Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2255: remind

At this time, Huo Qingtong suddenly heard a cold snort. Song Qingshu looked up and found that she was looking at herself with contempt, and she couldn't help but feel guilty: "What's the matter?"

"You know it best in your heart." Huo Qingtong's face was frosty.

Of course Song Qingshu refused to admit it: "Do you know what I'm thinking? It seems that we two are really in harmony."

Huo Qingtong sneered and said, "Your eyes are not honest, and an individual can see what mess you are thinking."

"Ahem~" Song Qingshu was almost choked, and hurriedly changed the subject, "You obviously have the advantage this time. It's too risky to use your body as bait. If I hesitate a little bit, you will probably turn victory into defeat."

"This is also no way. The Mongols are best at pretending to be defeated and lure the enemy. While running, they turn around and shoot. When the chasing team is out of touch, they will suddenly kill the carbine. Although I was surprised this time, if the Mongols are determined to run. My camel cavalry would definitely not be able to catch up with them, so I had to use myself to attract the Mongols to stay and fight, so that I could have a chance to wipe them out.” Huo Qingtong paused and continued, “Time is pressing, and I can’t fight with them. You discussed it, but you broke into this huge foundation with a commoner body. I didn't think it was a dull person, so I tried this way. Fortunately, I didn't let me down."

Song Qingshu was stunned: "They say that you are a famous general on the battlefield. I didn't expect you to be so gambled."

Huo Qingtong said sternly: "The situation on the battlefield changes rapidly, and there is never a stable thing. Every decision is made. It is just a bet on the ones with the most possibility. Those who have to be sure to make every move are often because of this. Their hesitation caused the opportunity to be fleeting, but it was reversed instead."

"The girl is a big talent, I have been taught." The more Song Qingshu thinks about it, the more she feels that what she said makes sense. Although he has commanded the army to win several battles before, he is more about standing on the shoulders of giants and using a lot of advanced knowledge. He still lacks this kind of face-to-face response to the enemy on the battlefield.

Huo Qingtong's face was reddened, and the other party's attitude made her embarrassed: "I also wiped out thousands of Mongolian cavalry. Compared with the one-hundred-thousand army of the Qing Dynasty when you were annihilated, Li Kexiu alone conquered tens of thousands of green camps. It's a far cry."

Song Qingshu's old face was also hot: "We should stop talking about each other in business here. By the way, didn't you say that you took the soldiers back in the labyrinth before, why did you appear here?"

Huo Qingtong replied subconsciously: "I did prepare the class teacher, but I got the news from the scouts that Mongolian soldiers appeared nearby, and they immediately brought the army.

Take a look. "

As she was talking, she suddenly realized something, and hurriedly said: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't come here because I was worried about you, I was just afraid of being followed by the Mongolian army."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but stared at her pretty face, until he saw a faint blush gradually rising, then smiled: "Do you know your style, there was a special term in our age, called What is it, oh, Tsundere!"

"Tsundere?" Huo Qingtong was taken aback, "What do you mean, am I very proud?"

Song Qingshu laughed and didn't say anything, making Huo Qingtong's heart frizzy. He said directly: "After these two battles, my troops have reached the limit. I have to go back to rest. I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you to rescue those Tieyan Buddies. People."

Although she is a kind person, she is, in the final analysis, the commander-in-chief of an army. She is responsible for more people. It is impossible for her tribe to take greater risks for the few people in Oman and Sup.

Song Qingshu nodded in understanding: "But this time the Tieyan Tribe is fighting the Mongols, I'm afraid I can't stay here. Can you please bring their tribe back to southern Xinjiang to settle down?"

"No problem, we never abandon our teammates who are fighting side by side. What's more, there are many small tribes oppressed by Mongolia in southern Xinjiang. I think they will integrate quickly," Huo Qingtong paused, revealing a strange look. "Besides, please don't worry, I will take care of that lover for you."

Song Qingshu said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, they have a husband."

Huo Qingtong gave him a white look: "Don't you like this."

Song Qingshu: "..."

Huo Qingtong left soon to arrange matters afterwards. Song Qingshu went to inform Yalixian about the future of their tribe. Yalixian couldn't help but stay in a daze: "Southern Xinjiang, we have been in this grassland for generations..."

Song Qingshu persuaded: "But this time you openly fought the Mongols. With the Mongolian style, you will never let you go afterwards. Only by going to Mu Zhuolun can you ensure safety."

Yalixian nodded: "I also know that I have to do this, but I'm just a little reluctant to let go of my hometown, and Oman and the others are still unsure of their lives, and I'm also a little worried.

Song Qingshu said, "Aman will hand it over to me, and I will chase Wusun after a while and try to rescue them."

Yalixian couldn't help being pleasantly surprised: "Really, Oman will be safe if you help me. I don't know how to thank you for the great kindness of our family."

She paused, as if she knew it was too pale just to say thankful words like this, she pursed her lips, and suddenly moved to his ear and whispered, "I welcome you whenever you want to find me."

Seeing her slender and white neck like a swan faintly faded with a touch of pale pink, Song Qingshu had been churning before because of the intention of killing, but now hearing these words is like a drop of water splashed in a pan.

"Then I think about it now." Song Qingshu's voice became hoarse.

Yalixian was startled, and looked back at Cherku on the bed, a heart pounding, a complex expression flashed across her face: "Don't be here, you come with me."

Then she took Song Qingshu's hand to a small tent next door, which was clean and fresh, the bedding was extremely soft, and a faint fragrance remained in the air, which was very different from the fragrance on her body.

Song Qingshu looked around and asked subconsciously, "Whose room is this?"

"Aman's..." Yalixian's heart beat fiercely after saying this, and her already beautiful face seemed to be dripping with water.


I don't know how long it took. When Song Qingshu came out of the tent, he only felt that the violence and negative emotions in his chest had completely calmed down, as if the atmosphere between heaven and earth should be fresher.

He couldn't help but regret it. It was too rough just now. Fortunately, it is a mature woman like Yalixian. If it is a young girl like Oman, I'm afraid...

Ah pah pah pah, what are you thinking about, let's think about other ways to vent and release negative emotions, you can't always solve it in this way every time.

"Ahem~" There was a soft cough not far away. Song Qingshu looked up and found that Huo Qingtong was staring at him viciously, with shame and annoyance in his eyes.

"I just moved the people around with an excuse," Huo Qingtong said more and more about to get angry, "By the way, you should pay attention, this broad day... Yalixian is the goddess of the dreams of many men in Tieyanbu, if you let them Knowing you treat her so... so..."

After talking for half a day, she didn't know what words to use to describe it, so she stomped her feet: "In short, this is not an example. I won't help you with it in the future. I am going to take someone back. There will be a period later."

After speaking, he left with a frosty expression. After walking a few steps, he stopped suddenly, leaving a sentence: "There is one thing I almost forgot to say. Be careful of a woman named Hai Lost after I go back to Lin Cheng."

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