Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 345: Crazy

Although Song Qingshu had eaten food, he was naturally immune to similar drugs.

"Sister-in-law, calm down, don't practice for now." Song Qingshu exclaimed anxiously.

It's a pity that Bing Xue'er is now working hard at the critical juncture, completely ignoring the voice. Although I subconsciously felt that it was inappropriate to continue practicing, I couldn't perceive the danger.

"Hahahahaha." Suddenly a man's laughter came not far away.

"Not good!" Song Qingshu yelled badly. This person was full of energy and deep internal strength. His laughter was mixed with true energy. I felt my ears buzzing, why bother Bing Xueer who was practicing.

"Puff!" A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Bing Xueer finally woke up from shock, already suffering extremely serious internal injuries.

"Where is the rat!"

Seeing Bing Xueer vomiting blood, Song Qingshu couldn't help furious, and raised his left hand. The nearby petals and leaves were wrapped in his internal force, like sharp blades, shooting densely toward the place where the sound came from.

Song Qingshu took the opportunity to grab the clothes and wrap them on Bing Xueer, and asked worriedly: "How is the sister-in-law?"

Seeing him suddenly rushing over, Bing Xue'er was a little angry, but she understood that there was a reason for it, and looking at Song Qingshu's concerned eyes, the only trace of anger disappeared, and she said weakly: "It's so hot all over, I feel so uncomfortable..."

Seeing Bing Xue'er's watery eyes, Song Qingshu was taken aback, wondering in his heart: Is it possible that the sister-in-law has been caught in the medicine of infatuation?

"Pickling leaves and flying flowers can hurt people. How can you reach such a realm at a young age, your Excellency?"

A black-clothed masked man walked over in embarrassment, with one or two traces of his clothes being cut, presumably he hadn't completely avoided it just now.

Seeing that there were only two scars on his clothes, Song Qingshu didn't hurt his body, and a strange color flashed in his eyes: "Your martial arts are also good."

"Uncle, this person is so annoying." Bing Xueer's whole body seemed to be weak, and she nestled softly in Song Qingshu's arms, her voice was different from the lightness of the past, it became sweet and greasy.

"What on earth did you add to him?" Song Qingshu glared at the man in black. There were only three people present. Bing Xueer was suddenly poisoned in a good manner. Who else would he be? Song Qingshu was even more jealous when he thought that the other party could poison him silently under his nose.

Hearing Song Qingshu's words, the man in black turned angrily back and laughed: "What a shameless pair of dog men and women, they have sexual **** in the wild, but they falsely accused the old man."

Hearing what he said, Bing Xueer's chest rose and fell, wow, and another mouthful of blood came out.

Song Qingshu was concerned just now. When he said something, he knew that he might have wronged the other party. However, hearing his foul language caused Bing Xue'er to be injured and injured. She couldn't help but put Bing Xue'er lightly on her face like ice. Leaning against the tree: "Sister-in-law, wait until I kill this person first, and then come back to heal your injuries."

The man in black didn't expect Song Qingshu to come so fast. As soon as his voice fell, a huge force attacked him. He was shocked and quickly moved his skill into his sleeve, trying to dispel Song Qingshu's palm strength.

Song Qingshu’s angry palm was like a powerful blow. The man in black was shocked to realize that he could not dissolve it. He hurriedly hurriedly transported his magical skills to move his palm to the empty space next to him. With a bang, a leaf of broken flowers rose up among the flowers. .

"Huh?" Song Qingshu looked at his palm, but he didn't expect that he would be diverted by the opponent.

The man in black squeezed a cold sweat secretly, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency, do you want to kill someone?"

"Who on earth are you?" The fight just now made Song Qingshu understand that the opponent is not easy to compete with, and his skill is probably not under the Western Poison Ouyang Feng.

"I heard that someone here in the daytime resorted to the rumored'return to the other's body', the old man came to take a look, and he didn't know that he would break such a scandal, hehe." The black-clothed man's tone was full of sarcasm. The implication is that although he also tried Song Qingshu's martial arts to be unfathomable, but he has not been afraid of anyone for decades, how can he show weakness in front of a younger generation.

"Nonsense!" Bing Xue'er felt anxious, her breath turned back again, her both agitated, her chest was extremely depressed.

"A charming young woman who has been in a drought for a long time, a young and energetic young offspring, haha, what a pair of uncles and sister-in-laws. The old man does not disturb you good deeds, so let's say goodbye." The man in black was also afraid of Song Qingshu's martial arts, and wanted to turn around. Leave.

"Where to go!" Song Qingshu couldn't let him leave like this, and didn't know what his background was. In case he went out and talked nonsense, it didn't matter if he had a thick skin. How could Bing Xue'er's reputation not be white.

Although the man in black turned around, he was prepared for a long time. Seeing Song Qingshu leaping forward, he hurriedly raised his palm to greet him.

"Hehe, brat really wants to take the old man's life?"

"Only dead people don't talk nonsense everywhere."

"Want to kill the old man? The brat is too overwhelmed."

"If you don't know what you can do, try to know."


The two of you came and went, and quickly dismantled dozens of tricks. Seeing that Song Qingshu’s gestures and certain martial styles he was familiar with were paradoxical, the man in black often blinked according to his body shape. It becomes another trick.

After playing for so long, the man in black has never seen Song Qingshu perform a complete trick, each of which is to pick up the essence of various tricks, or change the angle of shot and the degree of imaginary strength at any time according to the actual situation.

"Is this little thief no longer detained in his moves, and has reached the legendary state of returning to nature?" The man in black became more and more frightened, thinking that he would make another two or three hundred moves. Wouldn't he be controlled by him? But this little thief is obviously so young, even if he learns martial arts from his mother's womb, it is impossible to have such a realm.

This is because the man in black is limited by the rivers and lakes experience, how did he know that Song Qingshu is not a native of the rivers and lakes in this world. Song Qingshu from later generations has read so many martial arts books, and the most common people are familiar with "no tricks, there are tricks" and "no swords, there are swords". Although they don't understand this realm, everyone knows that there are such things. A realm.

After coming to this world, as martial arts became more advanced, Song Qingshu confirmed each other with the theories of the previous life. He deliberately pursued that direction. Naturally, he made many detours less than most people in this world.

The most important feature of the arena in this world is that we cherish ourselves. For example, stealing martial arts is a taboo, and masters will never pass martial arts to other disciples, and so on.

Therefore, the masters who have grown up in this kind of world can only rely on their own exploration, and it is inevitable to make many detours. Thousands of amazing people, in the end, are often only so few that can vaguely realize that state after old age.

After these dozens of moves, Song Qingshu also secretly admired the black-clothed man's martial arts level, which is rare in his life. He is a super master who filters the world of gold books in his mind. Suddenly he realized that his moves were often drawn off the direction by him just now, and he couldn't help blurting out: " Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, you are Murong Bo?"

Called by Song Qingshu's identity, the black-clothed man's eyes flashed sharply, staring at the opponent fiercely. His fake death was one of the Murong family's greatest secrets. In order to keep it from the people of the world, even his own son Murong Fu did not know it. If it were not for Song Qingshu's martial arts, he would have rushed forward and killed the two.

"Your Excellency is young, and his knowledge is not shallow." Murong Bo was called by him to lose his identity, and he stopped quibbling and untied his mask. As such a master, naturally there is the pride of the so-called master.

Looking at Murong Bo's pale temples, his face looked like wind and frost. Song Qingshu sighed with emotion. Although the most notorious villain among the Eight Divisions of the Heavenly Dragon, although his martial arts is high, the so-called conspiracy and tricks are really unremarkable. After decades of hard work, it was nothing more than a trivial mess, and the great cause of rejuvenation was not effective at all.

It's not comparable to Cheng Kun in the Legend of the Dragon Slaying the Dragon. Among the enemy Mingjiao, there are many martial arts and him between the uncles, not to mention the Yang Dingtian and others whose martial arts are much higher than him. But that's it, he still used his own ingenuity to forcefully make Mingjiao this behemoth almost wiped out, and in the end only lost to the protagonist Halo, not a crime of war.

"Ling son was kind to me in the past, I will not embarrass his father. As long as you promise not to go out and talk nonsense, what's your intention?" Song Qingshu understood very well in his heart, with Murong Bo's skill, he thought. Taking his life, I am afraid that it will not take a while, and it will pay the price of serious injury, and I have to save Bing Xueer, so how can energy be spent on him.

"You are so young, and the martial arts has reached this level, the old man is really admired," Murong Bo looked sad, and wanted Fuer to have his skills. Father and son join forces. Where can the world go? I don't need to be so incognito, "But your Excellency really thinks that the old man is afraid of you?"

As a senior martial artist, Murong Bo was seen by a younger generation because of his son's face, so he was allowed to make a living. The face was not reliable, not to mention that he had a box-pressing skill that was useless, and he didn't think he would really lose to the other party.

“Murong’s family’s fighting and star transfer and participation, Song has heard of the name for a long time, but the time and place are not right at this time, it is still better to learn in the future,” Seeing Murong Bo’s face hesitating, Song Qingshu continued, “The old man is ambitious, really. Do you want to fight for life and death with me casually?"

Murong Bo was shocked. He had always inspired himself with the early deeds of the emperor of the Han Dynasty Liu Bang and the emperor of Tang Li Yuan. In order to rejuvenate the country of Yan, he would not hesitate to endure even the insults under the crotch, not to mention such small things.

"The kid is right, okay, the old man promises you that I won't say anything about today, and there will be some time later." Murong Bo said with a fist, then turned and disappeared into the darkness.

He has been protecting Murong Fu secretly for a long time, but because of some delays on the road today, he has only arrived now. Judging from the news he received, that Murong Jingyue's martial arts was far above Murong Fu, worried about what might happen to him, and hurriedly pursued it.

Seeing Murong Bo's departure, Song Qingshu hurriedly came to Bing Xue'er. Seeing that she was already in a semi-comatose state, he quickly lost a piece of true energy into her body, and asked anxiously: "Sister-in-law, how are you?"

Bing Xueer slowly opened her eyes: "It turned out to be Uncle, I feel so sleepy, I really want to sleep."


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