Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2248: Gossip

Song Qingshu looked behind her, and found no other figures. She couldn't help but be puzzled. Why did she appear here alone? Could it be that there was an accident on Tieyanbu?

I saw Yalixian staggering in the desert, and finally fell into the sand with a plop, so that Song Qingshu hurried over.

The terrain of the desert looked very close and was actually far apart. It was a typical Wangshan running dead horse. Fortunately, Song Qingshu did a good job, and about a half-zhuxiang kungfu finally rushed to her.

He helped her up. At this moment Yalixian was already in a semi-consciousness. Song Qingshu blocked her from the scorching sun with her body, and at the same time took out a water bottle to slightly wet her lips.

Yalixian opened her eyes faintly, and when she saw him, a blur of light flashed in her eyes: "The Messenger of God? I actually saw you again. Am I dead?"

"Do you want to die that way?" Song Qingshu looked around and picked her up, "I will first take you to find a place to avoid the sun."

Yalixian's face was pressed against his chest, and suddenly there was a feeling of peace of mind. This relaxed, because she was too weak, she soon fell asleep again.

Song Qingshu hesitated, he still had to look for Wusun and others. It would be too delay to stay here to take care of her, but if she abandons her like this, she will definitely die here, and he can't do such a thing.

After a long sigh, he finally decided to save Yalixian first. After all, now he has lost his way. He is walking alone in the desert. The ghost knows how many wrongdoings he will take. It is better to wait for Yalixian to wake up. She showed the way, after all, she was from Tieyanbu, and she was definitely more familiar with this desert than him.

Take her back to the vicinity of the maze. He doesn't want to go back to the maze. There are still scarab beetles scattered around in the maze. The ghost knows when a few will come out, it will be troublesome.

Many Mongols died in the maze before, and they still had plenty of supplies. Song Qingshu collected some and guarded Yalixian.

In the evening, Yalixian faintly woke up. She was mainly dehydrated and tired, but there was no major problem.

When she read Song Qingshu clearly, she couldn't help but rubbed her eyes: "Is it really you?"

Song Qingshu started a fire and was cooking dried meat and dry food. He smiled slightly and said, "Madam, we are really destined." After saying that, he handed her a bowl: "Eat something to warm up. "

Although it is very hot during the day in the desert,

The temperature is very low at night.

Yalixian took it, and quickly gobbled it up and ate the bowl. Song Qingshu said with a smile, "There is still in the pot, can I add more to you?"

"No need." Yalixian blushed and wiped her mouth. She hadn't eaten for a while, and she was indeed a little hungry just now.

"Why did you appear in the desert alone?" Song Qingshu asked.

Who knew that this sentence seemed to evoke her sad memories, Yali's eyes were red: "I don't want to stay in the tribe, so I came out alone."

"Why?" Song Qingshu was taken aback, and at the same time wondered where Fengnu was and how she would let her come out alone.

Yalixian shook her head: "I don't want to say."

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it." Song Qingshu comforted, "You have a good rest."

"Why are you alone, the other Mongolians?" Yalixian looked around, only to find that the others were gone.

"They are all dead." Song Qingshu replied.

"What about Aman?" Yalixian suddenly paled.

"Don't worry, she's okay, I have sent someone to take her back." Song Qingshu roughly recounted what happened along the way.

"Unexpectedly, you saved her so many times along the way." Yalixian looked complicated, "I don't know how to repay your kindness to our mother and daughter."

Song Qingshu replied: "It's just easy, Madam, don't have to be too caring."

Yalixian hugged her feet, gently placed her chin on her knees, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes: "Do you know why I came out alone?"

Song Qing was slanderous, and just asked you if you don't want to say it, but he also knows that he doesn't need to say anything at this time, the other party will continue to say it, he just needs to be a qualified listener.

"You saved me that day. After I went back, Cherku asked me. I said that the messenger of God saved me. As a result, he didn't believe me, he also doubted me..."

Song Qingshu thought that you were talking about the messenger of God, and no one would believe it.

Yali Xian Qingling's voice continued: "Because I didn't go home until the next day, Cherku suspected that I had done something I was sorry for him. No matter how I explain it, he doesn't believe it. There are also rumors in the tribe..."

In just a few words, Song Qingshu can roughly restore the situation at the time. This world flow

He knows how terrible it is, not to mention that a beautiful woman like Yalixian does not know how much jealousy she arouses. A woman is jealous of her beauty, and a man is jealous of her if he can’t get her. Whenever he has a chance, he will involuntarily. To ruin her.

"Why don't I go back and explain it for you." Song Qingshu never expected that this disturbance would occur. The reason why she asked her to go back during the day was mainly to avoid the Mongolians who started the journey.

Yalixian shook her head: "No need. Actually, I don't mind what those people in the tribe say about me. I just didn't expect that Cherku would not believe me. We have been a couple for so many years... Then I got into this big In the desert, I wanted that evil spirit in the tribe to kill me, but I didn't expect to meet you in the end."

Song Qingshu comforted: "Madam is so beautiful, and it is inevitable that you will be suspicious if you change to other men. Even if I change places, I am afraid I will be the same as your husband." This is not a lie, human nature is like this.

Yalixian sighed faintly: "You are really nice, and you also specially comforted me like this."

Song Qingshu has a headache, but she also knows that in this case it's useless to say more, so she has to divert her attention: "Although it's a bit hard to tell, but I still want to ask the lady if he remembers the way back to the tribe. I want to go back but before Somewhat lost."

Yalixian was startled, but nodded and said: "Naturally remember, I will be your guide."

Song Qingshu was a little embarrassed: "I want to let you go back to that sad place at this time..."

"After all, I want to go back. If I seek death again, wouldn't I be sorry for your many rescues, not to mention that I have to go to see Aman." Speaking of her daughter, Yalixian finally had a smile on her face.

"Thank you so much, Madam." Song Qingshu decided to hurry up tomorrow morning. Someone led the way and his footwork, it shouldn't be too late.

"You helped me so much, I didn't thank you," Yalixian smiled softly, her eyes suddenly fell on the boiling water in the pot, and couldn't help but said, "There is such a shortage of water in the desert, wouldn't it be wasted? "

Song Qingshu replied: "It doesn't matter, this is an oasis, there is a small river there, there is no shortage of water."

"There is a river?" Yalixian's eyes lit up. She was born to love clean. As a result, the amount of water she can drink in the desert these days is limited. It is naturally impossible to take a bath. Before she wanted to die, she didn't care too much, but now she has the idea of ​​life. , I feel uncomfortable all over.

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