Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 336: Gusu Murongfu

"Really, I don't know if Gusu Murongfu, who is well-known in the world, can't be killed." Ping Yi sneered.

"Murongfu?" Song Qingshu was stunned. He said that when his meridians were all severed, he was fortunate to get the help of Murongfu to learn the news of Shenzhaojing from Wang Yuyan. At that time, he made an oath in his heart that one day, he would be returned. A love.

Although it didn't take long for Kumazhi to abduct Wang Yuyan, and a series of coincidences caused the two to draw their swords at each other, Song Qingshu still did not forget the kindness between him and Wang Yuyan.

"The bragging was so loud just now, but now you shrink back?" Seeing Song Qingshu stunned there, Ping said impatiently.

"I don't know where Mr. Murong has offended Mr. Ping, so that Mr. Ping wants to kill him?" Song Qingshu wondered if there was any misunderstanding between the two and the best way to solve it by himself, then there was no need to act on Murong Fu.

"I won't bother you, don't blame the old man for not reminding you, if you are pushing back and forth, your companion may not be saved." Ping Yizhi made no concessions, sure Song Qingshu would agree to his terms.

"But Mr. Murong is far away in Gusu, thousands of miles away, there is no time to come and go. If Mr. Injustice saves my companion first, I will help you kill Murong Fu again. I don't know what you want?" Jian Ping pointed out. Without letting go, Song Qingshu had to find a way to prevaricate, and when he rescued Zhao Min, he was thinking of a way to deal with him.

"Hey," Ping Yizhi seemed to see through his thoughts, "This is a coincidence. Murong Fu is now in a ruined temple thirty miles away from here. If you rush away immediately, it should be too late."

What a coincidence? Song Qingshu was shocked and hesitating appeared on his face.

Zhao Min frowned and hesitated whether to disclose his identity. The other party was scrupulous about the Mongolian forces and should not die. It's just that, she will inevitably become a hostage for them to threaten Mongolia. She is really unwilling to reveal her identity if she is not a last resort.

"The person you want to save is me. If you want to kill someone, naturally I should kill you. It's just a mere Gu Su Murong Fu. As long as you heal my injury, within one month, I will take care of Murong Fu's head and send it to you. In front of him." Zhao Min said coldly while holding his hands while looking at Ping.

With the eyesight of a single finger, it is natural to see that Zhao Min is a woman disguised as a man. Hearing her words, she sneered: "The little girl is so big,'North Qiaofeng, South Murong' are equally famous in the world, and the star of the Murong family has moved out of the supernatural. Although Murong Fu can't get a home by training, it's not something you can kill with just a little girl."

"I said I can kill, naturally. As for **** him, I don't need Doctor Ping to worry about it." Zhao Min has been in a high position for a long time, and what he said has a convincing meaning.

Song Qingshu certainly believes that Zhao Min can do it. There are many masters in the Royal Palace of Ruyang. Although Murong Fu's martial arts is high, but Zhao Min really wants to kill him, he may not escape.

Ping Yizhi didn’t know Zhao Min’s identity, so although he was a little moved, he finally shook his head: “In recent years, this son of Song has been in the limelight, but martial arts has been rumored to be superb. He will kill Murong Fu. , Why do you want to stay away from me, I believe you, a little girl."

Zhao Min was angry, and wanted to say something, but Song Qingshu took her hand and shook his head slightly, "I'll go." It is up to him to do it, and Murongfu may have a way to survive. It really allows the group of experts in Ruyang Palace to do it. , Murong Fu is probably in danger. Thinking of the kindness in the past, Song Qingshu naturally did not want to watch Murongfu fall into death.

Seeing Song Qingshu's resolute attitude, Zhao Min hesitated for a while, and said, "If I remember correctly, you said before that you can heal my injuries. If it doesn't work, you can cure it with your method."

"If you know what my method is, the princess will definitely not want it." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

Zhao Min stared at her, and her double dices were dyed with a layer of red glow, and she whispered, "Isn't it just taking off your clothes? Everything is urgent, as long as... as long as you cover your eyes, I...I don't mind." Mrs. Tang grinds tofu last night, and her clothes are already messy. When she woke up in the morning before Song Qing wrote, Zhao Min didn’t think it would be hard for Song Qingshu to heal herself. .

"That's just the first step." Song Qingshu had a black line. When he was teasing her, he used the spring and autumn brushwork to modify how he treated women for internal injuries. How can I make Zhao Min misunderstand and just take off my clothes?

"What else is behind?" Zhao Min glanced at him suspiciously, already having bad suspicions in his heart.

Song Qingshu's face blushed, because he was so thick-skinned, he was too embarrassed to show off his unique skills in front of so many people, and he had a demon cult saint in his arms, so he had to get to Zhao Min's ear and whisper.

It didn't take long for the roots of Zhao Min's ears to turn red. Turning back, his face was pale, and he glared at him: "Go to death."

"I said you would never agree to it," Song Qingshu spread his hands and sighed. "If it wasn't because that method was too embarrassing, why should I take the princess to Kaifeng for medical treatment all the way?" Zhao Min's chest rises and falls, obviously in his heart is extremely uneasy. On the one hand, he is angry at Song Qingshu's frivolous remarks. On the other hand, he feels that although he is sloppy and cynical, he is not a licentious person. On the one hand, he refused to hug Mrs. Tang last night. On the other hand, he didn’t use ‘that method’ to save himself on the way...

Of course, even if Song Qingshu was not really irritated in his heart, Zhao Min absolutely disagreed with that method.

Hearing that Song Qingshu had a way to treat Zhao Min, Ren Yingying was shocked. When Song Qingshu got close to Zhao Min's ear, she hurriedly raised her ears to find out what the solution was.

I didn't know that Song Qingshu was worried about the secret leak. Although he was leaning against Zhao Min's ear, he still chose the method of sound transmission. Ren Yingying could not hear it. Seeing Zhao Min's reaction, he was even more curious.

"You whispered, what are you talking about? Do you want to kill Murong Fu, decide quickly, otherwise it won't be so easy to find him after he leaves the ruined temple." Ping interrupted impatiently. The strange peace between the three,

"Okay, I'm going to kill." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "but when I go, you must treat my companion. Her injuries can't be sustained. I don't want to kill Murongfu and come back, but found that she has already died."

"No problem, as long as you enter the old man's hut, I can save the person who is closed by the ghost door, but..." Ping Yi fingered the two goatees, a glimmer of light burst into his small eyes, "If you play with the old man What means, hehe, if the old man saved her, he can naturally take her life back easily."

As the saying goes, medicine doesn’t divide family, Song Qingshu understands Yiping’s ability to cure Zhao Min at the same time, planting a poison in her body just in case, it’s not difficult, but now, he can’t take care of it. With so much, I can only let him save Zhao Min's life first.

"Okay." Song Qing wrote Shen Rushui, gently pushing her palm on Zhao Min's waist, and with a soft cry, she flew to Ping Yizhi lightly.

Song Qingshu's light weight lifting, and the subtle control of power, made all the masters in the field startled. They touched the goatee with one finger, wandering with their eyes, wondering what they were thinking.

"I will leave her here. If she has any shortcomings when I come back, I will not only kill you, but also let the Sun Moon God teach the chickens and dogs not to stay." Song Qingshu said calmly.

The faculty in the field looked at each other, seeing his light skills and the tricks just now, knowing that his martial arts exceeded their own too much, and their faces were full of surprise.

Only Ping Yizhi said blankly and calmly: "You are going to kill people on this trip. Murong Fu is not easy to be born with. With the saint aunt by his side and restrained, it has become a burden to you. And accidentally hurt you. In her Jingui body, your companion may not survive. Song Gongzi might as well keep the saint aunt. I promise with my reputation in the rivers and lakes for many years. As long as you bring back Murong Fu’s head, I will definitely take this The girl will return it to you completely."

"Song Qingshu, if you really listen to him, then we really have to be slaughtered." Before Song Qingshu could answer, Zhao Min spoke first. Although she was in a dangerous situation, she knew that as long as Song Qingshu held her saint's life, her safety would be guaranteed. Worried that Song Qingshu was confused for a while, she really returned Ren Yingying to them.

"Don't worry, I'm not that stupid," Song Qingshu smiled slightly, still tightly restraining Ren Yingying, "Doctor Ping, my companion, like me, is a suspicious temper, Saint Aunt can't pay you back for the time being."

Ping pointed to an unexpected look, and nodded faintly: "The son has to be careful on this trip. If there is any damage on the saint's body, I will add ten times to your companion."

"Ping Yizhi, if I'm lucky enough to not die, I will razor your broken place to the ground in the future." Zhao Min said coldly.

Ping Yizhi didn’t care about Zhao Min’s threat, and sneered: “Looking at the girl’s shrewd and capable look, she turned out to be just a fool. The doctor who threatens you to heal like this will not be afraid that I will shake my hand later. Make a stroke on your face?"

Zhao Min frowned and suddenly calmed down. He looked at Song Qingshu and said, "If you can't do anything, you come back early, and you can save me with the method you said."

Song Qingshu was taken aback, with a weird smile on his face: "Aren't you afraid that I deliberately didn't try my best, just to use that method?"

"Although you hate it, there are people who hate it more than you now." Zhao Min said lightly, "What's more, I know you are not that kind of person."

"Hey, don't send me a good person card." Song Qingshu rubbed his nose, "I don't have such confidence in myself, but you are better... well, to live up to your trust, I will come back as soon as possible." Holding Ren Yingying's shoulder, he quickly disappeared in place, rushing to the ruined temple thirty miles away.

"Little girl, your current injury, the world can save you no more than three people, Song Qingshu He De, how can he heal your injury?" Seeing Song Qingshu's departure, Ping couldn't restrain the curiosity in his heart. , Staring at Zhao Min scorchingly.


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