Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 341: Li Qiushui's noodles

"Catch the dragon hand?" Murong Fu was sucked over by Song Qingshu, and looked at Song Qingshu in amazement. It wasn't too shocking to see him sucking Zhao Min over like this just now, but now it's unbelievable to have personal experience of sucking a top-notch master like himself over the air. Unexpectedly, Qiao Feng appeared in the world, and there are other people who have practiced such a magical skill as the dragon hand.

This is Murong Fu's misunderstanding. Song Qingshu is just adapted from the water absorption of the Qinglong in the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong. In addition, he often practiced swordplay and practice makes perfect. The means of power.

Song Qingshu didn't know that Murong Fu had already turned so many thoughts in his mind. Just seeing the force displayed by Ping Yizhi was really unexpected, so he didn't dare to be careless.

"Jianglong Eighteen Palms?" Ping Yizhi's eyes condensed, and his whole body trembled, and he unexpectedly resorted to the same move to greet him.

"How is it possible?" Song Qingshu was also horrified. The two handed over a dozen tricks in the blink of an eye. Every time Ping Yizhi attacked with the same trick, and the power seemed to be a bit more powerful.

Fortunately, Song Qingshu's martial arts cultivation was higher than that of the opponent, and he was horrified and hurriedly without being taken advantage of by Ping Yizhi. After the two separated, Song Qingshu looked at Ping Yi with jealousy: "What kind of inner strength are you?"

After the initial consternation, Song Qingshu slowly calmed down, and already saw that although the opponent's tricks were similar, but the luck and force method were completely different from the genuine martial arts.

After so many moves, Song Qingshu gradually discovered that although Ping Yizhi's moves are of different sects, there is a pattern in the world. The way of luck is the same between moves and moves. Song Qingshu speculates that he uses the same kind of internal skills. Using all kinds of moves, the so-called "returning the body by the other way" has been achieved.

"I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to see the clues in such a short time." Ping Yizhi was startled, "Hey, but what can you do when you see it, can you still recognize this magical skill?"

It would be fine if it were others, but Song Qingshu was so familiar with Jin Yong's novels in his previous life. Although the general martial arts may not be as familiar as the Gusu Murong family, he was very clear about what could be called a magical skill.

Thinking of a technique, Song Qingshu's heart suddenly brightened, but soon fell into doubts again, so he had to ask: "Are you from the Xiaoyao faction?"

"Huh? You actually know the Xiaoyao faction?" Ping Yizhi looked at him suspiciously. He didn't expect Song Qingshu to know this secret of martial arts at a young age.

"What does Li Qiushui have to do with you?" Song Qingshu wondered again. Among the three elders of the Xiaoyao School, Wuyazi is best at "Beijing Magic Art", and Tianshan Tongmao is good at "The Eight Desolation Only I Can Honor the Merit", or Lao Shizi "Not Old "Changchun Gong", Li Qiushui is good at "Small Phaseless Gong".

With Li Qiushui’s love of nurturing noodles, it’s not surprising that "Little Wuxianggong" has been spread. For example, the great wheel Ming King Kumozhi, Song Qingshu actually wanted to ask him many times about his "Little Wuxianggong" It was not obtained from Li Qiushui, but he was worried that the painful memories of making faces when the teacher was young would cause him to turn his face, so he has not been embarrassed to ask.

Of course, all of this is just unkind gossip by Song Qingshu. Kumozhi's "Little Wuxiang Gong" may also be taken from the Langhuan blessed land of Gusu Wang's family.

"Do you even know this?" Ping Yizhi was frightened, thinking that Song Qingshu already knew about it and would not hide it anymore. "The taste of the old temptress is good, but a man of dignity, why would he be willing to be raped and humiliated by a woman when Lao Tzu fled? After taking her "Little Wuxiang Gong", she became a prostitute, and since then she has not owed each other."

Looking at the short and chubby Ping Yizhi and the two boring beards, Song Qingshu was slanderous: It is said that Li Qiushui back then liked to find young and handsome teenagers for her to have fun. Looking at Ping Yizhi, this honorable, young man At that time, he must not be too handsome, this Li Qiushui's aesthetics is really a bit worrying.

"Speaking of which, Master Murong has to call me to **** Grandpa, hahaha." Ping Yizhi laughed loudly, apparently thinking of something extremely happy.

"Bastard!" Murong Fu didn't know the relationship between Li Qiushui and Wang Yuyan. He was at a loss, but when he heard Ping Yizhi's words, he was still furious. He was about to rush forward, but was stopped by Song Qingshu.

Now that Ping Yi pointed out that his strength was unclear, Song Qingshu was worried that he would lose his life. After all, he was also helping each other out for his own affairs, and if something happened, he would feel bad.

"Little Wuxiang Gong has no form, no trace can be found. As long as you know other martial arts techniques, you can imitate other people's geniuses and even be better than the original version. There is something to think about the battle with the Murong family," Song Qingshu said in a flash. In view of the characteristics of Xiao Wuxiang Gong, Ping Yi pointed out that his face was uncertain, and Murong was thoughtful, "Doctor Ping, I want to see if you can imitate my palm technique?"

As soon as the voice fell, a erratic palm was printed on him.

Ping Yi pointed out that this move of his hand is obviously a certain style of Jianglong Eighteen Palms, but in the blink of an eye it seems to have become the fragrance of the Emei school's piercing cloud palm, and there is a bit of the shadow of Wudang cotton palm. See his subsequent changes , Seems to be mixed with Kongtong Qishang Quan, Songshan Dasongyang palm fist intent, just looking at it, I feel annoyed and disgusted, how can I imitate his moves with a finger, and greet him in a hurry, but he is caught by Song Qingshu. Turning his palm lightly, he pressed it to his shoulder.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu didn't vomit, suddenly felt a stern finger wind from the volley, hurriedly flashed away, and backed away.

"Dali's Duan's yang finger!" Murong Fu saw it earnestly and exclaimed.

Ping Yizhi took the opportunity to move away from Song Qingshu and looked at each other vigilantly. His shoulders were only touched by the wind of his palm, and he was already numb. Fortunately, he was forced away by the force of Yiyang fingers, otherwise his shoulder bone would have been broken.

"Finally, are you willing to use the skill of housekeeping?" Song Qingshu smiled slightly. With his eyesight, he naturally distinguished that the attainments of pingyizhiyiyangzhi is much stronger than that of imitating other people's moves with his small Wuxiang Gong." It’s just that your Excellency has also learned how to practice the secret of the Dali Duan Style, which is really strange, strange..."

"What's weird about Huiyiyang Finger? Ping Yizhi pointedly, the old man's name is not for nothing." Ping Yizhi looked at him with a smile, but he was already thinking about retreat in his heart.

"Since your arrogant **** is superb, you just pointed out your own name, then what is your previous name?" Zhao Min was clever and quickly realized the flaws in his words.

Ping Yi fingered his breath and suffocated. Unexpectedly, there was a flaw in his words. He said calmly: "The little girl should care about the poison on her body instead of caring about my name. You'd better persuade your lover, Ask him to help the old man kill Murong Fu, and the old man will naturally detoxify you."

"Grabbing you can naturally force you to hand over the antidote." Song Qingshu snorted coldly, and his figure flashed before attacking Ping Yizhi.

Ping Yizhi didn't expect his body skills to be so fast, and under the horror, he dismantled everything he learned in his life. I saw the **** on the field, smoke and dust everywhere, the two of you have already used dozens of moves.

Suddenly there was a sullen cry, Ping yelled, and flew back. Song Qingshu was about to catch up, but was suddenly stunned by the scene in front of him.

It turned out that Ping Yizhi was hit by Song Qingshu's palm and suffered serious internal injuries. He could no longer maintain his original body shape. He was crackling and crackling. The short and fat famous murder doctor turned into a tall and thin middle-aged man. .

"Murong Jingyue?" Seeing the man's appearance, Song Qingshu was startled. How could it be him? But in this way, why Ping Yi pointed out that he wanted to kill Murong Fu with his own hand.

Suddenly, Bing Xueer in a white dress rushed out of the ambush forest, and a long whip was wrapped around Ping Yizhi's body.

Ping Yizhi was seriously injured, and in the blink of an eye, Bing Xueer's fierce offensive made him sway from the left to the right, but his martial arts accomplishment was still there. Bing Xueer cared about the power of his one-pointer, and he couldn't help him for a while.

Worrying about Bing Xueer’s accident, Song Qingshu hurriedly rushed to help her. How could he know that she was in mid-air, and suddenly heard a sharp break in the air from his side, and quickly shrank her waist, turning over in mid-air and avoiding it. The thing that struck.

As soon as it landed, the sharp weapon that had just flown hovered back again. Song Qingshu was not clear about the reality and didn't dare to force it. On one side of his body, he dodged dangerously. After finally seeing the person who attacked, he couldn't help being frightened: "King of the Golden Wheel!"

"The princess, the subordinates are late for rescue, and I hope to forgive the sins." As soon as the two elders Xuanming finished speaking, they rushed towards Zhao Min while Song Qingshu was dragged by the King of the Golden Wheel.

Murong Fu was taken aback, and hurriedly raised his sword to greet him. Unexpectedly, the two elders Xuan Ming were best at combining attacks. One person used a deer head stick to hold his long sword, and the other raised his palm to attack.

Murong Fu hurriedly greeted him with a palm. He felt the coldness, and walked in through his arms. Before he had time to react, Lu Zhangke's other hand quietly reached out from his arms and hit him in the abdomen. Bi Weng's crane-billed pen also spookyly stretched out and swept his ribs.

After all, Murong Fu was once a master of the same fame as Qiao Feng. Although the incident happened suddenly and he fell into a dangerous situation, he hurriedly mobilized the method of fighting the stars and shifting the heart, so that the strength of the two on him was offset by each other, taking advantage of the two. With a dazed effort, he quickly retreated to several feet away with the help of the counter-shock, his clothes were already soaked in cold sweat.

Elder Xuan Ming looked at his palms suspiciously, and shouted in unison:

"Is his way back to his body?"

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi?"

Murong Fu looked at the situation in the field. These two weird old men weren't opponents themselves. The big monk with the wheel did not seem to be under Song Qingshu. With the addition of many Sun Moon God Sect masters, his heart soon began to care. However, thinking that Song Qingshu had just presented his magical secrets, as soon as he left, it was too unkind, and he couldn't help but retreat for a while.


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