Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 282: No desire is strong

"The biggest problem?" Song Qingshu was really asked by him for a while, reflecting on the current situation, it seems that there are problems everywhere.

"It may be that I worked for the Manchu Qing court, so I can't advance or retreat a little bit."

Song Qingshu sighed. In the past, the meridians were all broken and the martial arts was lost. What's even more ironic was that he had a deep hatred with Zhang Wuji, who was superior to martial arts and had hundreds of thousands of cultists under his command. In the past, Song Qingshu mistakenly killed Master Uncle Mo Shenggu, and killed two beggar elders at the Lion Slaughter Conference. He also had to carry these two black pots. When Zhou Zhiruo of the Emei faction wanted to hunt him down, Song Qingshu discovered that the martial arts was great. , Actually there is no place for him to stand.

If you are willing to be a flat-headed common people, you can find a place to be incognito for the rest of your life. Unfortunately, Song Qingshu’s chest was filled with endless resentment and anger. He decided to seek revenge from Zhang Wuji even if he didn’t use any means, and he would later join the Qing court. Plan.

As Song Qingshu's strength became higher and higher, his goal in life was no longer limited to revenge, and at the same time he had more and greater thoughts. At this time, he discovered that his identity in the Manchu Dynasty was really a constraint. Although the Manchu Dynasty did not have deep hatred with the Song Dynasty like Mongolia and Jin, after all, the Ming Dynasty was destroyed, and the image in the hearts of the Han people in the Central Plains was not much better. If Song Qingshu wanted to be a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty, all of this naturally didn't matter, but he had even greater ambitions. When he acted in the future, when someone came over and cursed him, he really couldn't defend himself. Although Song Qingshu also devised a whitewashing strategy, the process was too dangerous...

"You can't advance or retreat because you think too much," Ouyang Feng directly gave his own evaluation, "The old man has lived for so long, from the nobles to the traffickers and pawns. The contact time is not long, but based on the rumors I heard about you, I can roughly grasp your personality."

"Although you are humble on the surface, you are extremely arrogant in your heart." Without giving Song Qingshu a chance to excuse, Ouyang Feng continued, "Whether you admit it or not, in your heart, you must think that only you alone can fully measure Strong relationships in all aspects, make choices that are in the best interests of both parties. Other people are either not smart enough or not wise enough. In short, they will make various unfavorable choices. So you have to consider yourself while also considering the other party’s behavior. Come in, consciously or unconsciously guiding them to do what you want..."

Su Quan on the side heard the clouds and mist, and looked up at Song Qingshu. Seeing that he was silent, he was shocked in his heart: "Could it be that way."

Ouyang Feng sneered: "But it's not easy. If you want to achieve that perfect situation, you must make corresponding sacrifices. For example, you were worried that I would fight with you at all costs, so there was a little bit of speech. Keep your breath down."

Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly. Just about to speak, Ouyang Feng raised his hand to stop him: "You are very similar to a person I knew before."

Song Qingshu's heart moved, "Who is it?"

"Jin Guo Zhao Wang Wan Yan Honglie."

"Except for the control of the wife, where do you look like him?" Song Qing slandered, of course I am embarrassed to say this.

"Wan Yan Honglie is also a smart man," Ouyang Feng's eyes became a little erratic, and he was obviously lost in memory. "Although he doesn't say it, I know that everyone is just a **** in his eyes. He is also a corporal courteous. But it was for greater return. When Yan Honglie pulled me to join the Palace of the Zhao Kingdom, I did not flatter him like the masters of Lingzhi, but instead treated him without saying a word, so that in the end, Wan Yan Honglie I was so humble that I became my slave. Do you know why?" Ouyang Feng glanced at Song Qingshu.


Although Ouyang Feng is one of the five great things in the Central Plains, Wanyan Honglie, the prince of an empire, does not need to treat Ouyang Feng so much. Wanyan Honglie’s almost kneeling attitude in the original work once made Song Qingshu extremely suspicious of the imperial court in the golden book system. The power of the arena.

"Because he, like you, has considered too much, thinking that he alone can care about the pros and cons of the whole thing. In his heart, I am a stubborn, arrogant nature, ignorant of etiquette, if I use the identity of the prince to suppress me , I will definitely not know the general situation and turn my face away. And he needs to use a master of my level in some places, so even if he scolds his mother in his heart, he will respect me more on the surface. Just like you, as long as the overall situation is If you develop according to your own wishes, you don’t care even if you suffer a little loss."

Ouyang Feng smiled, "I just grabbed his mentality. Even if I am not that difficult to serve, I must show that it is extremely difficult to serve. The status of two people is like this. If you are strong, he will be weak, and if you are weak, he will be strong. This Everything, just because he claims to be a smart man, and I saw through the ideas of this smart man, I naturally took it away."

Thinking of her relationship with Kangxi, Song Qingshu's face couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Ouyang Feng seemed to have thought of this, and sneered: "I've probably heard about your situation in the Qing court. Although Kangxi was pretty good to you, it was only good. What is the number one master of the Qing Dynasty? He cried and drank like a dog, I am afraid Kangxi'ordered' you to come to Shenlong Island this time."

Seeing Song Qingshu nodded with a dark face, Ouyang Feng had such an expression as expected: "If I were you, don't say that Kangxi treats me like an old man, at least he will use it respectfully when he wants to do something with me. A word of'please', as for whether I am willing to help him or not, it depends on the mood at the time.

Song Qingshu suddenly sweated, "You mean Kangxi is like you, he saw through my mind?" Mr. Ouyang also forgot to shout when he became anxious.

"It's the so-called cleverness, but the cleverness is mistaken, but you can't be completely blamed." Ouyang Feng nodded, "As the so-called "desirelessness" is strong, when I cooperate with Wanyan Honglie, his is greater than mine, I am naturally in the active position. You and Between Kangxi, I’m afraid you’re bigger, even if Kangxi didn’t understand this at first, but when he noticed your prudent and cautious behavior, he would surely understand how much you hide. He expected you. Since he has a plan, he naturally won’t turn his face off because of some of his etiquette and treatment issues. That’s why he has formed a strong and weak relationship. Believe it or not, if you acted unruly and domineering at first , Will you have a higher status next to Kangxi now?"

"Listen to the king's words, better than read ten years." Song Qingshu bowed respectfully, and his heart moved quickly. Since everything he had was under the control of Kangxi before, maybe Kangxi had already noticed his secret plan. If we act according to the original plan, I am afraid it will fall completely into Kangxi's calculations. Since he expected that I would develop my strength secretly while forbearing, then he would do the opposite and give him a surprise...

"Children can be taught." Ouyang Feng nodded in relief. Although he didn't know what Song Qingshu was preparing, his decades of experience made him keenly aware that everything Song Qingshu was under the control of Kangxi and was falling into a potential crisis. Among.

"This time the call is supposed to return your feeling of helping the old man detoxify." Ouyang Feng stood up, his bones rattling. Looking at his figure, Song Qingshu knew that the crazy old man who was walking upside down had disappeared, and that Xidu, who used to run wild in the past, was back again.

"The old man recovers his sanity this time, you have to do what you say. Originally, the old man is not a person who will be rewarded for his kindness, but he is very happy today. If others need help with anything, the old man will do his best. Report today's feelings."

Ouyang Feng had just been rescued by Hong Qigong in the past years, but he immediately tried to figure out the other party’s affairs. Naturally, he was not a repaying master, but today seems to have awakened from a big dream. Seeing Ouyang Ke's shadow in Song Qingshu, he made a promise on a whim.

"Anything is okay?" Song Qingshu asked immediately with a move in his heart.

Ouyang Feng's expression was a little bit of a smile: "Boy, I have never been the master of a promise. It depends on what you ask me to do. When I am happy, I will do it. If I am not happy, this promise will naturally be invalidated. "Ouyang Feng I, the hero, naturally refused to be bound by a promise.

"This is the style of Western Drugs back then." Song Qingshu chuckled a few times, and his heart was very clear. If he runs to the door and finds Ouyang Feng and himself to join forces to kill Guangmingding, it is estimated that the other party will slap over. It seems that only when they encounter something with the same interests in the future, can he be asked to take action...

The group of people came to the entrance of the cave and looked at the thick stone gate. Ouyang Feng frowned: "Do you want to combine the strength of the two of us to push this stone gate?" He had just finished poisoning his body, and his true energy was greatly damaged. It’s the weakest time. Therefore, Ouyang Feng just seemed to be kind enough to give Song Qingshu to him, but he might not have taken the opportunity to buy time to recover his skills, lest Song Qingshu's intentions were to break out.

"This stone gate weighs ten thousand kilograms. It must not be pushed open with brute force. You can only use clever energy." Song Qingshu paused deliberately. Seeing the two of them looking at him nervously, he was a little funny in his heart, and continued, "Now There are two ways. One is to dig a tunnel from the side of the wall. It is not far from the entrance of the cave. I must not dig a few meters to see the sky again." This is the elder belt of the Sun Moon God Sect who was trapped in the cave. Inspired by this, one of the elders used a giant axe to open the mountain and dug near the entrance of the cave. Now that several people are near the entrance of the cave, this problem naturally does not exist.

The Ling Snake Cave originally did not rely on stone gates to imprison foreign enemies, and the walls at the entrance of the cave were just ordinary soil, not solid rammed earth or rock. Otherwise, it would be a fantasy to dig out a cave.

"The second way?" With Ouyang Feng's pride, it was a bit embarrassing for him to poke his **** and dig holes like a pangolin.

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