Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 324: Unband

"Hey, this sister, don't go." Seeing Zhao Min's figure move, Madam Tang quickly took her hand. Although she had previously misunderstood that she was a man, after Yang Miaozhen and Ren Yingying had a fight just now, the blind could also see Zhao Min. She was dressed as a man, and she had an extraordinary relationship with Song Qingshu. She was about to say something, but she suddenly looked very different, "Huh? How does my younger sister take care of her everyday? The skin on her hands is so tender and envious."

Mrs. Tang kept touching her hand, Zhao Min shuddered with horror, and quickly shrank back, and asked angrily: "Why?"

In Mrs. Tang's eyes, Zhao Min is now like a jealous young girl. She smiled slightly and did not get angry. Instead, she said softly: "If your sister doesn't mind, you can serve Young Master Song with your sister."

Hearing what she said, Song Qingshu almost didn't mention it. He coughed violently there. Madam Tang quickly patted him on the back and asked with concern: "What's wrong with the son?"

"Shameless, too shameless." Zhao Min cursed in his heart, neither sitting there nor walking, his face turned green and red. This vixen, thinking that he and Song Qingshu are a pair of lovers, actually made such a shocking request.

"Even if you are really Song Qingshu's woman, how would you be willing to share her man with other women!" Zhao Min slandered.

"No, Madam alone is enough." Zhao Min stood up and said coldly, turning around and wanted to go out with the curtain.

"But the concubine is afraid that one person will not be able to handle it." Madam Tang said tiredly.

"I'm not Song Qingshu, why use such a whispering voice to show off to me." Zhao Min was slanderous, looked at Song Qingshu's body hesitantly, and said with a sneer: "He is not too strong, not to mention he is injured now. Whether it can be handled by Madam is unknown."

"What is the younger sister talking about?" Madam Tang looked blank, "I want to help Young Master Song bandage the wound, but I have never dealt with it before. I am worried that Young Master Song will be injured, so I want my younger sister to help."

Zhao Min was taken aback, and then a pretty face turned red. Seeing Song Qingshu looking at him with a smile, he couldn't help but stop: "This bastard, I must have been watching my jokes."

Although Zhao Min was angry, he was very clear in his heart. In the territory of the Kingdom of Jin, Song Qingshu's identity is sensitive, so why not himself. Song Qingshu still has this vixen guarding him, but he is seriously injured now, there is no other way besides relying on Song Qingshu's protection. With a cold snort, he had to sit down again.

"My sister helped Young Master Song take off his clothes. I'll prepare a golden sore medicine first."

Madam Tang said as she opened the golden sore medicine and smelled it. She didn't mind helping Song Qingshu undress, but she thought that Zhao Min was Song Qingshu's woman, thinking that she would be an outsider to help her man undress, and she might offend her and cause unnecessary trouble.

As soon as Zhao Min stayed, he grew up so old that he didn't bother to look at the man, let alone take off his clothes for him? She was ashamed and anxious, but saw Song Qingshu looking at herself embarrassedly.

"There is Princess Lao."

Song Qingshu's faint voice came from his ears, and when he saw his lips move slightly, Zhao Min understood that Song Qingshu had transmitted the sound to him. He looked at the blood stains on Song Qingshu's chest. After hesitating for a while, he still trembled and stretched out his hand. Seeing that Zhao Min's hands were like white jade, crystal clear, Madame Tang secretly praised: "A pair of beautiful hands."

When Zhao Min's slender fingers touched Song Qingshu's neck skin, it seemed like an electric shock, and the heat that came back made her heart tremble.

"Why is your hand so cold? Did the injury occur?" Song Qingshu frowned and looked at her with concern, worried that her injury would cause insufficient blood and energy.

"No." Seeing that he was still bleeding on his chest, but first cared about his injury, Zhao Min couldn't help but stayed, his turbulent mood finally calmed down, his hands became stable, and he took off Song Qing's book belt layer by layer. The coat of blood.

, Still blushing, quickly turned to look at Madam Tang: "Have you done the golden sore medicine?"

"The golden sore medicine is a very good top-grade, but..." Madam Tang fell into hesitation.

"It's just what?" Zhao Min was startled.

"It's just that the bandage they handed over has a smell of sweat. These soldiers must have been hiding next to them for a long time." Madam Tang smelled the bandage in her hand and looked disgusted, and threw it out the window casually.

"Hey, how can you bandage the bandage for him when you threw it away?" Zhao Min was anxious, and hurriedly put his head out of the window. The night was dark, no trace of the bandage could be seen.

"What should I do now?" Zhao Min looked at Mrs. Tang coldly when he returned to the carriage.

However, Mrs. Tang was not in a hurry. Instead, she said softly to Song Qingshu: "The son first lay down, and the concubine first put the golden sore medicine on the son."

Seeing Madam Tang leaning her legs slightly sideways, she knew that she meant to lie down. Song Qingshu smiled slightly. He was just letting the flow go. He didn't refuse, so he lay down naturally.

"Is there a son?" Madam Tang's face turned red, and she asked in a soft voice while applying medicine to Song Qingshu.

"Of course not. Madam's thighs are very soft." After Song Qingshu finished speaking, he adjusted his posture and changed to a more comfortable posture.

"." Zhao Min turned his head and looked out of sight. After a while, he couldn't help looking back, pointing to Song Qingshu's bleeding wound and said: "You can't use light compresses like this. To stop the bleeding with a bandage."

Mrs. Tang is a deep boudoir. It's normal if she doesn't understand this. As a member of the world, Song Qingshu doesn't even know this. Seeing him lying on Mrs. Tang's lap with a look of enjoyment, and even ignoring his injuries, Zhao Min burst into anger for no reason.

"Huh?" Mrs. Tang exclaimed and said apologetically, "It's all because of her concubine's health, so she threw away all the bandages willfully."

"It doesn't matter." Song Qingshu said with a smile, thinking that the bargain is enough, and it is time to tap acupuncture points to stop the bleeding, otherwise it would not be worthwhile to cause serious injuries.

"There is a way." Madam Tang suddenly brightened her eyes and began to lightly relieve Luo Chang.

Song Qingshu frowned. Although he didn't mind taking a sweet advantage, this Madame Tang was too much. Zhao Min was also dumbfounded. This woman is too exaggerated.

Madam Tang smiled sweetly, Luo Chang half uncomprehending, a pair of round and tight thighs looming, Zhao Min was dumbfounded, and found that the other party suddenly pulled out a shimmering dagger from the inside of his thigh, his face changed drastically.


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