Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 284: Conspiracy against Huang Rong

"Hmph, he has already moved. He was just worried about surrendering me and the army outside would not let go of Shenlong Island. In that way, he lost his wife and broke down. It was a shame and naturally he didn't dare to agree easily. "Following Hong Antong for a long time, coupled with cronies whispering, Su Quan naturally understands Hong Antong's mind at this time.

Song Qingshu hasn't answered yet, but Ouyang Feng's face on the side is full of ridicule: "Little brother, this girl is so coquettish and full of coquettish gestures. I'm really worried that you will be fascinated by her in the future."

"Why~" Su Quan was blank, with a blush on his face, and stomped his feet in shame. "Mr. Ouyang, you have a high reputation, how come you come to make fun of me a little girl."

"Highly respected?" Ouyang Feng sneered, "Fortunately, I am not good at female sex. Otherwise, I will learn from a coquettish little lady like you, so I will put you in the room first." Thinking of Ouyang Ke, Ouyang Feng said. Long sigh: "My poor Kerr."

Song Qingshu thought that in his early years, Ouyang Ke would only use force to ruin the good girl, it is really a shame to my generation, and the final death can be regarded as self-blame.

Of course, he still has to do superficial work. He was about to say a few words of explanation. Ouyang Feng suddenly became hostile: "In the final analysis, Kerr was killed by Guo Jing Huang Rong. If it weren't for Huang Rong's stinky girl, Kerr would not be double. The leg was broken, and the villain took advantage of it in the end. I have to deal with Guo Jing and Huang Rong, can you help me?"

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was stunned. He didn't expect his thinking to jump like this. He wondered what a glorious image Guo Jing and Huang Rong and his wife were in the hearts of ordinary people in the Song Dynasty. What's more, the two were very powerful in martial arts. Behind them were such super masters as Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi For help, I only wandered into the muddy water after pumping my brain.

Seeing Song Qingshu's awkward look, Ouyang Feng quickly regained his senses, and understood that even if he agreed to serve him, this little fox would probably not provoke Guo Jing and his wife.

Suddenly, Ouyang Feng's mind flashed, and this kid looked like a peach blossom, and he seemed to be a lecherous person. Huang Rong was very beautiful when she was a girl. Now she is married to a wife, and she is even more charming. If you use her...

In a blink of an eye, Ouyang Feng had a plan in mind. He came up with a way to use Huang Rong to force Song Qingshu to deal with Guo Jing. A weird smile appeared on his face: "I will not mention this for now, but I believe you will agree to it in the future. of."

Song Qingshu only felt baffled, and wondered how he could agree. At this time, there was a quarrel in the hall, and he quickly turned and looked at the hall.

"What are you going to do?" Hong Antong stared at Xu Xueting, and said sensibly.

Hong Antong has been accumulating prestige for a long time. Xu Xueting was stared at him, and only felt that his legs were weak. However, when he thought that there were many helpers this time, he was immediately emboldened: "Since Prince Bao intends, he will retreat as long as he handed over his wife. Compared with Shenlongjiao My career, the safety of thousands of congregants, what a mere woman is."

In fact, Xu Xueting knew very well in her heart that when everyone was forced to such a point, even if Hong Antong had the idea of ​​sacrificing Su Quande before, he would never agree to it now. After all, if Hong Antong offered to hand over Su Quan, everyone in the teaching would only be grateful to him, and his prestige would only increase instead of decreasing. But being forced by the congregation to hand over Su Quan, the meaning is completely different, so that even if he finishes dealing with the outside army, Hong Antong's prestige will collapse, and the congregation who is already deeply oppressed will probably be ready to move.

"Death!" What Xu Xueting can think of, how can Hong Antong, as the leader, fail to understand, looking at the light of hope in the eyes of everyone below, knowing that if they don't immediately kill the chickens and threaten the monkeys, they will be shocked by their unprepared thoughts, I am afraid today It's dangerous.

Hong Antong twisted a piece of wood on the seat handle and used his internal force to lasing towards Xu Xueting. Although Xu Xueting’s martial arts are top-notch in the Shenlong Sect, how could he stop Hong Antong’s angry blow, and seeing that he was about to be passed through his chest, a dust brush suddenly swept over and changed the direction of the wood. Xu Xueting died.

Xu Xueting was shocked and glanced at Yu Zhenzi gratefully.

"Jade Madam, this is what I teach, what do you mean!" Hong Antong was frightened and angry.

Yu Zhenzi also wanted to make Shenlong sect infight, so naturally he could not sit back and watch Hong Antong integrate up and down with a thunderous momentum, and said with a smile: "The noble religion is now withered, why should Lord Hong take the life of a master because of a disagreement. ."

Yu Mako's words seemed like cold water poured into boiling oil, and suddenly ignited the long-suppressed resentment of the Shenlong Cult.

Xu Xueting yelled: "This old man only cares about the fox, when he cares about our subordinates. Brothers, Hong Antong is not willing to sacrifice the fox. It seems that he is ready to sacrifice us. We might as well fight to the death and kill Hong Antong first. , And then catch Su Quan and hand it over to Taoist Master Yuzheng. The siege of Shenlong Island will be resolved."

Outside the window, Song Qingshu looked sideways at Su Quan's round ear beads, leaned forward and let out a sigh of relief: "Vixie~"

Su Quan turned around, with a light anger and anger on his face: "You are a vixen."

"I don't mind if there are men in the fox spirits." Song Qingshu looked at her shyly and smiled.

"I really can't stand the two of you talking about love," Ouyang Feng gave a light cough, looking weird, "There is nothing worth paying attention to here, I'm leaving now."

Su Quan was so embarrassed by his words that he turned his head and stopped answering. Song Qingshu said strangely: "Are you not going to report your revenge?"

"It's just some ghost tricks that jump on the beam, I don't bother to care about him," Ouyang Feng looked to the west sky, "not to mention a blessing in disguise, regaining my sanity... I have been away from home for a long time, I always have to go back and take a look."

"White Camel Villa?" Song Qingshu asked curiously.

Ouyang Feng nodded: "By the way, I will go to Jin Guo and some old people will also visit, little brother, I will see you in the future." Without waiting for him to answer, he jumped and disappeared into the distance.

I wonder if I will see you next time, is it an enemy or a friend? Song Qingshu sighed and saw that Su Quan was staring at the fight inside. He couldn't help but stretch out his hand to embrace her waist: "Why, worry about the safety of her husband?"

Feeling the heat of the big hands on his waist, Su Quan trembled all over, knowing this was wrong, but there was a feeling that he didn't want to resist, and a pair of beautiful eyes couldn't help but look at Song Qingshu.

"Although I look a little more handsome than your husband, you don't have to keep staring at it." Song Qingshu said strangely.

Su Quan shook his head, "I just feel that you are a little different from before."

"What is different?" Song Qingshu was stunned.

"For example, you come to hug me naturally. You wouldn't be like this before... Oh, I can't tell you anyway." Su Quan's pretty face was originally charming and unreasonable, and now he was dyed with a hint of shame. charming.

Hearing her words, Song Qingshu thoughtfully: "Fortunately, Ouyang Feng pointed me to my mind, so I knew how uncomfortable I was before."

"Now that I am comfortable, come here to be frivolous." Su Quan pursed his lips and said with a murmur, she was like a mature woman, she was clearly an aggrieved little girl.

The rootless Taoist and Zhang Danyue had already negotiated with Xu Xueting, and the blood knife ancestor and Sang Jie secretly helped each other, so they naturally had confidence in their hearts. Wen Yan both stepped forward, echoing Xu Xueting, and the doormen who arranged for them also took the opportunity to wave their flags and shout.

Hong Antong's expression changed slightly. Unexpectedly, the few Five Dragon Envoys turned upside down. A green aura appeared on his face, and his heart became ruthless: Okay, you are all against me, and you kill all of them. I will promote a few people to become the Five Dragons again. Make.

Knowing that as long as these leaders are executed on the spot, the heart of the teaching center will naturally settle down. With powerful enemies surrounding him, Hong Antong decided to fight quickly.

Among the three, Zhang Danyue's martial arts was the weakest. Hong An slammed into the west and seemed to rush towards Xu Xueting. When Xu Xueting concentrated on defense, the other two rushed to rescue him. One side of his body, his right palm fell on Zhang Danyue's head.

Zhang Danyue was horrified, using the mandarin duck double short swords to stab the seven swords upwards in an instant. It was indeed his life's masterpiece. The seven swords stabbed extremely quickly and sharply. Master Hong's right palm was slightly tilted, and he pressed lightly on his left chest and jumped open. Zhang Danyue yelled, rolled around in the ground, stood up, her face was black and blue, her legs quickly softened and she fell to the ground, seeing that she was not alive.

Xu Xueting and the Rootless Taoist were guilty, and looked at the blood knife ancestor and Sang Jie subconsciously. They didn't know that the other party had no intention of making a move. They cursed secretly and had to bite the bullet and face Hong Antong's fierce attack.

"As the saying goes, the three five dragon envoys are also for the Shenlong to teach thousands of people. It is enough if the Lord Hong does not adopt it, so why bother to go under the killer, and the poor way can't pass it, so he has to take care of it." Yuzhenzi pinched He wore his moustache and looked filled with righteous indignation. Naturally, he hoped that Shenlong Cult would fight both sides and hurt both sides, but looking at the current situation, Xu Xueting and the others might not be able to hurt Hong Antong. Yu Mako decided to balance the disparity of force between the two sides.

Hong Antong saw that Xu Xueting and Rootless Taoist would be eliminated soon, but he couldn't help being frightened and angry when he knew that Yu Zhenzi had joined him suddenly.

Yu Zhenzi's martial arts is not under Hong Antong, and with the addition of the variety of gods, his body is extremely ghostly, intentionally or unintentionally guiding Xu Xueting and the rootless Taoist to bear most of Hong Antong's attacks, but he sees the right time and suddenly makes a vicious move from time to time. Spicy attack.

With the help of Yu Zhenzi, Xu Xueting and Wugen Taoist were very energetic, desperately entangled Hong Antong's hands and feet, so that Yu Zhenzi had a chance to make a fatal blow.

Seeing the danger of Hong Antong, the blood knife ancestor and Sang Jie glanced at each other, joined the battle group with heart, and shouted: "Master Hong, we will help you."

Hong Antong is such an experienced person. The reason for the danger is that he has allocated a part of his energy to guard against these people's sudden cold arrows. However, seeing that the two actually helped themselves to hold Xu Xueting two people, he was relieved.

"You!" When Xu Xueting and Wugen Taoist saw each other completely disobeying the previous agreement, they were shocked and angry. They were about to ask questions. They didn't know that the blood knife ancestor and Sang Jie didn't give them a chance. fatal.

Although Xu Xueting and Rootless Taoist could be considered masters, they were nowhere comparable to these two underworld giants, and they were quickly forced into danger.


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