Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2335: Missing

At the moment the mechanism sounded, countless sharp arrows shot out from the walls on both sides of the tunnel. How could the powerful arrows shot by the machine crossbow in such a small space be so easy to dodge?

Almost a half of them fell to the ground in an instant. Although Song Qingshu's martial arts was high, he was closest to the wall. If he reacted a little slower, he would be shot into a hedgehog by the suddenly shot crossbow.

After hearing the screams again and again, everyone’s torches fell to the ground, and the hallway became mostly dark, and suddenly became like hell. After all, Song Qingshu was a little unbearable. Taking Wusun and Wuchen's cultivation status, these sharp arrows also killed They didn't die, only the small soldiers died, not to mention the innocent people from Tie Yanbu in the team.

The Shuiyue Knife came out of its sheath, and there was a burst of cold light in the tunnel. All the subsequent bows and crossbows were cut off by his sword. The crossbow arrows in this mechanism were not endless. After two rounds, they did not shoot again.

Song Qingshu raised the torch: "Are you all okay?"

Uchen hurriedly took inventory and found that more than half of the Mongolian soldiers who came in had lost more than half, and everyone else was injured. He and Wusun had nothing to do. There were guards nearby and raised their shields in time. Oman was also unharmed because he stayed beside him.

However, Supu and Sansil were all miserable. Supu and Sansil were both hit by arrows, and the injuries were not critical. At this time, they did not care about their injuries, but desperately held the camel’s neck, but blood. It still kept gurgling out.

The camel's mouth rattled, but he couldn't say the whole thing. He struck an arrow in the neck. He couldn't save the gods when he came, and he could only die in Supu's arms.

"Camel..." Aman burst into tears, Supu and Sansil also had tears in their eyes.

Wuchen didn't care much about their lives and lives, but thanked Song Qingshu: "Thanks to the big shot this time, otherwise we will die more people this time."

Wusun stared at the knife in his hand and was a little surprised. I heard that he was a deserter in Xingqing Mansion before, and he was a little bit contemptuous. He must not let him close, or it would be dangerous.

Su Pu stared at Song Qingshu ferociously at this time: "Why didn't you make an early move, or the camel wouldn't have to die."

Song Qingshu frowned. Just now, the camel had an arrow in his neck in the first round of arrow rain. He didn't have time to be saved, but he didn't bother to explain it to him. He directly retracted the knife and returned it to its sheath, snorted and ignored it.

Aman hurriedly explained for him: "Uncle can't take care of the situation just now. Besides, we were also saved by him."

Supp wants to say more, Sansil

Pulled his sleeves: "Forget it, he is a member of the Mongols, so naturally I will save the Mongols first."

Supu is depressed that his lover always talks to that person every time, thinking that he is not really Shuiyue Dazong, but he opened his mouth but did not say this, and then wondered why Axiu and the others didn’t remind themselves, could they be too Goblin...

Wu Sun is now discussing with Wu Chen: "This mechanism is designed to be too vicious. Place the trigger mechanism at the end, so that all of our troops will be enveloped in the shooting range of these crossbows."

"It's indeed vicious, but I'm even more curious. It stands to reason that this is a relic a thousand years ago. No matter how sophisticated the mechanism is, it is unlikely that it will function normally after the passage of time. Why this crossbow can still be activated." After all, Yi Chen Born from the No. 1 mongolian family, following Temujin in the South and North for so many years, what kind of scenes have you not seen? Immediately realized the anomaly.

"It's really weird." Wu Sun also nodded, "Could someone deliberately design us?"

Song Qingshu also secretly wondered, could this be the layout of Lost in the Sea? But can she have such great powers.

Orchen has a solemn expression: "No matter what, we can't retreat until now, and we must take precautions next."

Although Supu and the others were distraught, under the persecution of the Mongols, they could only temporarily put down the body of their companions first, and waited for him to return to the tribe for burial when they returned.

It's just that they are full of doubts, do they still have a chance to return to the tribe?

Not long after a group of people walked through the corridor, three fork roads appeared in front of him. Su Pu couldn't help but stop, Wu Chen stepped forward to investigate, the openings of each fork road were almost exactly the same, and there was no difference at all.

"There seem to be footprints on the ground." Wu Sun squatted on the ground with sharp eyes and hurriedly took the torch and checked.

But I found that this mark is very reluctant to say that it is a foot print. There is only a small round mark, which is very different from a person's footprint.

"Is there any animal near you that has this kind of footprint?" Or Chen looked back at Oman.

Aman shook his head blankly: "No animal has such a small footprint. Even a rabbit should have toe prints, but this is exactly a uniform circle...ah~"

She suddenly exclaimed: "Could this be the footprint of the evil spirit!"

Wochen glared at her viciously: "Shut up, you need to confuse the crowd. Those organs were clearly made by humans. How can there be any evil spirits in this world? Who dares to mention them in the future, don't blame me for being ruthless."

I experienced a disastrous defeat last night, and just half died, the morale of the soldiers under my own has been low.

When you reach the bottom, you can't let this woman say nonsense: "Listen well, brothers, as long as you find the treasure of Gao Changguo, I will share my share, and I will share it with all of you, everyone has a share!"


The many soldiers whose morale had fallen to the bottom suddenly became energetic. You must know that although there are many people who are divided, it is the treasure accumulated by a country. The distribution of everyone is enough for their prosperity in the second half of their lives. They come out to fight the sword. Isn't the blood licking for this?

Song Qingshu secretly sighed. No wonder the Mongolian army is invincible. They really don’t hesitate to reward their opponents. Many of the Central Plains dynasty army’s military pay has been robbed of layers. It’s not bad for the soldiers to get their own share on time. How can you win the war even when you are hungry and owed wages?

When I was with Ah Jiu, I often heard her angrily talk about the destruction of the past dynasty. At that time, many of her father’s generals were like sheep when they fought. As if changing individuals, all of her subordinates became the teachers of tiger and wolf, making her very resentful of these traitor generals.

After Yi Chen regained his morale, he discussed how these three forks should go. Wu Sun suggested: "We will be divided into three teams, and we will explore one side each, and we will meet here later."

"No, it's a taboo of the military." Or Chen shook his head and refused. "Since this place is called a maze, the road must be tortuous. Let's be better together. Besides, there may be people lying in ambush to deal with us. They are in arms."

Although Wusun pretended not to be afraid of the evil spirits, he did not need to take risks, so he agreed to come down, and a group of people walked to the right first.

With the experience just now, a group of people walked very cautiously, and Supu and Sansil were still forced to walk in the forefront after being bandaged.

Suddenly three more fork roads appeared in front of him, Wu Sun couldn't help but said to Wu Chen: "You still have the foresight, there must be many fork roads behind, when we will divide the forces again and again, I am afraid that there will be insufficient manpower."

Or Chen did not feel complacent. Looking at the same three-way junction, he always felt that such a trial was not a solution, so he ordered Supu and Sansier to check the situation in a cave, and then sent his men to the other. See if you can find any pattern in a hole.

Glancing at Oman, Supu Sansil left reluctantly. Who knows that not long ago, Supu screamed, and everyone hurried away, only to see what fell on the ground. The torch and his machete, as for him, were completely gone.

Oman exclaimed: "Supu~"

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