Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 300: Deceive yourself

Song Qingshu regretted that too much nonsense just now led to self-restraint, but he wanted him to show his true identity and expected Zhou Zhiruo to let him go. That would be impossible.

"Looking at your expression seems to regret it?" Zhou Zhiruo had a kind of retaliatory pleasure, as the so-called Feng Shui took turns, just now the other party played with him like a cat and mouse, now it is the turn of the role to reverse.

"I do regret it a little bit." Song Qingshu sighed, thinking of the women who loved him deeply, thinking of the unpaid ambitions, and unexpectedly repeating the mistakes of Kangxi, ushering in the fall of Kangxi at the most proud time in life, could not help but smile, it is really a cycle of heaven. Retribution is unhappy.

"For the sake of you not embarrassing me just now, if you beg me, I will temporarily let you make a living." Zhou Zhiruo was cold in her heart. She never let Kangxi mean, whether it was from the perspective of the Han people. Or from the perspective of revenge for Song Qingshu.

Zhou Zhiruo just wanted to see Kangxi's ugly manner of kneeling down and begging for mercy before he died, and then killed him, making him die in vain, so as to repay Song Qingshu's frustration and ashes.

Song Qingshu glanced at her unexpectedly, revealing a sardonic smile, and said in a pun, "Even if I beg the world, I won't beg you."

Although Zhou Zhiruo was a little strange about the meaning of his words, she didn't think too much about it. She was worried about the changes over time and decided not to delay time. A piece of snow-white lotus root arm stretched out from the quilt, perfect and flawless, making it yin. Ruthless nine-yin white claws.

"It's exposed again." Song Qingshu's expression was indifferent, but instead stared at Zhou Zhiruo's chest intently.

"Looking for death!" Zhou Zhiruo was furious when he noticed his gaze, "I first dug out your thieves' eyes."

Seeing **** sticking in front of his eyes, Song Qingshu's expression stunned, and immediately closed his eyes and said quickly: "For the sake of being pretty good to you just now, give me a good time."

Song Qingshu saw through life and death is one thing, but before he died, his eyes were dug out, and he shuddered when he thought about it.

"I thought you were really a hero, but I still asked me." Seeing that his fingertips were about to penetrate into the opponent's eye socket, Zhou Zhiruo suddenly changed his mind, turned his fingers into claws, and squeezed his throat.

"Okay, I beg you, give me a good time." Song Qingshu's expression is quiet, he has been carrying out his true energy and quietly attacking the sealed acupoint, but Zhou Zhiruo was practicing Jiuyin Sutra in the Emei school some time ago, and now he has true energy. It's no longer the same kind of miscellaneous and impure things as before, and her whole body is sealed by her. It is not a matter of a half-and-a-half moment to rush away. If this is the case, it is better to face death calmly.

Looking back on the short few years of rebirth, it seems to be wonderful. Even the emperor has been an emperor, and it does not seem to be a young death.

Zhou Zhiruo hesitated for a moment, after all, she was still a little grateful that he had treated herself politely just now, and nodded: "Okay!" After speaking, he tightened his fingers and grabbed him by the throat.


Zhou Zhiruo suddenly felt the back of her hand numb, and when she took a closer look, there was a silver needle pierced with cold light. Before he could react, a group of white shadows broke through the window and came to the bed in the blink of an eye. Zhou Zhiruo raised her palm to greet her. Suffering from the other hand, he had to grab the quilt on his body, so he could only meet the enemy with one hand, and the opponent's martial arts was extremely high. After a few moves, Zhou Zhiruo was hit by the acupuncture points.

"Tsk tusk tusk, if it weren't for me to come over and take a look, you just died in the hands of this little lady?" Dongfang Muxue looked at Song Qingshu with contempt.

"People have missed their hands, horses have missed their feet. I was careless." Song Qingshu said slyly.

"It's you!" Zhou Zhiruo finally recognized the face of the person who came. Seeing that it was the woman who had fought side by side and besieged Kangxi before, she couldn't help being shocked and angry, and suddenly realized something, "Ah~"

Because the acupoints were sealed, Zhou Zhiruo was no longer able to grasp the brocade quilt on his body. As the brocade slowly slipped off, the delicate and transparent body like a jade carving was gradually exposed to the air.

"This girl Zhou really felt pity for me." Dongfang Muxue reached out and touched her body, smelling the scent of the remaining fingers, revealing a look of intoxication.

"You!" Zhou Zhiruo was trembling with anger.

"Hey, hey, don't take advantage of it." Even Song Qingshu can't see it anymore. This Dongfang Muxue will not be a **** when he puts it in the future.

"Why, reluctant?" Dongfang Muxue looked at him with a smile.

"Humph." Song Qingshu didn't know how to answer, but snorted badly.

"What is the relationship between the two of you?" Zhou Zhiruo felt a little better now seeing the only man in the room not staring at him.

"Me?" Dongfang Muxue sat down in Song Qingshu's arms, hooked his neck, and smiled sweetly, "I am his good friend."

Seeing the two people kissing each other, Zhou Zhiruo still didn't understand the relationship between them. He just couldn't figure it out: "Then why did you beat him to death before?"

"That's because this brat teased me." Thinking of worrying before, Dongfang Muxue pinched Song Qingshu angrily.

"His, it hurts." Song Qingshu took a breath, "You should help me untie the acupuncture points first."

"What's the fun of unlocking your acupuncture points." Dongfang Muxue slowly shook his head, revealing an ambiguous smile.

"Fun?" Song Qingshu suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Miss Zhou, did you intend to kill him just now?" Dongfang Muxue looked at Zhou Zhiruo's beautiful face with beautiful eyes.

"Of course." Zhou Zhiruo was terrified by her staring, but she didn't bother to lie.

"If you really kill him, you will regret it for the rest of your life." Dongfang Muxue sighed quietly.

"How is it possible." Zhou Zhiruo curled his lips in disdain.

"Really?" Dongfang Muxue gently rubbed Song Qingshu's face with her fingers, and suddenly she tugged, revealing his original face, "Look at who he is?"

"How could it be you?" Zhou Zhiruo looked at Song Qingshu blankly, beyond shock.

"What do you want to do!" Song Qing wrote to Shen Rushui. He wanted to take this opportunity to have a break with Zhou Zhiruo. After Dongfang Muxue's troubles, wouldn't the two people's grievances be more difficult to resolve.

"You couple, as a bystander, I look really anxious, so I can help you today." Dongfang Muxue let out a sigh of relief near Song Qingshu's ear and giggled.

Seeing Song Qing looking at herself strangely in writing, a faint blush flashed across Dongfang Muxue's face: "What do you look at."

"Suddenly found that you seem to have a little more feminine touch."

"I was originally a woman." Dongfang Muxue raised her eyebrows and said angrily.

"Hey, hey, what are your hands doing?"

"Help you undress."

"I know you are undressing. I am asking what you are going to do when **** me." Song Qingshu only felt a black thread.

"It's cheap for you." Dongfang Muxue smiled sweetly.

Song Qingshu's heart trembled when she heard it, and a vivid image soon appeared in her mind, her face flushed, but she soon thought that Zhou Zhiruo was still here and doing that kind of thing in front of her, Dongfang Muxue would have been too. It's too bold.

Before Zhou Zhiruo recovered from the shock, she discovered that Dongfang Muxue had taken Song Qingshu naked, and then squeezed it into her bed. She couldn't help but stared at Dongfang Muxue with shame and anger: "What are you going to do!"

"Are you a husband and wife? The so-called bedside fights at the end of the bed. Just sleep for the big thing." Dongfang Muxue pulled the quilt to cover the two of them. At the same time, mischievous usually deliberately pressed Song Qingshu to Zhou Zhiruo. go with.

Only then did Song Qingshu realize that he wanted something wrong, and looked at Dongfang Muxue angrily: "You are doing a disservice, I was killed by you."

"Really? You will be grateful to me tomorrow." Dongfang Muxue's mouth curled, her long sleeves waved, and the candles in the room went out. "A moment is worth a thousand dollars, so I won't disturb the two." A smug smile was left behind. The sound disappeared outside the door.

The room was plunged into darkness, and only each other's breathing could be heard. Song Qingshu sniffed the scent of the bed and felt a little embarrassed: "Zhiruo, this time is really unexpected. I don't want to do this to you again."

The two were physically entangled by Dongfang Muxue. If Zhou Zhi could clearly feel the fiery breath coming from his skin, his breathing would inevitably be distracted: "Aren't you dead?"

"It was Kangxi who died." Song Qingshu sighed before telling her the whole thing.

Following Song Qingshu's whispering, Zhou Zhiruo could feel his hot sniffles on his cheeks, and when he thought of the two sincerely facing each other at this time, he couldn't help being angry and shy.

Although she was distracted from time to time, Zhou Zhiruo still figured out the generality of the matter, and just thought it was incredible. He soon thought of what Song Qingshu had said to him pretending to be Kangxi, Zhou Zhiruo snorted: "Some people just boasted, it was really embarrassing. "

Song Qingshu was embarrassed when she said that, but fortunately he couldn't see it in the dark, and sighed: "You hate me so much. If I say that, we can make a complete break between us. It's good for you and me. ."

Hearing what he said, Zhou Zhiruo fell into silence.

"How do you know that I still hate you?" Zhou Zhiruo said quietly.

"What?" Song Qingshu was taken aback, his thoughts were complicated and he didn't hear clearly for a while.

"Nothing." Zhou Zhiruo's voice quickly returned to calm.

"What are we going to do now?" After this period of time, Song Qingshu had actually rushed through the acupuncture points, but he was holding Zhou Zhiruo's fragrant and slippery body, a little reluctant to let go for a while.

"My acupoint has already rushed open." Zhou Zhiruo's voice was inaudible.

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and had to admit: "Me too."

The two still maintained their previous postures, motionless, the only difference was that Song Qingshu could feel Zhou Zhiruo's body getting softer and softer.

"Then I'm leaving." Zhou Zhiruo felt a little embarrassed to stay like this, struggling to sit up.

"No." Song Qingshu would be really an idiot if she let her go like this. He grabbed her bright wrist and pulled Zhou Zhiruo back into her arms again.

"Your martial arts are better than me." Zhou Zhiruo said with her mouth pursed.

Song Qingshu didn't understand why she suddenly said this, and soon Zhou Zhiruo continued to mutter to herself: "This time you forced me to force me."

"Well, well, I forced you."

Seeing her deceiving herself like this, Song Qingshu was angry and funny, twisted slightly, and pressed it under her body. Zhou Zhiruo snorted, and her jade arms wrapped around his back naturally.


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