Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2388: Extinction

Song Qingshu is a gentleman, and he doesn't generally refuse a woman's reasonable request, let alone blindfolding her without any loss to herself.

Sometimes fate is so strange. The two have only met several times before and after, and they have not said a few words, but when something goes wrong, Princess Alan is willing to ask him as a stranger, and how does he happen to appear here? .

Of course, although Princess Yalun had never seen him several times, Song Qingshu had met her several times before as Shuiyue Dazong. At that time, she gave the impression that her temperament was extremely cold, her whole person was dignified and beautiful, and there was a faint feeling. The feeling of awe-inspiring inviolability, especially the enchanting and inverting temperament of Sea Lost, are completely two extremes.

Rao is that no matter how rich his imagination is, he would never expect that every so often, the noble and elegant Aaron would lie in front of him in such a free manner, and still actively invite each other.

After being blindfolded, Princess Alan's eyes were dark, and her chest was rising and falling sharply. It was obvious that her heart was also extremely nervous, waiting for the moment when that fate arrived.

Who knew that after a while, the other party remained silent. She couldn't help but ask in a trembling voice: "You... why don't you speak?"

Song Qingshu was originally admiring her beauty carefully, and smiled upon hearing the words: "Don't you want to imagine me as Brother Meng? If I speak, I will make you play."

Princess Alan couldn't help biting her lip. This man was really a bit bad: "I'm a little scared if you don't speak."

"What are you afraid of? Are you still afraid of replacing someone halfway?" Song Qingshu leaned in her ear and said playfully.

Aaron's heart trembled, and she couldn't help but think of some situations in her mind. She only felt that her body became more sensitive, and she couldn't help but sipped: "You're such a bastard."

She took a deep breath: "No matter how you deliberately scare me, I won't take off the blindfold as you wish."

Seeing her stubbornly raising her head, as if defending her last dignity, Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling pity, and bent down and kissed it gently.

Princess Aaron was already very uncomfortable, her mind was already in chaos, and she was completely ignited, and a pair of jade arms hugged the man tightly...

I don’t know how long it took, Princess Alan was awakened by the faint bird cry from outside the yard, and then she found herself lying in a man’s arms, with waterfall-like hair spreading across his chest. Thinking of the previous absurdity, she said. Time didn't know how to face it, so he hurriedly closed his eyes.


Song Qingshu asked about her movement: "Are you awake?" After a night of healing, although his injury may not be fully recovered, he finally has the ability to protect himself. After a period of recuperation, he should be able to fully recover.

"Yeah~" I can't pretend to sleep anymore, Princess Alan quickly spins in her mind as to how to solve the current problem.

Song Qingshu spoke at this moment: "Wang Hao, please rest assured, I will not pester you in the future, you will arrange a place for me, I will not leave the house inside, and leave after recovering from the injury."

Princess Alan suddenly got angry for no reason, and she sat up straight and glared at him: "Am I so disgusting in your heart?"

Song Qingshu: "???"

Isn't this the condition you put forward at the beginning?

"It was the same last night. At the beginning, I had to ask you all kinds of things... Now I am impatiently trying to get rid of my relationship," Princess Yalen became more and more angry, and her tears couldn't stop falling, "I Is it so unbearable in your heart?"

Rao is Song Qingshu who has many confidantes and has always boasted that he has rich experience in this area, but at this moment he found that he didn't understand women at all: "I didn't mean that, I just don't want you to be embarrassed."

"We are all like this, what can I do." Princess Alan pulled the quilt around her shoulders, and she also realized that she was irritated a little bit unreasonable, but as a woman, she couldn't look down for a while. .

Song Qingshu suddenly understood something, put her in her arms again, and said to her ear: "Last night we promised to have nothing to do after tonight, but now that day is not completely bright, it means that the night has not passed, or the princess Make me cheaper again?"

Aaron's face turned red for an instant, and he pushed him away: "Bah, you want to be beautiful."

Although she said this, her face gradually eased. Song Qingshu was relieved. She almost made a big mistake before, and that was to make her suspect that she was not attractive. A woman could abandon a man but was abandoned by a man. No one can stand it.

"Also, you can call me Alan in the future, don't have a princess. There are so many princesses in Lincheng, who knows who you are calling." Alan suddenly said.

Seeing her face full of peach blossoms, a little woman's posture, completely different from the usual cold and dignified appearance, Song Qingshu was not used to it for a while.

"You last night..." Aaron bit her lip as soon as she opened her mouth, obviously a little hard to tell, "what the **** is going on, what I will...

…Will feel that way. "

"How does it feel?" Song Qingshu was taken aback.

Princess Yalun's face flushed: "Forget it, it's nothing." Where did she say it, you must know that Mongols have always been martial arts, and Meng Ge, as a prince, has always been physically strong. It's not that she has never tasted the pleasure of a boudoir, but compared to last night, all the things before are completely different.

She has always been a proud and reserved person. She has never been gaffes like that, as if the other party wants her to give birth to her, and if she wants her to die, she will die, and the whole person has completely succumbed.

She doesn't like this feeling very much, but the reason that has just risen will be washed away by the memory of the body.

It turned out that Song Qingshu was seriously injured last night, because he needed to recover as soon as possible in the enemy camp, so in order to heal the injuries, Huanxi-Zhan exercises were fully applied, and Huanxi Zhenqi naturally entered her body.

After Zhou Zhiruo, Zhao Min and others tried once before, they blushed and said that he would never let him do anything to them. Song Qingshu also knew that the true qi was a bit evil, and he and his confidantes also paid attention to it and did not use it. , Communicating completely with real feelings.

Because he hadn't used it for a long time, he had forgotten the power of this thing.

Princess Alan stayed in the palace for a long time, the reserved lady, no matter where she could stand this stuff, she seemed to have opened the door to a new world last night, making her even feel that all the sweet memories of the past were dull.

One of the two didn't know what was wrong with his body, and the other had been thinking about how to deal with the pursuit of the Mongolian parties, so they didn't notice what happened.

But after all, Aaron had been in a high position for a long time, took a deep breath and calmed down a little chaotic heart, pointed at the man who fell on the ground in the distance and changed the subject: "Now there is a question, what should Kublai do?"

After speaking, she herself became a little worried. If the news that she was with other men spread out, she would have no face to meet people. What is even more terrifying is that the honor and disgrace of the family and even the future of Yulong will be ruined.

Thinking of this, a trace of murderous intent flashed in her eyes looking at Kublai. The Mongolian woman was never a weak little white rabbit. Although she was very kind on weekdays, she didn't mind quitting her mouth at critical moments.

But the identity of Kublai Khan is a big problem. He is not an idle prince, he is the most likely prince of the empire today. Killing him may be difficult to deal with, not to mention that Song Qingshu mentioned that his subordinates are still waiting outside.

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