Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 331: Willingly

After Song Qingshu left Madam Tang's home, he picked up Tasha Wuhen and hurried all the way to Shandong. I hurriedly broke up with Xia Qingqing in the inn before, and I haven't reunited with her for so long. She is probably as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

With Xia Qingqing's temperament, Song Qingshu was worried that she would do something stupid in a hurry, so she was not far away and had to rush back tonight.

Song Qingshu's previous life has been unable to figure out why there is light work in the rivers and lakes, why he still cannot leave the horse on his way. After he learned martial arts himself, he realized that in a short sprint, a master's light work is indeed much faster than a steed, but the master's physical strength and internal strength are ultimately limited. It is no problem to run tens of miles in one breath, hundreds of miles. , How many miles?

Song Qingshu's Treading on the Sand Wuhen is one of the top light skills in the martial arts. Mingjiao Qingyi Bat King Wei Yixiao relies on this light skill, and has always been the number one master of light skills in the rivers and lakes. It's just that his internal strength is limited, and he can throw anyone behind his **** and eat ashes in a short time, but he can't get rid of the top masters in a long-distance attack.

Song Qingshu is different. In practicing Tantric supreme magical technique, joyful meditation, he pays attention to the harmony of yin and yang. It just so happens that he bears the world's yin and soft nine-yin zhenqi and the most rigid and yang Shenzhao zhenqi, two kinds of zhenqi originally. Fire and water are not tolerant, but in the process of cultivating Huanxi Zen, the newly-born Huanxi true energy perfectly blends the two types of true energy, one yin and one yang. As the practice progresses, the power of the whole body has reached the transformation of heaven and human, and it is endless. To the point.

However, although Huanxi Zen is a Buddhist martial arts, it is extremely curious in itself. Song Qingshu’s true energy has a magical nature, and it may become a slave at any time, completely controlled by martial arts, and lost in nature. It is the so-called one thought to become a Buddha. magic.

Last time in the Forbidden City, he lost control and almost indulged in the three thousand beauties in the harem. Drunken life and dream died. Fortunately, three important women in his life appeared at the same time, which made him wake up in time.

After that, Song Qingshu was cautious and never got out of control again. So with the support of this strong internal strength, he has been urging Tasha Wuhen at full speed, but there is no feeling of exhaustion.

After hundreds of miles, I finally arrived at the Huihe Inn agreed with Xia Qingqing.

Pushing open the door, I saw Xia Qingqing sitting at the table in a green dress, resting her cheek in her hand, her eyes seemed to be open and closed, and she was dozing off there. The faint candle light shone on her face, and her frowned brows showed that her heart was full of worries and anxiety.

Song Qingshu took a look at the situation in the room and knew that she didn't go to bed, but instead sat here and waited for herself all night. She couldn't help feeling guilty: she hugged left and right over there, but left her here alone. Fear and fright, it's really asshole.

He walked over to hold Xia Qingqing's back with one hand, and crossed her legs with one hand, and gently picked her up, wanting to put her on the bed to let her rest well.

Xia Qingqing had slept shallowly, and Song Qingshu immediately woke up with this move. The first reaction was to grab the golden snake sword by the table, but a familiar voice came from her ear: "Youyou, it's me."

"Big Brother Song!" Xia Qingqing finally saw Song Qingshu's appearance. She was surprised and delighted. She put her arms around his neck and pressed her entire face to his chest. "I waited for a long time, and you didn't come back. , I thought you...I'm so scared. We have gone through a lot of hardships and finally got together... If something happens to you, I don't plan to live anymore."

Hearing Xia Qingqing's almost babbled whisper, Song Qingshu felt a pain in her heart, patted her body lightly, and said softly: "It's me that is not good. Something has been delayed on the road, so I came so late."

"Is it difficult for those masters to deal with?" Xia Qingqing asked with lingering fear when thinking of the few masters in the inn, each of whom was not under the peak of Yuan Chengzhi, or even before.

"Although their martial arts are high, they are far inferior to me. It is not difficult for me to get out." Song Qingshu hesitated and decided to tell the truth, "It's just that I kidnapped a person and caused a series of problems."

"It must be a girl." Xia Qingqing pursed his lips, but couldn't tell whether it was anger or joy on his face.

"How do you know?" Song Qingshu was taken aback.

"Do you still have to guess? With your temperament, how could you hijack a stinky man, let alone," Xia Qingqing moved her nose and sniffed Song Qingshu, "You have the smell of other women."

Song Qingshu has a black line, and she didn't expect women of any era to have such a good nose and so sensitive to non-self odors.

"Is the princess of the Ruyang Palace in Mongolia."

Song Qingshu put Xia Qingqing on the bed and was about to cover her with a quilt, but he didn't know that Xia Qingqing grabbed his hand and shook his head slightly: "Just hold me like this."

Song Qingshu was stunned, and did not stupidly refuse, so he hugged her in his arms, leaned against the head of the bed, and talked to her in detail about what happened afterwards.

Hearing that Zhao Min was injured by Xuan Cheng's palm, Xia Qingqing exclaimed: "Ah, that great monk is very good at martial arts, is Miss Zhao okay?"

"Life is hanging by a thread. I can only use my true energy to save her life temporarily, so I took her to Kaifeng to find a famous murderer." Song Qingshu shook his head slightly.

"Miss Zhao is now in stable condition?" Xia Qingqing asked.

"No, I plan to take her to visit Ping Yizhi again tomorrow morning." Song Qingshu quickly told her what happened afterwards.

"It turns out that Brother Song has to leave later." Xia Qingqing looked sad.

"I'm sorry." Song Qingshu found that any explanation at this moment was so pale.

"Life is close to the sky, how can I blame Song Big Brother." Xia Qingqing touched Song Qingshu's weathered face with a finger, and said distressedly, "It is hundreds of miles away from Henan, why should Big Brother Song come back specially. Anyway, I Will always be here waiting for you, and won't leave."

"I'm worried about your silly thinking and doing anything stupid." Song Qingshu still had lingering fears when he thought of Yuan Chengzhi's death and Xia Qingqing's desperate ways to avenge him. If it's for a princess who doesn't want to do anything with herself, causing her to repeat the same mistakes, Song Qingshu can't forgive herself for anything.

Hearing Song Qingshu's answer, Xia Qingqing was stunned, with autumn water in her eyes, and she said shyly: "Am I the kind of reckless stupid woman in the eyes of Brother Song."

"A lesson from the past, I have to guard against it." Song Qingshu said with a wry smile.

Knowing that he was referring to those crazy behaviors before, Xia Qingqing blushed, buried her head in his arms, and gently beat his chest with her little hand: "Big Brother Song, you know how to make fun of me."

"Hiss~" Song Qingshu sucked in a cold breath when her hand touched the wound.

"Big Brother Song, what's wrong with you?" Noting Song Qingshu's abnormality, Xia Qingqing quickly took off his clothes and looked at the thick bandage, tears streaming down all of a sudden, "Is it badly hurt? Who is so cruel? "

Song Qingshu laughed blankly: "Not all people treat me like you, and I still have many enemies." He told her about the match with Yang Miaozhen.

"The Fourth Lady of the Red Coat Army?" Xia Qingqing woke up, "Is this woman as powerful as the legend?"

"Her marksmanship is indeed unparalleled in the world." Recalling that brilliant spear flower, Song Qingshu looked solemn.

"Huh, didn't you still lose to Big Brother Song? Big Brother Song couldn't bear to see that she was beautiful and couldn't bear to make a heavy hand, so that he was injured when he clearly won." Xia Qingqing glanced suspiciously at him.

"Are you jealous?" Song Qingshu looked at her playfully.

"Why," Xia Qingqing flushed, "I just want to remind Brother Song to take care of yourself, you know there are so many people who care about you, such as the eldest brother's wife, the Zhou head of the Emei school, and now The confidante oriental girl in the palace."

"What about you?" Song Qingshu laughed.

"I... I naturally care about you too." Xia Qingqing said softly.

"You have a wife and a confidante, what do you mean to you?" Song Qingshu gently stroked her silky silk, and asked curiously.

"Me?" Xia Qingqing rolled her eyes and smiled slyly, "I will be Song Big Brother's lover."

"Why?" The word lover, no matter how good it sounds, it always has an obscure meaning. Song Qingshu was worried about what she might have, and asked quickly.

"Big Brother Song, you also know that I am someone else's wife. Although Big Brother Yuan has passed away, I am his wife after all."

Xia Qingqing sighed quietly. She originally planned to avenge Yuan Chengzhi. Then after repaying Song Qingshu, she committed suicide under Huangquan to pursue her deceased husband. However, Song Qingshu was frustrated by Kangxi and let her go. I recognized my heart and understood that I was deeply in love with Song Qingshu. Although he finally opened his heart and decided to be with Song Qingshu, he was unwilling to make people from the rivers and lakes laugh at Yuan Chengzhi for his own sake.

Song Qingshu was silent for a moment, and said with emotion: "I know you still have a more important reason not to say. If I want to subdue the power of the Golden Snake Camp, I must use you to draw on Yuan Chengzhi's past power. If they know my relationship with you , They will never surrender to me, will they?"

Xia Qingqing gently stroked the wound on his body with her fingers, and said softly, "Big Brother Song, why should I care about this? I don't care about my status. I'm already satisfied to be with you."

"But this would be too wrong for you." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice.

"I am willing." Xia Qingqing curled up in his arms like a cat, and replied softly.

If someone who knew Xia Qingqing in the early years saw all this, I would be shocked. Xia Qingqing was famous for being jealous and unreasonable in her teenage years, but she has undergone so many drastic changes over the years, and her temperament has changed drastically. That ignorant little girl is now.


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