Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2395: Darkness Chen Cang

"Royal Palace of Ruyang?" Song Qingshu's heart jumped and asked hurriedly, "Didn't Da Khan send you to investigate the cause of Hesar and Nachen's death?"

"The cause of death cannot be investigated in a short while. The cause of death of the two of them is so bizarre. I have no clue now, and I don't know how to deal with each other," Na Ya'a smiled bitterly. "I also have the task of monitoring the Royal Palace of Ruyang. Because of Song Qingshu, I am worried that something will happen in their mansion."

Song Qingshu rolled his eyes and said, "Anyway, I'll be on the way when I go back. Why don't you let me check the Ruyang Palace for you? You can concentrate on finding out the cause of death of Chen and others. Sensitive, it’s better to find out as soon as possible.” He came out today to make up for the loopholes that have not appeared in Shuiyue Bulk Sect, and to notify Zhao Min so as not to worry about her tastelessly.

"How embarrassed, you have helped me a lot today." Na Ya'a smiled and put him on his shoulder.

Song Qingshu replied: "Anyway, I have nothing to do now, and one more friend is one more way."

Na Ya'a suddenly looked down, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me, why on earth are you going to Ruyang Palace?"

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and he was still a little impatient, which aroused the suspicion of the other party, but he was prepared for a long time, showing a smile that you know: "It's true that I have long heard that Princess Shaomin is the number one beauty in Mongolia. I want to go. Look at her more."

Na Ya Ahaha laughed: "I have guessed that your fellow has this mind, but I have to remind you that that woman is a rose with thorns. Don't look at her now a little down and want to bully her. Tie Ding was pricked with blood."

Song Qingshu followed the conversation and said, "Of course I know how to measure. I just simply look at her beauty, which would really move other thoughts. If you know that she is Song Qingshu's woman, I am not arrogant enough to deal with the Great Master."

Seeing that he spoke sincerely, Na Ya’a nodded: “I’m relieved if you say that, then the Ruyang Palace will be handed over to you. I will find some collaborators to dissect the bodies of Nachen and Hesar. To see how they died."

After explaining some precautions, the Nayaadai people hurriedly left, and Song Qingshu hurried to Ruyang Palace.

As soon as I arrived at the Ruyang Palace, I found that the doorway was very noisy, and Zhao Min was leading people out, while the surrounding guards stopped them. The two sides were confronting each other, and the tension was on the verge of breaking out.

Zhao Min is always the most beautiful rose in the audience, but at this time she has a frosty face: "I am the princess who was personally sweating, can't I even get out of the door now? I am still a prisoner or something!"

To know that the cause of King Ruyang’s death so far has been an accident, and it has nothing to do with Temujin. Temujin publicly rewarded Zhao Min and other members of the palace in order to stabilize the hearts of other neutral forces in the ruling and opposition parties.

As for having been under house arrest in the house during this period, it was also Zhao Min and Tiemu sincerely tacitly told them that she took the initiative to stay at home every day, indicating that she was safe and self-defeating, and did not give the other party any excuses.

She cooperated like this, Temujin was not easy to deal with, so he could only send someone to stare here secretly.

Both parties knew that this was under house arrest, but the official did not admit that Temujin would not make an order to leave a statement, so now that Zhao Min is going out, it stands to reason that these people really have no reason to stop it.

But everyone knows that Tiemu is really thinking, how dare she really let her out, so it's difficult to stop it, and it's impossible to let it go. The two sides are stuck here.

The people who watched the Ruyang Palace came out one after another, taking the lead in persuading, but Zhao Min kept on walking out with a cold face. She walked in the forefront, because it was another woman, and the others weren't touching them. It's not.

Seeing that the opponent was about to break through the final line of defense, the person in charge of the guard finally drew out the knife: "Princess, if you don't return, please blame us for being merciless."

Zhao Min sneered: "I want to see how you are not merciless." As soon as her voice fell, the archers who followed behind came out to lay out bows and arrows, and the faces of the others changed drastically. Although the number of these archers was Few, but the well-known archer, really let them shoot, and there is no idea how many people will die in the field.

Seeing that the two sides were on the verge of breaking out, Song Qingshu hurried over: "Stop, what happened?"

When Zhao Min saw him, his expression was stunned at first, then a hint of surprise appeared, but it was fleeting, and he immediately returned to normal.

Song Qingshu secretly admired, this acting is really a leverage.

Na Ya'a sent the people who followed him to explain his identity to the guards of Ruyang Palace, and now he is solely responsible for it.

"Where is the princess going?" Song Qingshu stepped forward and asked with a smile.

Zhao Min snorted, "Do I need to tell you where I go?"

Song Qingshu replied: "The princess Jinzhiyuye, naturally, there is no need to confess to us, but the city is not peaceful in these two days, and there are many chaotic parties looting. The Great Khan specially ordered us to protect the princess from being injured by the chaotic party."

"Who is the chaotic party in your mouth?" Zhao Min looked at him carefully.

Song Qingshu replied: "The old golden swordsmen and some masters in the Central Plains. It is said that there is also a **** surnamed Song. I wonder if the princess can know him?"

"How can I know the man who is the most disgusting man in my life?" Zhao Min gave him a fierce look.

Song Qingshu smiled wryly: "It's a pity that the man escaped without a trace. When the emperor and the others caught him, how about handing it over to the princess?"

Zhao Min snorted, "I'm not interested in these mess, just want to go out and buy some rouge gouache, okay?"

Song Qingshu replied: "Of course, but in order to protect the safety of the princess, I have to accompany you and I hope to understand."

Zhao Min sneered: "If you want to follow along." After speaking, he walked down the street with his little hand on his back.

The other people changed their colors slightly and wanted to stop them, but it did not make it clear that she was not allowed to go out. Now being able to follow her is a solution.

Song Qingshu took the opportunity to lead people to follow, and came directly to Zhao Min's side: "What kind of rouge gouache is missing from the princess, it will be fine if the people below send it, so why bother you to go personally."

"Women just enjoy the process of buying, can't they?" Zhao Min rolled his eyes, then frowned at the samurai behind him, "Is it necessary to **** the prisoner by being so close?"

Song Qingshu took the opportunity to wave to them, beckoning them to stay away and just follow her. Others knew about his martial arts, but they didn't say anything.

Seeing those people go farther, Song Qingshu said: "If I didn't come just now, wouldn't you have a fight with them? How will you end up?"

Zhao Min said frankly: "My man has an accident, so I'm not allowed to mess around? Even if Temujin knew it, he wouldn't do anything to me."

Song Qingshu knows that she is very familiar with the Mongolian high-level handling methods, so she must have pinched Temuzhen's mentality to the death, but she was even more moved by her title: "Minmin~"

Zhao Min took a sip: "Don't call me like you, it's really uncomfortable."

Song Qingshu also knew that Shuiyue's respect was a bit wretched, and said with a sneer: "Then I'll find a chance to come to your house to find you."

"Don't!" Zhao Min hurriedly stopped, "Recently, more and more warriors have been installed in the mansion. Obviously, it is to prevent you from coming to me. No matter how high your martial arts is, it is difficult to avoid it completely, and you can't take risks. By the way, how is your injury?"

Song Qingshu replied: "Don't worry, although there is still a period of time before recovery, it is still barely able to protect yourself."

"How did you get better so fast?" Zhao Min showed doubts. "The three great masters besieged you alone last night. I heard that you also used the blood-burning method. You shouldn't recover so quickly."

Had she not known that his condition was critical, she would not have been so gloomy today.

"I found someone to heal my injury yesterday..." Song Qingshu was a little embarrassed, so he avoided the serious and explained what happened to Yalen last night, mainly emphasizing that someone was dealing with Yalen secretly, and he happened to be hit by Yunyun.

Zhao Min was so clever, he knew what was going on right away: "So you were hiding in her fragrant boudoir all night. No wonder they couldn't find you. Hehe, he was injured in Temujin's hands, but he used his granddaughter to come. Heal, you really have you."

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