Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 318: Mysterious woman

"Speaking of being romantic and handsome, there is nothing like Madam below." Zhao Min hesitated, and after all he sat down next to her, but as soon as he sat down, he moved his **** to the outside without leaving a trace. But I was wondering if there was an official surnamed Tang at the top of Jin Guo.

The Kingdom of Jin was originally a country established by nomads, and there were very few Hans in the noble class. Zhao Min thought about it and couldn't remember anyone whose surname was Tang.

"Cough cough~" Too much trouble, Zhao Min accidentally affected the injury and couldn't help coughing a few times.

"The son is hurt, lie down quickly." Madam Tang said with concern.

"Lying down?" Zhao Min looked around, there was no place to lie down. Seeing that Madam Tang meant to lie on her lap, she couldn't help but feel a chill, and quickly changed the subject and said, "Madam, now the city gate is closed. Would it be too convenient to take our brothers into the city?"

"What's the inconvenience," Madam Tang said with a smile on her lips, "Don't say it's two people, how difficult is it even if it's two hundred people."

Song Qingshu secretly slapped his tongue when he heard it. Now the heroes are coming together, and the guards in each city are extremely tight, for fear of spies entering the city. This woman can bring hundreds of people into the city casually, which is too exaggerated. If the enemy controlled this woman, wouldn't Kaifeng City be within easy reach? It's just not clear what identity she is, and can have such a big energy.

While Song Qingshu and Zhao Min were pondering, a string of silver bell-like smiles appeared in their ears. Madam Tang looked at Zhao Min and said, "How do you plan to thank Madam Ben for helping you so much this time? "

Zhao Min and Song Qing looked at each other in writing, what did she mean? Before the two came to answer, Mrs. Tang had already sat up slowly and stretched out her arms lazily. At that moment, the towering chest and slender waist were unreservedly displayed in front of them.

"Hey~ After the long journey, this lady feels sore and weak, if someone can give me a pounding. It's a pity that the caring maid was not with me this time, and those outside are rough again..."

Although I didn't say it thoroughly, the meaning of the expression couldn't be clearer.

Zhao Min and Song Qingshu looked at each other, as if they had a sharp heart, and a flash of ‘slut’ flashed in one of their eyes.

Before Mrs. Tang invited two men to ride a carriage, Song Qingshu felt a little strange, but only when the ethnic atmosphere on these grasslands was open and there were not so many plans, how could I know that this was the result.

"Big Brother, I'm badly injured and weak, so I'm bothering you to beat your wife." Zhao Min opened a pair of innocent eyes and looked at Song Qingshu earnestly, thinking that although it might be cheaper for the other party, let yourself go to this wife. Beat your back, that's never done.

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile, and said to Madam Tang: "If Madam doesn't like being clumsy, let him beat Madam."

"How embarrassing you are, you are my guests." Although Madam Tang said so, she didn't mean to refuse, and she even tilted her side specially so that Song Qingshu could walk behind her.

Although Song Qingshu didn't refuse this kind of glamorous errand, it was another matter to be driven by another woman to put the duck on the shelves. When Madam Tang sat cross-legged behind her, she couldn't help but glared at Zhao Min. Zhao Min wrinkled her Qiong nose and her face was bright.

When Song Qingshu squeezed her hands on Madam Tang's shoulders, Madam Tang let out a very comfortable nasal sound, feeling the soft and boneless body of the other party, Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel stunned.

The martial artist is familiar with every acupuncture point of the human body, coupled with Song Qingshu's fingertips inadvertently attached to the innocence, not long after the beginning, Madam Tang closed her eyes, her expression was cheerful and sweet, and her throat burst into sweet and greasy breaths from time to time. Fortunately, Song Qingshu is not what it used to be, otherwise it is really uncontrollable.

On the contrary, Zhao Min, who was on the side, lowered his head with a flushed face, clamped his legs tightly, and sometimes moved a few unnaturally, looking confused and painful for a while.

"Song son, is the slave house beautiful?" Madame Tang suddenly opened a pair of peachy eyes, which seemed to be covered with a thin layer of mist, and looked at Zhao Min quietly.

"Beautiful~" Zhao Min grunted in response.

At the same time, Song Qingshu found a pair of white and slippery hands gently placed on her hands, slowly pulling herself away from her clothes.

"There are other good things?" Song Qingshu widened his eyes, noticed Zhao Min's abnormality, frowned, suddenly saw the incense burner in the corner, and then realized that when he first entered the carriage, he smelled a sweet smell. , Could it be that there is a problem with this incense?

As for why it didn’t work for me, I’m afraid it’s because I practice Happiness Zen. The fragrance of Happiness True Qi is itself the deadliest temptation in the world. How can ordinary drugs in the world affect him?

He was hesitating whether to withdraw his hand, suddenly his expression changed, he pressed Madam Tang to the ground, and Qinglong sucked Zhao Min into his arms.

Zhao Min suddenly woke up, and when he was about to get angry, a sharp sound of breaking through the air came. As the Mongolian princess, Zhao Min naturally knew that this was the unique sound of the most powerful armor-piercing arrow in the army. .

Before he had time to shout the word ‘caution’, dozens of sharp arrows had already been shot in from outside the curtain. Song Qingshu's expression was dignified, the wooden sword was already in his hand, and when his wrist was turned, the wooden sword quickly spun around it, like a fan, blocking all the bows and arrows that came in.

At the same time, there were screams from outside the carriage, and it was obvious that the guard of Mrs. Tang suffered a heavy loss.

"Who are you who dare to attack the convoy of the wife of the Chongyi Army's Jiedu!" The knight leader soon heard the startled and angry roar.

"This **** was the one who killed!" A sneer responded to him.

Hearing the conversation outside, the two finally understood the identity of Mrs. Tang. However, Zhao Min was very puzzled. Although the Chongyi Army Jiedushi could be regarded as a powerful feudal town in the Kingdom of Jin, it did not seem to be worthy of the power that the lady had just shown.

"Master, how are you?" The knight leader gathered the remaining guards and surrounded the carriage, because he wanted to guard against the enemies around him, he didn't dare to look back at the situation in the carriage. But he saw a dozen armor-piercing arrows shot in with his own eyes, and now the three of them have already been shot into hedgehogs.

"I'm fine." Madam Tang's weak voice came out, obviously with lingering fears.

Song Qingshu knew that staying in the carriage was just waiting for death, so it was better to go out. There was a lot of space, whether it was fighting or fleeing for life, it was more convenient to show off, so he helped the two girls to go out.

When looking at the people in black who were in a dense circle outside, Song Qingshu secretly groaned. He wanted to take a ride, but the fire at the gate of the city and the pond fish were devastated.

"If I said that we and this lady just met in peace and didn't know each other, can you let us leave?" Song Qingshu said this, and even Zhao Min blushed, and just received a generous hospitality. Turning face in danger is really unkind.

Sure enough, the knight leader had a contemptuous expression: "Bah, the little white face is really shameless."

Hearing Song Qingshu's words, Madam Tang felt soft and almost fainted, but she had witnessed Song Qingshu's magical martial arts just now, and knew that she could only rely on the man in front of her if she could escape and ascend to heaven today.

"Prince Song, as long as you can save this lady out, within the scope of the Golden State, if you put forward any conditions, this lady... can satisfy you..." After speaking, the voice was as quiet as a mosquito, almost inaudible.

Seeing Mrs. Tang’s shy appearance, Song Qingshu secretly cried out, thinking that you were already looking like a man just now, but now I have to risk my life to save you before I can kiss Fangze. You treat me stupidly. Is it?

Zhao Min’s focus is quite different from Song Qingshu. Song Qingshu thinks that Mrs. Tang is conditional on her own body, but Zhao Min noticed the words'within the scope of the Kingdom of Jin, any condition' proposed by Mrs. Tang, and could not help being surprised: she is a knot Mrs. Du Shi, why do you have such a big tone?

"Song son?" A soft voice suddenly sounded from the black-clothed crowd. A slim and slender green-clothed woman wearing a light gauze hat stood out from the crowd, and said in a crisp and angry voice, "I hate people surnamed Song most. No matter what you kill."

Zhao Min glared at Song Qingshu with an angry look, wondering why the two women who met tonight hated Song's surname for this shabby man.

"It's you!" When the green-clothed woman saw Song Qingshu's appearance, she couldn't help being surprised and angry.

"You really have a lot of romantic debts." Zhao Min on the side saw Dale and said gloatingly regardless of whether he was in the same danger.

"Did Song ever offend a girl?" Song Qingshu was also strange. The light veil on the hat of this woman covered her face, but seeing her light and timid appearance, she must be a very beautiful woman.

"Could it be that I have committed peach blossoms in the last few days?" Song Qing was slanderous. In these two days, it was Zhao Min first, then Mrs. Tang, and now this woman again, "I see a ghost, come on slow, such a short time. I can't digest it at all."

"More than offending, if you don't break your corpse today, it will be difficult to report the crime of frivolity and humiliation that day."

Speaking of the four words "frivolity and humiliation", thinking of the scene of the day, the woman in green couldn't help but flushed, annoyed and ashamed. But this air was only a momentary matter. She concentrated a little, her face was covered with a layer of frost, and with a wave of her hand, a group of people in black robes poured out from behind her, holding a black bamboo tube against her. Quasi-carriage crowd.

"Is this... a gun?" Seeing the rows of bamboo tubes in front of him, Song Qingshu suddenly had some drama.

"This bamboo tube is filled with poisonous water that will rot when it meets the object. You only need to put a drop on your body and it will rot to the bone. No matter how high your martial arts is, you will not escape today." With a cry, "If you are willing to break your arms and goug your eyes now, I might consider letting you go."

Rao is Zhao Min and a cruel person. When he heard her words, he felt cold all over his body. He whispered to Song Qingshu, "What on earth did you do to others that made this girl hate you so much?"

"I don't know!" Song Qingshu gave a wry smile, and said to the green-dressed woman with a fist, "Girl, I don't even know who you are, you must let me understand."


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