Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2382: Conspiracy Network

Shan Yuru shook his head, "That person is so capable, he will definitely not die."

Li Mochou looked on coldly, thinking that Miss Ren was also blind and worried about such a man, but he went on a hook outside. There is also the idiot of Junior Sister who doesn’t know how to fall in love with him. How can such a guy be entrusted for life?

Hmph, I think it's hard to keep bee-keeping in the ancient tomb all day long, and can't stop the handsome man's rhetoric.

But she suddenly remembered that she had been deceived by the surname Lu back then, her eyesight was not much better, and her face was hard to look at for a while.

Fu Yaohong said, "Song has the ability to become a great master at a young age, but profuse sweat, heavenly witch, and magician, which is not stunning, the most powerful people in the world are three-to-one, and there are also surrounding areas. With so many masters and soldiers, how lucky is Song Qingshu?"

Shan Yuru was silent, obviously unable to refute her judgment. After a long time, he said, "I don’t see it with my own eyes. It’s hard to feel at ease. Don’t worry. I’m going to check the news. I will only help when I’m in the right situation. I'm not a fool, and I don't know how to do mortal things."

Fu Yaohong knew that this apprentice had always been smart and smart, otherwise she would not have practiced Meigong better than her, so she would not stop her.

Li Mochou suddenly said, "I'll go too." She thought that although the man was hateful, she was entrusted by Miss Ren, so naturally she would try her best to help. In addition, he still had that kind of relationship with his junior sisters.

She found many reasons in her heart to convince herself that it was not that she wanted to save the lustful guy.

Yang Guo also stood up at this time, "I will go with you." Thinking of Song Qingshu risking his life to cut off his party, he found it difficult to sit here with peace of mind.

Shan Yuru glanced at him and shook his head and said, "Young Master Yang should heal his injuries here. You are not injured, and your internal strength is too great. Even if you go there, you won't be able to help much. It's better to recuperate here and wait for an early recovery before helping. ."

There were many arrow wounds and gunshot wounds on Yang Guo's body, and it was extremely laborious to perform all the way.

Hong Qigong also said, "Yes, Yang Guo, you are the right way to heal your injury first, not to mention that I can't take action now, you still need your care for Uncle Guo."

The implication is also very clear. Now they are in the tiger's lair. Although Fu Yaohong knows his intentions, they are from the magic sect after all. Who knows if they will use their brains. Now he is seriously injured by Temujin, even if it is a fluke.

To save his life, I am afraid that he will not be able to return to the peak in his life. Of course, he is unable to protect Guo Jingzhou at this time.

Zhou Botong suffered more injuries, burned out his eyebrows and beard, and how much combat power remained is unknown. With Yang Guo here, the two of them deterred the other side might not dare to do anything, if he left, it would be impossible to guarantee what would happen.

Yang Guo was a smart man, and immediately understood his worries, wondering if something happened to Guo Jinghong and the others at last, would Song Qingshu and the others' previous efforts be in vain, so he nodded and stayed.

Shan Yuru and Li Mochou disappeared into the night silently.

At this time in the Guiyou Royal Palace, Hai Lost was lying on his side on the throne of her former husband, and her graceful and graceful figure was unobstructed. People could see that there was an impulse to crush her under her. It's just that the few subordinates in the hall now dare not look up at her at all, and they all have serious expressions, watching their noses and noses.

"Song Qingshu has such great abilities at a young age. I am really interested in this man." Hai Lost played with the tips of his hair, his eyes filled with brilliance.

At this moment, there was a soft snort from behind, and it was obvious that the other party was a little dissatisfied with her reaction.

Hai Mishou smiled slightly, and no longer mentioned Song Qingshu, but asked the person under his hand "has Yaren arranged it over there?"

One of them replied, "Back to the princess, it has been arranged. The dark chess we planted in her house a few years ago will be launched today to give her food and water a good medicine."

"Does the medicine really work?" Hai Lost asked curiously.

The subordinate replied, "Don't worry, it is the best secret medicine found by the Western Regions, which can turn a virgin into a slut, let alone a woman who has been suffering for a long time."

"It's been a long drought." Hai lost and looked a little bit playful. "Guyou died two years earlier than Mengge. According to you, wouldn't it be a long drought."

The subordinate plopped and knelt down, with cold sweat on his face, "Subordinates didn't mean that."

Hai Mi lost his hand and waved his hand. "Forget it, as long as this time things are done well, nothing else is important. By the way, how is Kublai's preparations going?"

The subordinate hurriedly replied, "Someone on his side will lead him to Aaron's house. When the firewood meets the fire, it will burn at a certain point."

Hai Lost smiled with satisfaction. "Yes, Kublai has always had some thoughts about this sister-in-law, but now that someone took the initiative to send it to the door, there is no reason to start.

However, just in case, I'd better prepare to be more complete, and then let the man in the house add something to his drink. "

"Yes", the man who slandered his mistress is really poisonous.

Hai Lost waved his hand and motioned for them to go down. At this moment, a person appeared in the inner hall behind her, it was the shadow assassin Yang Xuyan.

Seeing his ugly expression, Hai Mi lost a smile and said, "Why, knowing that the beautiful woman Alan is going to have fun under the crotch of other men, is she a little jealous in her heart?"

"It's Hou Xibai that likes Yalun, it's my business," Yang Xuyan snorted, "You know I only care about you, so you want to tell me this."

Hai Mishou smiled and tickled his chin with his fingers, "Of course I know how you are, by the way, how is your mission accomplished?"

Yang Xuyan sniffed the scent of her body with some enjoyment, and was a little bit reluctant to leave her soon, but still replied, "I hid in the dark and successfully killed Nachen. At that time, there was chaos on the battlefield and no one noticed. All this will only be deemed to have died in the hands of Yang Guo and Zhou Botong."

"Good job." A tinge of excitement appeared on Hai Lost's face. After planning for so long, he finally smashed Hongji's army. It was their support that year, and the Torre Department had just come to power so easily.

There is also the **** of Chabi, who relied on his mother's family to be Hongji's tribe all day long, and even the power of Kublai Khan became more and more inflated.

This time your husband cheated on other women and raped his widow-in-law. Such a shocking scandal, I see how you end up, the Torres kings, I want you all to sink in the endless abyss

Yang Xuyan frowned, obviously not wanting to participate in these conspiracies, after all, he once belonged to Torre's family.

So he changed the subject and said, "Yang Guo and Zhou Botong are indeed well-deserved. I am watching in secret today. Unless I am hiding in the dark, otherwise I will face them upright and bright. I am probably not an opponent."

"Why don't you take the longest and take the short, and confront them head-on." Hai Lost comforted.

Yang Xuyan shook his head, "After all, assassination is not the right way. The peak of martial arts is like a sweat, like the sky witch, magician, etc., is worthy of this life. Although I don't like Song Qingshu, if one day I can be like him Against the three great masters, even if they die, this life is not in vain."

Hai Lost's eyes were also a little strange. "He is indeed a strange man. I don't know if he can save his life this time." (https:)

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