Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2257: Back Pot Man

Hearing what the other party said, the old man Wusun's face sank, and he said impatiently: "The princess is too alarmist. As one of the four largest households in Mongolia and a great shaman, can my life be in danger?"

The curvaceous figure on the opposite side is surprisingly lost in the sea. Although she was born beautiful and charming, but her identity was extremely sensitive, Wu Sun did not dare to think about her.

"Oh?" Hai Mi lost his eyebrows slightly, "Since the big shaman isn't worried, why did he just fidget in the camp?"

Elder Wusun snorted without answering.

Hai Lost continued, "You know better than anyone else. In Mongolia, we pay attention to the distinction between rewards and punishments. This time the entire army of thousands of Xue Xue was wiped out. Bor suddenly died in battle, and even Or Chen died. After all, people are responsible for all this. You and Shuiyue Dazong are the only ones who survived, and Shuiyue Dazong alone cannot afford such a heavy responsibility."

Elder Wusun replied: "It's a big deal to cut the title of my ten thousand households and reduce my fiefdom." He is even certain that he can still retain the position of great shaman. You must know that Genghis Khan's name is his identity as a great shaman. The one who "begged" from heaven, if he was removed from the position of great shaman, wouldn't it shake the legitimacy of Da Khan himself?

"If it's normal, this kind of punishment would be enough, but..." Hai Mi lost his words and turned, "The main reason why Yu Xue Jun was wiped out this time was because you didn't provide timely warning, and the reason you couldn't use mental energy to give warning. It's because you are lustful and coveted by other people's wives, and you are injured and poisoned. All of this is caused by your lust, so how can you spare you by sweating?"

"What's more, this time the Da Khan betrothed Princess Huazheng to Uchen, which originally meant to win over the Hong Jila clan, but he came out with you and killed their patriarch. The Hong Jila clan can let you go. ?"

Elder Wusun was stunned in a cold sweat by her words. In fact, he had never thought of this, but he always had such a trace of illusion in his heart. Now he is ruthlessly poked by the other party: "Why does the princess understand this so clearly?"

Hai Lost smiled sadly: "My husband almost became the next generation in sweat after all, there are still some people under his hands after all."

Elder Wusun knew that she was telling the truth. Although the emperor’s line has changed from the Wokuotai system to the Torre system, Guiyou, the eldest son of Wokuodai, gathered a large number of ministers and capable men and women around him. It had already been branded with the Wokuotai system, and it was impossible to change the gate.

"The princess came here to tell me this. It's not for me to make a joke.

"Wu Sun asked.

Hai Mishao glanced at him deeply, a pair of peachy eyes seemed to be full of affection, and Wu Sun knew that she couldn't help but felt a little worried: "I said at the beginning that it was here to show a way out for the big shaman."

Wusun didn't have any mood to care about other things at this time: "I still hope that the princess will advise."

Hai Lost walked to the door of the tent, raised the curtain and looked outside. The good shape made the air in the room no longer seem cold: "Why did the big shaman wade into the muddy water this time?"

Old man Wusun couldn't help but rise in anger, wondering if you knowingly asked this, but he immediately reacted: "You mean..."

Hai Mi lost his lips and smiled: "Although you helped Princess Huazheng and the former Golden Sword and Horseman are secretive, they can't be hidden from those who are interested in investigating. This time Yichen died in the hands of the mysterious man in the labyrinth, and that person's identity can be done a lot. The article, who has such a high level of martial arts and at the same time has this motive to kill Orchen?"

Wusun's heart jumped wildly: "The princess said that the surname is Guo?"

Hai Lost shook his finger and made a silent gesture: "I didn't say anything."

Wusun was overjoyed: "The princess is really clever!" He has always had a headache and wanted to find a back pot, but it is a pity that Shuiyue Dazong's identity is destined to be unable to back this pot. If it was Guo Jing, it would be different. He has this motive. The identity is special, and there is Princess Huazheng behind him.

Anyway, it's an internal matter within your Golden Clan, and it will probably be left out by then.

"I must remember the princess's kindness in my heart. If there is any need in the future, the old man will do his best." After Wu Sun relaxed in this way, he immediately had the leisure to appreciate the beauty of the woman in front of him. This chest, this waist, this hip... A stunner, no wonder Guiyou died so early back then.

It's a pity that although this rose is beautiful, it can't be touched. It's a shame, if Oman hadn't been taken away.

Noting the look in his eyes, there was a cold gleam in Hai Lost's eyes, but there was still a charming smile on her face: "It's getting late, so I won't bother the big shaman to rest."

Wusun couldn't bear to let her go so quickly. Although she didn't dare to do anything to her, it's a great pleasure for such a beautiful woman to use her eyes to refresh herself, not to mention that she was still so fragrant.

It’s just that Hai Lost did not give him a chance to keep him, and quickly disappeared. Wu Sun took a harsh breath of the fragrance remaining in the air, as if to keep all the breath in her body, and at the same time a heart rose in his heart. Read

Head: Although the princess can't touch it, I can find a beauty who looks similar to her, and then privately dress her up as lost in the sea...

As a tens of thousands of households and many people in the fief, it is not impossible to find someone who looks similar. Thinking of conquering the "prince" in the secret room, his depressive mood was suddenly replaced by excitement.

After Hai Lost left the tent and sneaked through the night, she was not discovered by the patrol soldiers all the way, but she suddenly stopped, looked back in the other direction, a sharp look flashed in her eyes, and her hand was already on the dagger.

Song Qingshu was holding the Water Moon Knife and leaning against a tree halfway, looking at Hai Lost's figure exploding because of wearing night clothes, and wondered: "Why do you always see the princess in this dress? It seems You have a hobby of cosplay."

Hai Lost frowned, obviously not understanding what cosplay means: "Dai Zong haven't slept so late?"

Song Qingshu sighed, "I can't sleep alone, do you want the princess to accompany me?"

Hai Mishi laughed: "If your words are spread out for others to hear, no matter how high your martial arts is, I'm afraid you won't be able to walk around."

Song Qingshu also smiled and said, "You appeared in the barracks late at night dressed up like this, if you let those in He Lincheng know about it, you might not be able to sit securely as a princess."

The lost general Hai Lost released his hand from the dagger, and walked towards the opponent: "I didn't expect Dazong to be so good not only in martial arts, but also in his mouth."

Song Qingshu looked at her exaggerated evil because of her night walking clothes. He laughed and said, "Of course my lips are powerful. There is a secret technique called China on the tip of the tongue. Would you like the princess to try it?"

Although Hai Lost didn't understand this, he guessed that it wasn't a good thing, and snorted coldly: "You still need to pay attention to the bulk." Anti-collection is turned on, click to load manually!

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