Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 349: Little loli

"Thank your Excellency for letting our husband and wife enter the house to hide from the rain." Although the man in black doubted Song Qingshu's identity, he still said politely.

Because the rain wets the clothes, the woman in white half hides behind her husband intentionally or unconsciously, blocking the sight of the strange man Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu is such a character, he understood what the other party was thinking in his heart, and couldn't help but slander: Who wants to see you like you, my Bing Xueer is much more beautiful than you...

Song Qingshu's evaluation is mostly not objective. The appearance of a woman in white clothes is indeed only beautiful, but the elegant and quiet temperament on her body is rarely seen among ordinary women.

Feeling the look of the two of them, Song Qingshu was too lazy to greet each other with a smile, and said indifferently: "There are firewood and a stove in the next room, you can light a fire to drive away the cold, please do it yourself, as long as you don't enter this room, My lady doesn't like being disturbed." After speaking, she turned and walked into the back room.

The couple looked at each other, and the woman in white whispered: "Brother, this person is so cold."

The black-clothed man nodded slightly: "Junior sister, this person has hands like jade, and there is no trace of work. He may not be the owner of this room. It is better to be careful."

The two took the brazier and made a fire in the house. The woman in white looked in the direction of the back room, and saw Song Qingshu entering the room with the door closed tightly, she wouldn't have come out. It was extremely uncomfortable to stick the drenched coat on his body, so he whispered a few words in her husband's ear, then took off the coat, and sat by the fire wearing only underwear and baking.

The black-clothed man hastily set up a shelf and hangs his clothes on it. If the owner suddenly comes out here, he can temporarily block one or two, enough for his wife to put on the clothes.

After Song Qingshu entered the house, Bing Xueer said lightly, "Uncle is taking advantage of others."

"Where is it," Song Qingshu knew what she was referring to, and quickly explained, "If I told them that we are a sister-in-law, wouldn't it be more troublesome?"

Bing Xueer also thought about it. The two are now in the same room. If Song Qingshu bluntly stated the relationship between the two, it would only be more unclear.

"I always can't tell you." Bing Xueer sighed softly, but she didn't get tangled anymore, "How are you recovering from your true essence now?"

Song Qingshu replied: "Sister-in-law don't have to worry about me, but the sister-in-law has recovered from her internal injury. She should rest more. Go to sleep. I'll be there.

Bing Xueer took a deep look at him and suddenly asked, "Is your door closed?"

"It's closed." Song Qingshu glanced at the door subconsciously, worrying that outsiders could see what was inside, which would damage Bing Xueer's reputation, so he even bolted the door.

Bing Xue'er looked concerned: "I have to rush tomorrow morning. I don't know how dangerous it is to go to Shandong. How can my uncle just meditate to regain my energy? Uncle should come to bed, anyway, I have almost slept."

Song Qingshu shook his head, smiled and refused: "How can a man sleep on a bed and a woman sleep on a chair?"

Knowing that he would not agree, Bing Xueer hesitated for a while, her voice was inaudible: "Uncle can actually come to bed and sleep together."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was taken aback for a moment, and soon revealed a look of surprise.

Bing Xueer's face flushed, and she quickly said, "Uncle don't think about it, but this bed is big enough to sleep two people. And...and we haven't slept together before, I know that uncle is a sincere gentleman."

Recalling that her meridians had been severed, and Bing Xueer helped her to accompany herself to seek medical treatment. At night, the cold on the ground invaded her body and her body was in pain. Bing Xueer ignored her name and let herself go to sleep on her bed, although they were separated by a quilt. , But Song Qingshu, who was desolate at the time, felt that the relationship with her was very close.

However, at first, there was a reason. Although the two hurried together, they never had the opportunity to "sleep in the same bed" again.

Song Qingshu knew in her heart that the relationship between the two was so close, full of inexplicable meanings, but Bing Xue'er had always abide by the fame and did not allow herself to behave in a way that is truly out of courtesy. Of course, treating her injuries several times was a last resort, and she couldn't stop it.

Before the two people were as bright as the sun and the moon, Bing Xueer let herself go to her bed out of pity for chivalry, and there would be no ripples in her heart. But now the relationship between the two is very different. This time Bing Xueer would have to muster ten times the courage to make a decision if she put herself in her bed again.

"Forget it, I'm afraid of doing something to blaspheme you." Song Qingshu changed his normal, without the cynicism of the past.

As soon as the words were spoken, Bing Xueer let go of her heart, and when she heard Song Qingshu's words, she blushed and uttered: "It's fine if you don't come." After speaking, she turned her back and turned her back to him.

Song Qingshu's heart swayed. The two thoughts fought for a long time, and finally walked to the bed and lay down beside her: "I won't take off my clothes, so please don't worry about my sister-in-law."

"I have always been very assured of my uncle, otherwise I won't let you go to bed." Bing Xueer chuckled lightly.

Song Qingshu was moved in his heart, enjoying this rare tranquility. I don't know when it started, he silently counted Bing Xueer's breaths per minute.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, there was another knock on the door in the direction of the door, "Is the master at home? Miao and his daughter are passing by. Can you come in and take shelter for a while."

Song Qingshu was secretly angry and suddenly remembered the noise. How could she know that Bing Xueer trembled all over her body when she heard this sound, obviously her heart was extremely nervous.

"What's wrong with sister-in-law?" Song Qingshu asked hurriedly.

Bing Xueer's lips tightened: "It's him!"

"Who is he?" Song Qingshu was furious, "Could it be that this person has bullied his sister-in-law, so I'll go and kill him."

"Where did you think of it?" Bing Xueer grabbed his wrist and gave him an angry look. "This person is a former friend of me and your brother Hu, but... It's just that I don't want to be in this situation. meet him."

Song Qingshu suddenly came to his senses: "Miao Renfeng?"

Bing Xue'er nodded and gave an inaudible hum.

"I heard that this person used to call himself ‘Heaven’s on the earth, I’m the only one who is the only one to be respected; throughout the ages, he has beaten the world’s invincible hand"," Song Qingshu sneered, "I don’t believe that he can beat me, and my sister-in-law need not be afraid of him."

"Back then, he took that nickname just to inspire Big Brother Hu to come out and fight him. It didn't mean anything else," Bing Xueer laughed. "Everyone says that the golden-faced Buddha, Miao, and Feng are dull, but in fact, I don’t think so. . If he is simply calling himself'Invincible Hand in the World', I'm afraid he hasn't inspired Big Brother Hu. What are the Five Wonders of the Central Plains, the undefeated East of Heimuya, and the top masters in the big sects like Shaolin Wudang. The door has been found."

"It's just that he added a'Heaven and Underground, Throughout the Ages' in front, and the top masters with identities have regarded him as a delusion, self-respecting status, and unwilling to accompany him in mischief. Even if the general masters of the rivers and lakes come to the door, they are far from him. Opponent."

"It turns out that this is the case. It seems that this Miao man Feng's mind is indeed not simple." Song Qingshu nodded, but a strange meaning rose in his heart. If he really had this distraction, why did he make his sweet wife be deceived by Tian Guinong's rhetoric. ? Thinking of the beauty of Nan Lan's body, Song Qingshu became hot. This kind of benevolence had been enjoyed by two other men successively, and Miao Renfeng was really unlucky.

Bing Xueer looked at Song Qingshu strangely, and saw a strange expression on his face, she couldn't help asking, "What is uncle thinking?"

Song Qingshu's face blushed, and he shook his head quickly and said, "I didn't think about anything...Oh, yes, since my sister-in-law is not afraid of his martial arts, what are they afraid of?"

This time it was Bing Xueer's turn to blush, lowered her head and said shyly: "In the city of Cangzhou, Miao Renfeng and Hu Big Brother met each other as confidantes. I was also on the side... Although I didn't dare to compare myself to the three heroes, but at that time The three of us did mean to tie Jinlan righteously, but we didn’t expect it to happen later..."

Song Qingshu knew that she was talking about the exchange of weapons between Hu Yidao and Miao Renfeng later, but she knew that the two weapons had been painted with highly toxic substances, so that Hu Yidao was poisoned and died... He quickly patted the back of her hand to show. comfort.

Bing Xueer pulled out her hand without leaving any traces, and said softly, "Speaking of which, although Miao Renfeng and Big Brother Hu did not have a bond, their relationship is much closer than your cheap righteous brother. If he sees you and me like this, you How can I explain?"

Song Qingshu said anxiously: "What cheap brother, I worshipped Fei Er instead of his father."

Bing Xueer snorted, "It's okay if you don't say this... At that time, Fei and I really thought you admired Brother Hu, so we wanted to worship him, and we were still grateful for you. Now that I want to come, you might be afraid. The drunkard’s intention is not to drink."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, "I was still seen through by my sister-in-law."

Bing Xue'er's pretty face under the candlelight was three points more beautiful than usual. Song Qingshu was about to talk, and Bing Xue'er quickly made a silent gesture.

It turned out that after hearing the knock on the door, the woman in white who was baking hastily put on her clothes, the couple just went to open the door, and saw a tall and thin middle-aged man with a sallow face and a sick face standing at the door, holding a powder in his arms. The little girl with makeup and **** eyes was looking at the couple in front of her curiously.

The first thing the man in black noticed was that the man was holding the girl's hand, the palm of his hand was as big as a fan, and the roots were stubborn. Not surprisingly, it should be a hand that uses a sword very well.

What the white-clothed woman noticed was that the two father and daughter were holding an umbrella together. The little girl did not get wet on her body, but the father's back and arms and other large areas were already soaked. As a mother, she felt the same way, and quickly welcomed the father and daughter in.

"Thank you, Xian and Mrs. Miao, who bothered me." Entering the room, Miao Renfeng felt a rush of heating and quickly thanked him.

The white-clothed woman realized that she was not the host here, and quickly explained in embarrassment: "We are also guests passing by to hide from the rain. The host and his wife are in the room."

Miao Renfeng hummed in surprise, and hurriedly came to the door of the inner room, and said loudly: "Miao is passing by here, if it is not convenient for the owner to enter the house to hide from the rain, just say a word, Miao will never make you embarrassed. It's just me. My daughter, who is still young, has a weak body and can't stand the wind and cold, and hopes that her master will allow her to stay in the house. Miao is very grateful."

"Lan'er doesn't want her father to get caught in the rain, Lan'er wants to be with her father." The little girl pulled Miao Renfeng's sleeves and said coquettishly.

Song Qingshu smiled at Bing Xueer and said in a low voice: "This Miao Renfeng has a peerless martial arts, but he is so polite to ordinary farmers. He is truly a benevolent and righteous person, and his love for his daughter really makes him feel good. People moved."

"Big Brother Miao is indeed a rare gentleman in the world." Bing Xueer nodded approvingly, "Quickly answer him, lest the little girl outside worry about her father."

Song Qingshu turned his head and said gruff intentionally, "Please feel free to do it yourself."

"Thank you, your Excellency." Miao Renfeng said with a fist clasped with a hint of joy on his depressed face.

"Thank you, Uncle." Xiao Ruolan is also very sensible, shouting through the door with a smile.

Song Qingshu trembled all over, looking at Bing Xueer with a weird expression: "Why is this little girl calling her uncle just like you, so she's so thrilling ~ www.readwn.com~, let's add a group 337294925


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