Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 322: Temu really thought

It turned out that when Zhao Min went south during this trip, his mission to Song State was just a cover, and it was true that he contacted various volunteers in Shandong and Henan.

Over the years, Mongolia has been plunged into the quagmire of war with other countries from the beginning, and Temujin Khan is very dissatisfied. It moved the thought of adjusting the entire strategic layout.

According to Temuzhen's plan, Mongolia will adopt a strategy of close and close contact with some countries, and will first make a truce with some countries, freeing up its hands to strike and destroy other countries.

It's just that when determining which country to truce with, unexpected problems arose. It turned out that Temujin was very old, and he was about to return to the eternal life within a few years. All the Mongolian kings looked at the seat of Da Khan with eyesight.

The candidate for the next profuse sweat is not determined by Temujin alone. It turns out that according to Mongolian customs, only the person with the most military merits and the highest prestige can take the position of profuse sweat.

If Temujin appoints a person who can’t convince the crowd, it’s okay when he is alive. With Temujin’s prestige, no one dares to change, but once Temujin returns to the eternal sky, the other princes who hold the military power will not obey. That nominal sweat, Mongolia is destined to fall apart.

Tie Muzhen didn't know this, so he divided the kings early and let them fight the rivers and mountains by themselves. In this way, it is clear who has the highest military service and the prestige at a glance.

The kings also tried their best to attack their target countries, fearing that they would fall behind other competitors. At this critical moment in the fight for the Khan position, which prince is willing to ally with his target country?

For example, Mongolia and the Southern Song Alliance, Kublai Khan, who was in charge of attacking the Southern Song Dynasty, fell into a dilemma with no military merits; of course, he did not do anything with the Manchu Alliance and Ali Buge, who was in charge of attacking the Manchu Qing Dynasty; and Xu Liewu, an alliance with the Western Regions. Naturally, 10,000 are unwilling.

The kings are already full-fledged, using the power of various noble ministers to ally with the target country of their rivals, but everyone is about the same strength, and no one can do what they want, so the strategy of long-distance diplomacy and near-attack cannot be implemented for a long time.

Temujin had to move other thoughts. Among the most powerful princes, except for Zhao Min’s father, Ruyang Wang Chahan, the rest are Temuzhen’s grandchildren. As they fight, the sweat belongs to him. Human hands.

But Ruyang Wang Chahan is the son of Temujin’s former brother Mu Huali. His power is too large. Although the current fight for sweat is a detached posture, Temujin is deeply afraid of a few. The grandson snipe and clam fight, and finally let the fisherman Chahan profit.

So Temujin quickly set his sights on Chahan, but Ruyang King had a great military exploits, and he was also the elders of Kublai and Alibu, among the kings, the status was superb, and it was not easy to move him.

I don’t know what evil King Ruyang did in his previous life. He gave birth to a girl like Zhao Min who was extroverted and lost money, and his thoughts were attached to Mingjiao Zhang Wuji. From then on, it caused Ruyang King’s war in the Western Regions to lose again and again. Seeing Mingjiao and the size and harmony Zhuo Dihui's power grew stronger and stronger, and Tie Muzhen finally gained the reputation of moving Ruyang Prince's Mansion.

On the positive side, it will not work. We can only weaken the strength of the Ruyang Palace step by step. The first step is to move the Ruyang Palace out of the deep-rooted Western Regions base camp. It happens that Brother Ali can't take advantage of the Manchurian side, Temujin is convenient. He planned to exchange fiefdoms between Chahan and Ali Bu Ge on the grounds that the war was unfavorable, from Ali Bu Ge to the Western Regions to deal with Mingjiao and Hui Tribe, Cha Han to deal with Manchu and Jin Kingdom. Of course, none of this has been officially announced, but the news has been deliberately leaked from the Wang Court. After Ruyang Palace knew about it, he immediately exploded the pot.

The people headed by Wang Baobao, the princely son, thought that this was the Dahan deliberately favoring Ali and Brother Ali, who held the most elite cavalry in the Mongolian base camp, but let Ruyang Prince's Mansion deal with the most powerful Manchu and Jin Kingdoms. It was to allow Ali Buge to come to the Western Regions to earn military merits to help fight for the capital of Khan in the future.

Although Zhao Min faintly felt that something was wrong, she subconsciously didn't dare to think about that. Instead, Wang Ruyang sighed deeply. After spending a day in the study alone, she began to arrange matters for taking over the mess of Brother Ali.

As a lieutenant general in the army, King Ruyang has an experience comparable to that of Alibu’s rough boy. He learned the lesson that Alibu could only fight head-to-head with Jin Guo and Manchu. He sent Zhao Min to Jin Guo and Manchu in advance. The Qing hinterland contacted the rebels in their country, intending to bring down the two powerful countries from within.

In the past, the Kingdom of Jin attacked the huge Northern Song Dynasty in a short time, but it has been unable to digest the territory of the Northern Song Dynasty. In the Yellow River Basin, the people in the Central Plains miss the Northern Song Dynasty. There are as many local separatist armed forces. In addition, the Jin Kingdom has fought fiercely with Mongolia in recent years, and the financial constraints have to increase the taxation of the people. As a result, more volunteers were born and active in the handover of Henan and Shandong. The Red Coat Army is the largest of them.

The Manchu and Qing dynasties were not much better. The anti-Qing and Ming dynasties were one after another, such as Tiandihui, Honghuahui, Shenlong Island, Zhengjia in Taiwan, and Jinsheying in Shandong. Because of Kangxi, the situation is not as bad as Jin Guo. Among them, Shandong Jinsheying, which is the most powerful, was also broken by him.

Zhao Min was keenly aware of the value of the Golden Snake Camp. On the one hand, he contacted the Red Coat Army. On the other hand, he supported a spokesperson in the fragmented Golden Snake Camp to reintegrate the Golden Snake Camp and involve the Qing Dynasty. The energy of the imperial court.

Of course, all of this cannot be made aware of the Manchu and Jin Kingdom courts in advance, so they used the guise of envoys to the Southern Song Dynasty. This is also the reason why Zhao Min and his party did not leave in Xiangyang, and they had to pass through the borders of Jin and Qing.

Zhao Min saw Yang Miaozhen's martial arts so powerful, he was happy and worried. I am happy that Jin Guo has such a serious confession and must have trouble sleeping and eating; worryingly, because Yang Miaozhen is so strong, he may not accept Mongolia's soothing. She originally wanted to use the Golden Wheel Fa King and Xuan Ming to threaten with force when she had no other choice.

Seeing Yang Miaozhen, who was completely dominant in the field, contacted Song Qingshu's calmness before the two elders Jinlun Fawang and Xuanming, Zhao Min gave up this idea dejectedly.


With a crisp sound, the two figures in the field separated.

I saw Yang Miaozhen pale and smiled bitterly: "I lost."

As soon as she said this, her men looked at her in disbelief, and there was an uproar in the woods: "How is it possible, didn't the Si Niangzi still have the upper hand just now?"

Yang Miaozhen's face was cold, and he said angrily: "You know a ball. If you lose, you lose. Could it be that my old lady still lied to you?"

Seeing Yang Miaozhen's showdown, and a green forest guy shuddering, Song Qingshu found it quite interesting, and quickly pointed to the wound on his chest and explained: "If it weren't for the fourth lady's pity, Song had already been seriously injured and died. It's a tie."


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