Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 276: Late night visit

"Yeah, I really don't know what the Mongolian side thinks." Yelu Nanxian stood up and stretched, revealing a youthful and vigorous waist, and a small chest that Yingying holds, making Yeluqi move in embarrassment quickly. Sight.

"Before I came here, I thought that Brother Ali had sent the blood knife ancestor and Sangjie to help Hong Antong. I didn't expect that it doesn't look like it now." Yelvqi said in confusion.

"Did you say that Brother Ali sent them to make trouble?" Yelu Nanxian frowned and said.

"Probably not," Yelvqi said uncertainly. "Shenlong Island is an excellent force to contain the Manchus. The Manchus is now the number one enemy of Mongolia. The two countries have fought for years, and there is no reason for Mongolia to give up. Shenlong Island."

"Wait, what did you say?" Yelu Nanxian only felt a flash of light in his mind.

"I said Mongolia has no reason to abandon Shenlong Island." Yelvqi repeated it suspiciously.

"The previous sentence." Yelu Nanxian asked excitedly.

"Manchu Qing has now faintly become Mongolia's largest enemy, and the two countries have fought for years... What did you think of Xian'er?" Yelvqi asked.

"The problem lies here. The two countries have fought for years." Yelu Nanxian only felt that his thoughts were gradually cleared up. "Do you remember that Mongolia seemed to have a truce with the Manchus some time ago?"

"It seems that there is such a thing. Both sides have their own winners and losers. For a while, they can't play well, so they will temporarily truce. This is normal. After the fight is stopped, the fight is stopped, what's the problem?" Did not take it to heart.

"According to Tiyinsi's inquiries over the years, Hongli, who was in Shengjing in the Manchu Dynasty, always wanted to be emperor, and Kangxi in the capital had always been very afraid of this powerful prince. It was just that the Mongolian army had suppressed the territory for many years. Unanimously to the outside world." Yelu Nanxian said.

Yelvqi is not a stupid person, and soon he has an eyebrow: "You mean Mongolia's truce is to wait for the benefit of the fishermen?"

Yelu Nanxian nodded: "Yes, this truce in Mongolia will probably last a long time. I wanted to wait for Hongli and Kangxi to start the war, but at this time Hongli's son was actually killed. Take revenge for Fu Kang'an, but in this way, the day when Hongli and Kangxi go to war will have to be postponed."

Yelvqi’s eyes lit up, and he continued to add: "The Mongolian sweat, Temuzhen, has advanced age. Brother Ali is one of the most hopeful princes to aspire to the rank of sweat. Xu Liegu is like a broken bamboo in the extreme west. Lie’s achievements in the Central Plains are also extremely brilliant. If Brother Ali can't come up with the corresponding record, then his future will be a bit bleak."

"Yes," said Yelu Nanxian, "If the powerful Manchu can be eliminated, with this great contribution, the Mongolian sweat will not be the place of Ali Bu Ge. It is estimated that Ali Bu Ge has experts around him, and he can put it down. With immediate interests, truce with Hongli. First wait for the Manchu internal conflict, he is sitting to reap the benefits of the fishermen."

Yelvqi frowned and said, "Mongolia is really full of talents, and even a prince has such a high-level person next to him."

The two were sighing the magic of this trick, but didn't think about it? They thought that the so-called master was actually Wei Xiaobao's casual ridicule in order to save his life, but Wei Xiaobao was naturally smart and had a poisonous vision.

"Although Brother Alibu can stop temporarily, he has been raising hundreds of thousands of troops to stand still. I am afraid he can't hold on for long." Yelu Nanxian, who is also a nomad, understands that Mongolian soldiers live by looting, if they don't fight. The soldiers have been grazing all the time. Those soldiers can't stand the hardship. Over time, various tribes will put pressure on Ali Bu. At that time, Ali Bu, even if he didn't want to send troops, he could only send troops.

"So when Brother Ali knew that Hongli hadn't waited for the time to fight Kangxi as he thought, instead he started to mobilize people to fight Shenlong Island, naturally he couldn't sit still. But the Mongolian side also understands that Shenlong Island killed Hongli's most beloved one. His son will definitely not give up. At the same time, he is worried that Hongli will spend too much time on Shenlong Island, so he sent the blood knife ancestors and others to help Hong Antong in name, but in fact, he is trying to help Hongli get it as soon as possible. Go to Shenlong Island!"

If Brother Ali was present and heard everything, watching Yelvqi and Yelu Nanxian at their young age, but you said and I said, it would be as clear as today’s general trend and his purpose analysis, and he would definitely be a pair. Unbelievable expression.

"But why didn't Mongolia inform us?" Yelvqi asked suspiciously.

"Why did they notify us?" Yelu Nanxian sneered coldly. "Although Mongolia is nominally our Liao ally, it is not a country after all, so they will naturally beware of it."

"But what should we do next?" Yelvqi felt confused and his head was about to explode. "Master Su sent us over. Except for the wife of the leader of Shenlong Island secretly protecting Shenlong Island, no specific tasks were assigned. We were originally It’s only because of Mongolia’s face that they came to help Shenlong Island, but now Mongolia is helping Shenlong Island on the surface, but actually helping Hongli, so where are we on earth?"

Yelu Nanxian thought for a while, and finally made a decision: "Let’s do the opposite. On the surface, we help Shenlong Sect, but actually help Shenlong Island. After all, Mongolia is also under the name of Helping Shenlong Island. Since they did not inform us, we shall not know."

"I'm afraid that's not so good." Yelvqi hesitated for a while, and said, "After all, if it weren't Mongolia, our Daliao country would have been destroyed. Will this be..."

Yelu Nanxian stared at him for a while, and finally shook his head helplessly: "Cousin, Xian'er knows that you have always been a kindhearted and gentleman, but we are a royal family, so naturally we can't follow the values ​​of ordinary people. Look at the problem. Yes, Mongolia is kind to our Liaoning Province, but if you look at it, Mongolia has already formed the topping of Mount Tai over the countries of the Central Plains. If it easily destroys the Qing Dynasty, the unification of the world will not be far away. Then how should our Liao country deal with ourselves?"

Yelvqi smiled bitterly: "I understand rationally what to do, but emotionally I don’t want to make certain choices. Well, I also understand that it is in the interests of Daliao to allow Mongolia to spend a long time in the quagmire of the war with the Manchu and Qing dynasties. . So you can’t let Hongli break through Shenlong Island so quickly, and then fight with Kangxi."

"Well, when I return to Beijing this time, I have to find a way to tell the emperor what the stakes are, so that the emperor should not be misled by the corps of corpse-positioned vegetarians. Our last trip to Shengjing was fortunately unsuccessful. Otherwise, Kangxizhen and Hongli would fight and hit Mongolia's arms." Yelu Nanxian thought for a while and continued.

Yelvqi said embarrassedly: “It’s actually no wonder that they are not at all. We didn’t know Ali’s plan to be wronged at the time. We thought that the arrogance had caused tension between Kangxi and Hongli, so that both parties had no time to help Wu Sangui. Brother's abacus is so loud, he actually wants to start a full-scale war between Hongli and Kangxi."

Yelu Nanxian also knew that no one in the entire court could see this clearly at that time. If it weren’t for this time, if Ali hadn’t been anxious and showed his feet on Shenlong Island, the Liao Kingdom would still be kept in the dark... Thinking of this, Yelu Nanxian I couldn't help but be terrified.

The two were silent for a while. Yelvqi suddenly remembered something and said, "Xian'er, why did you say that Lord Su asked us to protect Mrs. Shenlong? Mr. Su's surname is Su, and that Mrs. Su is also surnamed. Do you think it is? "

"Don't talk nonsense, Master Su is a Khitanese, and the wife of the leader is obviously Han. How could it be related." Having said that, Yelu Nanxian didn't understand why Su Yin gave them such weird orders.

"Well, I'll go to Song Qingshu's place to check my breath. Isn't Su Quan also there?" Yelu Nanxian said, her tone couldn't help becoming weird. The wife of the leader did not go back to her husband, but followed Song Qingshu together...

Besides, after Song Qingshu and the three returned to their courtyard, Fang Yi couldn't help but speak again: "Madam, why didn't you see the little princess when you came back this time?"

Su Quan also looked ugly, and replied: "I asked the cultists a moment ago. In order to meet the invading enemy, many members of the cult were sent to several nearby islands, forming horns with the main island. I'm afraid Mu Jianping is among them."

"Small princess martial arts... martial arts are low-level, and there must be more fierce than good luck under the war." Fang Yi was in chaos.

"Don't panic, haven't you started fighting yet?" Su Quan snorted impatiently. "What I worry about is why all my cronies are sent out."

"Could it be that the leader wants to do something with his wife?" Fang Yi was startled.

"Is it necessary to say?" Su Quan gave her a white look. "It's not because I realize this, why I don't want to leave the fame and live with Song Qingshu in front of so many people."

"Madam, you...Did you do anything to Brother Song?" Fang Yi hesitated for a moment, but still plucked up the courage to ask.

Fang Yi thought she would be vague, but Su Quan admitted it generously: "Yes, he got me."

"Then he will be like this from now on?" Fang Yi looked at Song Qingshu, who was sitting on the side stupidly, boringly picking her fingernails, her heart tightened.

"What do you care about him so much?" Su Quan suddenly laughed ambiguously, "Why, after a night of dew husband and wife, I learned the taste?"

Fang Yi waved her hand awkwardly: "No, no."

"How is he in bed?" Su Quan was taken aback as soon as he said it. He didn't expect that he would ask such a question.

However, in line with her consistent attitude of smoky and flattering, Fang Yi didn't feel abrupt, but she was still ashamed, and didn't know how to answer, so she said, "It's okay."

Su Quan couldn't help but slumped, thinking that this woman was always dishonest, and she even lied about this kind of thing. She listened to the window for so long that night, and her legs became soft. If that's okay, then There are not many men in the world.

However, Su Quan misunderstood Fang Yi. Fang Yi has no experience in combining with other men. He has the same knowledge in this area as Xiao Bai. Naturally, he does not know what level Song Qingshu is. Although she thinks he is very good, she is too embarrassed to say it. .

As soon as he walked into the yard, Yu Mako, who was about to visit, listened vaguely to a few words, and his heart jumped wildly: "The two women inside are actually discussing Song Qingshu's bed work?" Su Quan's kind of ripe honey emerged in his mind. With a peach-like feeling, he suddenly cursed, Song Qingshu of Gou Ri, really is a beautiful blessing!

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