Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2329: Warning

"Sorry, I don't really drink, and according to God's teachings, we can't drink." Aman may be flustered, with a small face puffing, and it looks very attractive.

Bor swallowed suddenly, but he still snorted with a straight face: "Nonsense, before your father and Suluk didn't drink, you deliberately lied to me like this, when I was a bully?"

"No, no," Aman hurriedly waved his hand. "My father and them have not been completely influenced by God's teachings, so they will continue to drink."

"What mess, we don't have this rule in the longevity day, do you drink it or not, you won't give me face if you don't drink!" Boer suddenly stared at her fiercely.

Seeing the man in front of him with a beard and fierce look, Aman was terrified in his heart, but he still mustered up the courage to say: "This is the doctrine of God, and I hope the general will respect it."

Bor suddenly snorted: "Now our Mongolian army is conquering the world, let alone your God, even the Holy See to the west, the Pope will also personally send the cardinal to please us profusely. Don't toast or punish us. Wine, do you drink it?"

Although Aman was kind, his words aroused stubbornness in his heart. He raised a small face, but his face was firm: "Don't drink!"

Bor suddenly became furious. He grabbed her cheek with one hand and poured it into her mouth with a hip flask in the other. Aman exclaimed, and hurriedly tried to break the opponent with both hands, but her strength as a weak little girl How can it be compared to a sturdy general? The only thing she can do is to close her lips tightly, and let the other party's wine fall on her mouth and face wantonly, and there are some shiny things slipping from the corner of her eyes, and she can't tell whether it is tears or wine stains.

Song Qingshu frowned, subconsciously looking for Supu, Sansil and others, but it was a pity that they weren't around at all at this time, presumably because Borhu's subordinates distracted them in advance.

At this moment, Bor suddenly screamed, and saw Aman staggering behind him, and Bor suddenly chased after him: "Smelly bitch, you dare to bite me!"

Song Qingshu’s main task was that he didn’t want to worry about these nosy matters, but Aman hid behind him, he couldn’t really let it go, so he got up and stopped in front of Borhu: "The general, please think twice. These people from Tieyanbu act as guides, and Aman has a special position in their tribe. If she moves her, it is likely to cause those people to turn back."

"Anyway, the few people in this land have never been here, so what else can they do as a guide." Bor suddenly snorted before going forward to catch his prey, but Shuiyue Dazong was blocked like a wall. In front of him.

"Da Zong wants to stop me?" Borsen said suddenly. Although Shuiyue Dazong's martial arts is high, he is only a Keqing after all, and he is one of the four chiefs of Xuejun Xue, not to mention that Shuiyue Dazong came out of that stall in Xixia Regarding the matter, everyone in He Lincheng knew that he had fallen out of favor, so naturally he didn't need to have any scruples.

Song Qingshu frowned and didn't answer. Elder Wusun who was not far away also spoke up: "Business matters. Now that the treasure is not found, don't get out of the way."

Are you kidding me? The mother and daughter of Oman, as well as the thirty beauties of Tieyanbu, are all in his pocket, but it’s a pity that the broken needle in his body hasn’t been forced out yet, making it intentional and powerless, but it’s not It means that he would just sit back and watch Bol suddenly meddle with the impunity he valued.

Of course, he was already a human being at such an old age, he would not show his own thoughts, but everything under the guise of official business, leaving the other party with nothing to say.

Borhu still hesitated, Wu Chen also said: "It's not too late to get these after you find the treasure." Although he couldn't do anything to Oman because he was going to marry a princess, he looked so beautiful as a man. A girl in's was played by other men in front of her. After all, it was a bit unpleasant. Now that the other people had spoken, he naturally took the opportunity to express his attitude.

Suddenly, Bol could ignore the Shuiyue Sect, but he couldn't ignore the opinions of Wuchen and Wusun, so he could only snorted: "Disappointment!" After speaking, he returned to the pit and started drinking.

The old man Wusun closed his eyes and started to force the broken poison needle in his body again, while Wu Chen pulled Boer to drink suddenly in order to ease the atmosphere.

Song Qingshu looked back at the girl with rain in Ewha, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Aman wiped the corners of her eyes, and said in a low voice, "It's okay, thank you." She didn't know why, just now she subconsciously ran behind this person at the crisis. Although this person looks a bit strange and uncle and perverted, but I always think he is a good person.

Sure enough, in the end he stopped the danger for himself.

Song Qingshu exhorted: "Don't tell Supu what happened just now."

"Why?" Aman didn't understand that he was wronged, so why couldn't he tell his lover and them.

Song Qingshu said: "You don't know what kind of temper the Supu people are. They will definitely pull out the scimitar and fight directly with Borhu, but they are surrounded by Mongols, and Borhu will naturally help kill him without taking a shot. They, Boer will no longer have any scruples at that time."

Aman blinked: "But aren't we the Mongols who invited to help? They kill at will, won't the Khan hold them accountable?"

Song Qingshu secretly sighed. The **** the grassland was as innocent as a white flower, completely unaware of the sinister world, so she had to say: "Boerhu is a high-ranking general after all, and he will use Supu and others as he pleases. The crime of murdering them with a knife is reasonable and legal. Da Khan has no choice but to blame it. What's more, Da Khan is close to them or close to you Tieyan? How can it help you outsiders?"

"I understand," Aman bit his lip and whispered to himself, "Mongolians are really bad."

At this moment, Supu and the others also returned. Seeing Aman snuggling next to Song Qingshu, his face changed drastically. He hurried over and pulled her aside: "How many times have I told you not to approach him!"

Aman frowned: "Supu, you misunderstood, he is really a good person..."

Su Pu suddenly wrinkled his nose and leaned close to her shoulders and sniffed: "Why do you smell like wine? You never drink? Did he persecute you?"

Speaking of glaring at Song Qingshu, he was about to pull out his waist sword and rush over.

Aman hurriedly held his hand: "No, it's not what you think, it's me just...I just accidentally bumped into someone, and someone else spilled wine on his body while holding it in his hand."

"Really?" Supu was skeptical, but he knew Aman's temperament and knew that she never lied, and his anger was mostly gone.

Aman kept in mind Song Qingshu's words. In order to protect the life of his lover, he did not dare to disclose what had just happened. Borhu and the others snorted before continuing to drink with his companions.

Seeing a pair of young lovers who were whispering, Su Pu still looked at him vigilantly from time to time. Song Qingshu secretly sighed. I don’t know how many times such scenes have been staged for thousands of years. Uncle Duo Jin who has a successful career, the jealousy in his heart will make the young man lose his power. The uncle does not even need to do anything despicable, but he naturally shows his ordinary side and the huge contrast with his boyfriend can be. Let the little girlfriend's heart shake.

This is not anyone's fault, it's just human nature.

While feeling emotional, Song Qingshu's heart suddenly rose sharply and looked back in another direction. At this moment, the warning horns of the peripheral soldiers also sounded, but they stopped abruptly as soon as they were blown, and they were obviously taken away. Killed!

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