Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 338: Bing Xueer

Song Qingshu's face changed, and when he looked back, he saw a beautiful lady who was as clear as colored glaze holding a long whip, standing not far away, looking at herself warily.

"Bing Xueer?" Seeing the woman's appearance, Song Qingshu was overjoyed. At the beginning, her meridians were cut off and she was living in the rivers and lakes. Fortunately, Bing Xueer took care of her all the way. Not only did she help herself avoid the dangers in the rivers and lakes, she finally succeeded in getting She is even more indispensable for the renewal of the meridians.

Song Qingshu’s attitude towards Bing Xue’er is very complicated. On the one hand, she is considered to be the wife of her righteous brother. On the other hand, in the desperate situation, a sister like a fairy concubine suddenly appears to be gentle and helpful. That unforgettable feeling makes He will never forget it all his life.

"Mr Murong, are you okay?" Song Qingshu was wearing a mask. Bing Xueer didn't recognize it, but looked at Murong Fu worriedly.

"I'm fine, Madam Hu, be careful. This masked man's martial arts is really incredible. Don't be careless." Murong Fu felt relieved when he saw Madam Hu and quickly reminded him.

"Who is your Excellency and why are you acting sneaky?" Madam Hu nodded slightly, and immediately looked at Song Qingshu warily.

Song Qingshu suddenly felt a bit embarrassed at this time. If he took off his mask and recognized each other at this time, what would Murongfu think? After all, what he showed just now was entirely a posture to take Murong Fu's life.

Before he could react, Murong Fu had already attacked. Although the long sword had been lost, Gusu Murong Botong Baijia was not a joke. He still had everyone's demeanor with a punch and kick.

In order to cooperate with Murong Fu, Bing Xueer waved the long whip at the same time and attacked Song Qingshu.

Although Song Qingshu had countless questions in his heart at this time, such as why Bing Xueer and Murongfu were mixed together, such as why Ping Yizhi wanted to kill Murongfu... This situation and situation can no longer be taken into consideration by him, so he can only deal with it with spirit.

"Eighteen palms of the dragon descending?" It didn't take long for Murongfu to recognize Song Qingshu's moves and he was surprised and angry. "What is the relationship between your Excellency and Xiangyang Guo Jing?"

There were only three of the world's good envoys Jianglong Eighteen Palms. Qiao Feng's figure was so familiar that Murong could no longer be familiar with him. Naturally, he knew that the person in front of him was not Qiao Feng. Hong Qigong is still old, even more inconsistent. Only Xiangyang Guo Jing is left. However, Guo Jing should guard Xiangyang in theory, and with Guo Jing's chivalrous name, he should not be able to do this kind of hidden deeds, so only his disciples. such as.

"Jianglong Eighteen Palms is not a rare martial arts," Song Qingshu smiled faintly, "Then please comment on my martial arts, Mr. Murong."

As soon as the voice fell, Song Qingshu changed the simple and fierce moves of the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, and attacked it with the most ordinary and ordinary fists.

Murong Fuming clearly recognized every move and every style, and he also had a way to crack it, but his palms were always the smallest difference, and he was hit by the opponent one step ahead.

"Taizu Changquan?" Murong Fu was frightened and angry.

"Yes, I heard that Qiao Feng used the most common Taizu Changquan to defeat the world's heroes in the past at Juxianzhuang, and I admire him very much, so I have the courage to give it a try and hope that Young Master Murong will not mind." Song Qingshu replied.

Murong Fu's handsome face was swollen and blue, but his dignified Nan Murong was beaten by the most common Taizu Chang's punch so powerful, wouldn't it be laughed out of his teeth.

"Princess Murong, stay calm, he is just deliberately disturbing your mind." Bing Xueer hurriedly reminded.

Only then did Murongfu wake up, but it was too late. Song Qingshu took advantage of his confusion and deceived him into the middle palace and hit his acupoint all at once.

Song Qingshu secretly cried out fortunately, it is not difficult for him to beat Murong, but it is absolutely impossible to restrain him in such a short time. Thinking that Zhao Min was still undecided at Ping Yizhi's life and death, he didn't have so much time to deal with Murongfu slowly, so he had to take advantage of Murongfu's weak mind and restrain him as soon as possible.

The long whip came through the air, Song Qingshu quickly flashed aside, Bing Xueer frowned slightly, a long whip danced like a silver snake, the head of the whip was out of sight, and Song Qingshu was also forced into a rush in haste.

"Unexpectedly, she practiced the white python whip technique so proficiently, I'm afraid she is still above Zhou Zhiruo." Song Qingshu dodged while thinking.

It turned out that Bing Xueer, as a descendant of the Tomb Sect, was originally good at a soft and slender weapon like the silver bell and golden lock. On that day, Song Qingshu taught the white python whip technique. With mutual confirmation, the whip technique has advanced by leaps and bounds.

In terms of whiplash alone, I am afraid that even Song Qingshu is not her opponent. This involves a martial arts compatibility issue. For example, Jianglong Eighteen Palms is the best martial arts of Xiao Feng, Jiuyin White Bone Claw is the best martial arts of Zhou Zhiruo, and the white python whip method is the most suitable for Bing Xue'er.

However, Song Qingshu is very familiar with the white python whip technique after all, and can always subtly resolve the opponent's fierce offensive every time. With his profound skill, Bing Xueer gradually ran outside the ruined temple.

Bing Xueer saw that her attacks were cleverly resolved by him one by one, the strange color in her beautiful eyes became thicker and thicker. Seeing Song Qingshu hit with a palm, she suddenly changed her normal, gave up all resistance, and looked at her quietly.

Song Qingshu was shocked, and quickly deflected his palm strength and hit a stone on the side, suddenly dusty.

Bing Xueer was excited, and asked with a trembling voice: "Uncle, is that you?"

Song Qingshu took off the mask, and said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that wearing a mask can't hide it from my sister-in-law."

"It's really you?" Seeing Song Qingshu's appearance, Bing Xueer was surprised, "Isn't I dreaming?"

"You are not mistaken, it is indeed me." Song Qingshu stepped forward and looked at her quietly.

Bing Xueer tremblingly reached out and touched his cheek: "I heard Kangxi telling the world not long ago, I thought you..." It turned out that Bing Xueer had been chasing Murong Jingyue's traces all over the world before, and there was no first time. Know that Song Qingshu had an accident. When she heard the news recently and was about to go to Yanjing City to find out, she happened to ran into Murong Fu. The other party claimed to have found Murong Jingyue's trail, so the two people appeared together in Kaifeng.

Song Qingshu held the smooth and clean catkin on his face, and felt a faint icy feeling on his skin. He was amazed: his skin was extremely cold. Could it be that this is the genre talent of the descendants of the Tomb Sect?

"Sister-in-law, I am not dead. It is just a rhetoric made by Kangxi to deceive the world. This is a long story, and I will explain it to you slowly in the future."

Although the matter of replacing Kangxi was of great importance, Song Qingshu didn’t mind telling Bing Xue’er that in his heart, Bing Xue’er was a special existence. The two met in the cold and shared sufferings. Song Qingshu believed that even if the people of the world were enemies of him, Bing Xue’er was a special existence. Bing Xueer would not hurt him either.

The reason why I don't tell her now is because the time is urgent now, and I can't explain it clearly after half a while, so I have to wait for the crisis and then slowly elaborate.

After the initial surprise, Bing Xue'er only discovered that her hand was pinched by Song Qingshu, and her icy skin rose with a blush, and said softly: "Uncle~ When are you going to pinch?"

Song Qingshu likes her to call her uncle the most. The elongated ending sound almost makes his heart quicker. For a moment of excitement, he just hugs her in his arms: "After the last time I separated, I was worried that I would never see each other again in this life. Now, I passed by Dongting Lake Yaowangzhuang. I wanted to see you. I didn’t know that Fei Er said you were not here. Do you know how disappointed I was at that time..."

Being hugged by him, Bing Xueer hurriedly tried to break away, but she couldn't push it even though she knew it. When I heard the other party's sincere murmur, thinking of all the previous experiences, I was full of emotion in my heart. For a time, I couldn't help but let him hold it.

"I'm sorry, I was abrupt with my sister-in-law." Although Bing Xueer's body was soft and icy, and she was very comfortable to hold, she couldn't hold it like this after all. Song Qingshu packed her mood, looked at her awkwardly, and then let go of her embrace. .

Bing Xue'er smiled slightly, and moved a step back without missing a trace. She was not angry, but deliberately changed the subject and asked: "Why is Uncle suddenly here?"

"I also want to ask my sister-in-law about this question." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, "How can you be on the same road with Master Murong?"

"At the beginning, we visited Yanziwu and got a promise from Mr. Murong to help find the whereabouts of Murong Jingyue's collateral descendant. Although the Murong family is now thin, it is a family of hundreds of years and always has their special methods. Not long ago, it happened. I found out that Murong Jingyue had appeared in Kaifeng City recently, so Mr. Murong informed me to come together."

Bing Xueer said without hurries, her faint voice had a special gentle meaning, "I originally wanted to inquire about the whereabouts of uncle in Yanjing City, but Mr. Murong spent so much energy on the matter of Brother Hu. , It’s always hard to refuse his kindness, so I decided to come to Kaifeng City first.

"A kind-hearted person like my sister-in-law, of course, can't refuse the kindness of others," Song Qingshu said with a laugh. "Fortunately, my sister-in-law came to Kaifeng. If you go to Yanjing City, we might just miss it."

Bing Xueer smiled softly: "You can think about it, I thought my uncle would blame me?"

"How can I blame you?" Song Qingshu asked curiously.

Bing Xueer suddenly looked a little coy, and said softly: "I came to Murong Jingyue first, not my uncle first."

Seeing Bing Xue’er’s rare daughter’s shy family, Song Qingshu’s heart was shaken, and he shook his head and said: “Sister-in-law’s thoughts are naturally understood. You must understand that entering the Forbidden City is a life of nine deaths. Take revenge for me carelessly."

Bing Xue'er flushed, and said strangely: "What nonsense."

Knowing that Bing Xue'er's face was too thin, Song Qingshu didn't dare to repeat the same mistakes, and quickly explained the purpose of this trip to her one by one.

"Huh?" Bing Xueer was really distracted by him, and her expression quickly returned to normal, which was also strange, "Why Ping Yizhi would let you kill Young Master Murong."

"I can't figure it out either, the two people have a completely irreconcilable relationship." Song Qingshu said depressedly.

"Oh, Mr. Murong was acupunctured by you, and he is still in the ruined temple." Bing Xueer suddenly remembered something, and said tenderly.

The two hurried to the temple. Song Qingshu smiled bitterly. He had a bad hand for a while, and had to try Dou Zhuan Xingzhang. How did she know that Bing Xueer suddenly appeared, not only didn't understand Dou Zhuan Xingzhang, he might even offend Murong Fu.

With thoughts like electricity, Song Qingshu quickly made a plan. Anyway, he wants to repay Murong Fu for his past grace, and that's it. When that happens, he will only be grateful and it is too late. How can he blame me...


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