li Wenxiu stuck his tongue out, thinking that there are many stories hidden in it, so I have to find a chance to find out what happened back then. But is our Li family poisonous? Both brother-in-laws died young, so can I escape this fate?

Subconsciously glanced at Su Pu who was aside, and sighed secretly, his originally happy heart was stained with a cloud of sadness.

"Since it's my sister's friend, don't worry. I was afraid that he would be unpredictable and would kill us insiders before trying to deal with him." Li Wenxiu said.

Li Mochou nodded, then looked at Su Pu and asked, "Well, that kid, since you are from the Iron Branch, do you know where the treasures of Gao Changguo are? Are there any related legends?"

She also knows that most of the copes don't know the specific address of the treasure, otherwise their tribe would have taken out the treasure a long time ago, so how can they continue to graze the land?

However, Tieyanbu has lived in this neighborhood for generations. There should be related legends in the tribe. See if you can infer any news from it.

Seeing this mature and glamorous woman take the initiative to inquire, Su Pu couldn't help feeling a little excited, and hurriedly replied: "Our tribe does have a legend about the ancient treasures of Gaochang, but for so many years, no one knows where the treasures are and is not sure. Is there such a treasure?"

Noting that he was disappointed, Supu hurriedly continued: "But there is another legend in our tribe, which is that there is a thousand-year-old demon hidden in the depths of the desert. Whoever touches it will die silently, so I have never seen anyone come back alive from the depths of the desert in so many years."

"Devil?" Li Mochou snorted, "It seems that this treasure is in the depths of the desert. Some people don't want other people to approach, so they spread rumors of the devil."

In the Central Plains Wulin, she is a frightening female devil, and the devil runs into her, who is not sure who is afraid.

At this moment, Li Wenxiu said timidly: "Actually...I actually have a map of Gaochang National Treasure."

"Huh?" Li Mochou looked at her suspiciously.

Only then did Li Wenxiu talk about the process of obtaining the treasure map, and Li Mochou's expression became more and more weird: "You said that the person who saved you was the golden snake king Song Qingshu?"

"Yes," Li Wenxiu nodded subconsciously, "By the way, he said he was a friend of his sister at the beginning, do you know him, sister?"

"It's more than just knowing..." Li Moshou's mind showed the image of the other party teaching himself to practice the Jade Girl-Heart Sutra. For a while, Tao Qi was dizzy, and Su Pu's eyes widened as he looked at it.

After a while, Li Mochou woke up and saw his sister looking at him curiously, his face was hot, and he hurriedly said, "Take me the treasure map and show it to me."

Li Wenxiu gave a hum, and took out a pale yellow handkerchief from her arms. She was not interested in any treasures, let alone her sister, how could she hide herself: "Sister, I also read this treasure map. I’ve been there many times, but it looks like an ordinary handkerchief, and I can’t see any way.

Li Mochou took it and saw that the material of the handkerchief was silk with some faintly embroidered patterns of mountains and rivers. The terrain looked a bit like a desert area, but it was too vague to see, and there were no route signs on it. It's like a normal handkerchief embroidered with patterns.

"You are the official lady after all, and you are not so clear about these doorways on the rivers and lakes." Li Mochou rubbed his fingers on the pattern for a while and then he knew it. He looked at Su Pu, "Well, come here."

"The girl called me?" Su Pu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Although he knew that the other party was Li Wenxiu's sister and shouldn't have those messy thoughts, the other party was mature and beautiful and had a charm that was completely different from that of the women in the tribe. force.

"Put out your hand." Li Mo said sadly.

Supu subconsciously stretched his hand over, and his Adam’s apple couldn’t help but slide up and down, and noticed that the other side’s slender fingers had also come over, a heart beating wildly: Is she going to hold hands with me, but Li Wenxiu is still there It's here, and I can't apologize to Oman...

When he was struggling, he suddenly felt a pain between his fingers, and he subconsciously wanted to retract, but he was firmly grasped by the opponent's hand. It’s strange to say that Li Mochou’s wrist was thin and white, as if it would be broken with a little effort, but it was such a slender, snow-white arm that grabbed his much thicker hand, but it seemed to be clamped by a vise. I can't move even the strength of milking.

"Sister, what are you doing?" Li Wenxiu turned pale and hurriedly stepped forward to stop her.

"Just borrow a little blood from him, why are you panicking." Li Mochou said coldly, "If someone else looked at me with that kind of eyes, I would have taken his life long ago, this time it's up to you. I just let him go because of his face."

Supu on the side was already flushed with embarrassment: "Axiu, I'm fine, don't worry." At the same time, she thought in her heart that this woman is beautiful or beautiful, but it's too fierce. How can Aman be so gentle and understanding, even compared to Axiu is far from it.

Li Wenxiu originally wanted to say something, but his attention was quickly attracted by the changes on the handkerchief. Supu's blood was dripping on it. The original blurred mountain and desert graphics on the handkerchief became clearer and more amazingly suddenly. With some red lines, you can see the path of treasure hunting at a glance.

"How can this be so amazing." Li Wenxiu murmured to herself, Su Pu who was beside her was also dumbfounded.

Seeing that there was enough blood, Li Mochou threw his hand aside, and then explained: "This handkerchief is made of silk, and the lines of those paths are woven with cotton threads in the middle. The silk is yellow silk, and the cotton thread is also yellow. I don’t usually see it, but once it gets blood, the cotton thread **** more blood than the silk, so it separates."

"This is indeed a map to the depths of the desert. It turns out that there are really treasures." Su Pu grew up in the tribe and was familiar with the surrounding terrain. He knew the treasure map was real after a glance.

"Do you people from the Tieyan Department want the treasure to be found by the Mongols?" Li Mochou stared at him closely, with a ray of murder hidden in his eyes. If the other party is close to the Mongols, she would rather make her sister sad, too. To take his life, lest this treasure map be learned by the Mongols.

"Naturally reluctant!" Supu said bitterly, "The Mongols have enslaved us for many years and ask for tribute from us from time to time. This time I heard that our tribe would offer 30 beautiful girls.

These days I was with the Mongols, but I was accustomed to seeing their arrogance and domineering. I didn't put the people of Tieyanbu in my eyes, and treated them like slaves.

"That's good." Li Mochou breathed a sigh of relief, and she didn't want to turn her back with her sister.

Li Wenxiu couldn't help saying: "There are thousands of Mongols who have come this time. They don't know how many places they have been in these years. There are also experts in mountains and rivers in the team. Although the terrain of this desert is complex, But it may not be rare to live with Mongolians."

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