Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2252: Genocide

Song Qingshu asked the herdsmen outside the tent, but they all looked at him very vigilantly, with a secret expression on his face.

In desperation, I had to find the few people who brought him and Yalixian over. The other party hesitated for a long time before hesitatingly told the whole story.

It turned out that Wusun was the first to return from the desert. Seeing that he was the only one in the Tieyan Department, they asked Supu Aman and others. He directly said that he was killed by the demon in the desert.

Although everyone was sad and angry, seeing that the Mongols had also been wiped out, it was hard to say anything. Unexpectedly, Supu and Oman returned soon.

After Cherku inquired, he learned about their experience on the road, and even more so that night, Wusun deliberately got himself drunk, and pretended to be him to indecent assassin. Cherku was originally a violent temper, so he just got rid of it. With a scimitar, rushed to Wusun's tent to find him afterwards.

Su Pu naturally wouldn't sit back and watch. In addition, Su Luke was not a brother, but also for his son, and soon assembled a group of people to kill Wusun's tent mightily.

Although Wusun’s cultivation base is high, his attribute points are mainly added to the wizard. He is not so good at melee. He was attacked by a group of fighters. Although he can control a few with mental power, he will be immediately attacked by others. The attack was interrupted and was soon subdued.

Cheerku asked him how he was so unpredictable at the beginning and couldn't help but beat him. When he was about to kill him to avenge his wife, suddenly a group of Mongolian soldiers arrived.

It turned out that Wusun was the second spiritual leader in Mongolia after the Tongtian Witch, and he was also one of the four largest households in the first ten thousand households. There was no shortage of his fief and private troops. When he came out this time, there were soldiers from Orchen and Borhu. Ma, he put his army on standby nearby, but he didn't expect to save him at the critical moment.

A group of people in the Tieyan Department were outnumbered. Suruk was killed in the melee, and Cherku was also seriously injured. The old man Wusun was still confused, and he personally went into battle and beat him up. This is why Cherku is now so injured both internally and externally. Heavy reason.

Sulu and Aman were escorted away by him. At the same time, he also escorted away a group of high-level members of the tribe. Of course, he did not have the purpose of this visit. He collected 30 beautiful women from the tribe. Leave.

"This guy Wusun actually ambushed him. It really is an old fox." Song Qingshu suddenly realized another question, "Where is Feng Nu?"

"Wind girl?" Those people were obviously a little trapped.

"It's the maid who was with me before, the petite Dongying woman." Song Qingshu described it with strokes.

The other party suddenly said: "She seemed to have heard you die in the desert when Wu Sun just came back, and disappeared. Some people said that she was watching her going to the desert, and some people said she was watching her heading towards Helincheng. Up."

Song Qingshu nodded. He and Yalixian had just come from the desert, and they didn't meet her on the road. Presumably she should have reported back to Lin Xianghai for being lost.

That's also good, lest she be constrained by things.

"Have you seen the other two women, um, a beautiful Taoist girl dressed up, but she looks coldly on weekdays; a beautiful little girl with a very nice voice." Song Qingshu described Li Mochou and Li Wenxiu again.

The few people looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time: "I didn't see it."

Song Qingshu suddenly thought about it. Li Mochou escorted them back. Aman came back. The two of them were back in theory. Could it be that Li Wenxiu saw Aman and Supuza's dog food and couldn't stand it and left alone and licked the wound?

The more I think about it, the more likely it is that Li Wenxiu will leave, and Li Mochou will inevitably leave too. He just missed the arrival of the Mongolian soldiers. Then they should go back to Jiangnan to go to a family reunion.

Of course, it does not rule out that Li Wenxiu gets the news and wants to catch up with Wusun and his party to save the person in love.

What should I go next?

While Song Qingshu was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a loud noise coming from a distance, and then a lot of herdsmen from the Tieyan Department rushed toward this side: "The Mongols are here again!"

"Didn’t Wusun already left? Why did you come back?" Song Qingshu hurriedly jumped to the top of a tent and looked into the distance, only to see a group of elite Mongolian cavalry carrying smoke and dust to cover up here to see each of them equipped. Sophisticated, not Wusun's private soldier, but very similar to Bolhu's men before.

Qi Xue!

Song Qingshu also recognized the leader, Chi Laowen, the fourth leader of Xue Jun!

The commander-in-chief of the Mongolian Yuxue army is Nayaa, and there are several leaders underneath, each leading a group of Yuxue. Among them, Muhuali and Borshu are one of the four largest households, like Nayaa. His own fief and things are not actually dispatched by Najaa.

Zheng'er Bajing, as Temujin's guards, apart from Nayaa, there are Bolhu and Chilaowen below, and there are also thousands of households, but the most important ones are a few of them.

Bor Sudden died in the chaos in the previous sandstorm. This Chi Lao Wen served as a guard by Temujin's side all the year round. Although he was less capable of marching and fighting, he was definitely a top expert.

"How did he attack the Tieyan Department?" Song Qingshu was very puzzled, but he couldn't help thinking about it at the moment, and hurried to inform Yalixian.

Seeing him go and come back, Yalixian's body was involuntarily hot and hot. This kind of physiological reaction made her extremely ashamed, but she couldn't control it. I think it made her a conditioned reflex a few days ago: "You...how do you came back."

"The Mongols have been killed, hurry up and go!" Song Qingshu quickly described the situation outside.

"But what about Cherku, he is seriously injured." Yali Xianhua looked pale, she was ashamed of her heart, and at this time she would not abandon her husband anyway.

"Look at their posture and don't plan to stay alive. If you are caught, you will definitely be better off living. You can take him to escape first. I will help you to delay for a while." After Song Qingshu finished speaking, he went to the direction of the Mongolian army. Rushed over.

Seeing a person rushing towards him, the Mongolian soldiers came directly to shoot. Song Qingshu blocked the arrows with a knife while shouting: "Don't shoot arrows, your own!"

Chi Lao Wen also saw his appearance at this time, so he told his subordinates to stop shooting, and when the opponent approached, a group of soldiers immediately surrounded him: "Shuiyue Dazong, aren't you dead?"

"Who said I was dead?" Song Qingshu asked.

Chi Lao Wen was about to say something, and suddenly seemed to have thought of it, so he changed his words and said, "It's fine to survive. Come with me to destroy this group of Tieyan people."

Song Qingshu hurriedly said: "The Tieyan Ministry has long since been convinced by the sweat, and it is the fief of Princess Huazheng. If we openly slaughter, wouldn't it let the hearts of other tribes on the grassland float?"

Chi Laowen grinned, showing black and yellow teeth: "Kill all these people, doesn't anyone know that we did it?"

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