Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 356: Dominate his wife face to face

Song Qingshu regretted it. It turned out that now his martial arts are so high, it is inevitable that he has a big meaning. At the beginning, he met the four villains in the Five Poisons. Dongfang Muxue was seriously injured. She was strong outside and did nothing. She also lost martial arts, so she was very vigilant and was able to prepare in advance to let the other party release the sad breeze.

Now that the martial arts ability crushed the opponent, Song Qingshu was not as careful as before. He actually forgot that the four wicked men had the unique trick of sadness and breeze.

Sadness and Crisp Breeze is a colorless and odorless poisonous gas. It is made into water by collecting poisons from Huanxi Valley in Daxue Mountain in Xixia. It is usually stored in a bottle. When using it, one’s nose has long been plugged to understand the medicine, and the bottle is unplugged. Stopped, the poisonous water vapor came out like a breeze, and even a clever person like you couldn't notice it. After waiting, the poisonous gas has rushed into the head. After being poisoned, the tears fell like rain, which was called "sorrow", and the whole body could not move, called "sweet", which was named after. , Without the feature of tears like rain, it is even more invincible.

Although Song Qingshu's joy and true Qi of cultivation is immune to any medicine of ecstasy in the world, it is powerless against other poisons. Although ordinary poisons can be used to protect the body, but the poisons such as Sadness and Breeze are originally aimed at masters of inner strength, so naturally they can't force the poison with internal force.

"I don't know if Zhao Min's Ten Fragrant Ruanjin San has any effect on me," Song Qingshu is still thinking about it at this stage of the field. "In the middle of the original work, Yu ate Manggu Clam, so it is not poisonous, Zhang Wuji is I have practiced the Nine-Yang Zhen Sutra, so I am immune to a hundred poisons, and I am a bit miserable. Without toads, the poison domain of internal power immunity is too narrow. Maybe I can trick Xia Nu to take the initiative to save her."

"Actually, I'm not too miserable. Duan Yu ate Mang Gu Clam and his whole body was very poisonous. I wonder if he would poison his wife to death when he was in the bridal chamber? Nearly female, it's a bit boring."

"Although Zhang Wuji's Nine Sun Magic Technique is immune to poisons, he doesn't have the joyful practice process of Joy Zen. If you lose the mulberry and harvest the mulberry, you can't be too greedy."

When Duan Yanqing saw Song Qing's writing with a smirk, he couldn't help but wonder, didn't the other party have been poisoned? If I rush forward, I'm afraid the ending will be bleak...

"The son of Song is really handsome, and he is so venomous that he can still be so open-minded with a smile on his face." The four villains are all ordinary minds. Seeing Song Qingshu standing there and not falling down, no one dared to step forward.

"The grief and crisp breeze is not a poison to see the blood seal the throat, but it makes people feel weak. The antidote is on you, why should I put on a look of despair."

Song Qingshu said loudly, on the one hand, it is to comfort the hearts of Miao Renfeng and Shi Qing's couple, and on the other hand, it is to remind Bing Xueer in the back room to be careful of the colorless and tasteless sorrow and breeze, and wait for an opportunity to seize the antidote from the four villains.

There was no sound from the back room, Song Qingshu sighed with relief, it seemed that Bing Xueer understood her intention.

Hearing Song Qingshu's words, the four wicked men thought he was going to take the antidote, so they couldn't help taking a step back and looking at him with full alertness.

After a long time, seeing that Song Qingshu hadn't moved a bit, Duan Yanqing laughed: "It turns out that Song Gongzi has been poisoned. Otherwise, it is not difficult to **** the antidote with your martial arts."

"Mr. Duan is worthy of being a hero of the generation. Seeing the problem so thoroughly, Song admires and admires it." Song Qingshu smiled faintly.

Hearing his frank admission, Duan Yanqing became suspicious instead, and dared not step forward for a while. The crane on the side of the cloud smiled squintingly: "Boss, it's actually very simple to try to see if this kid is poisoned."

Following his gaze, Min Rou was lying on the ground with a panic expression, and Duan Yanqing thought in her heart: With Song Qingshu's temperament, if he is not poisoned, there is no reason to let the fourth child be frivolous and not take action. Let him try. , Anyway, with the light work of the fourth child, it is not difficult to escape. Even if he died under Song Qingshu, he would save him from committing danger himself.

In fact, Duan Yanqing understood very well that Song Qingshu was mostly poisoned, otherwise his martial arts wouldn't be so costly. It's just that he was afraid of Song Qingshu's high martial arts, worried that he hadn't completely lost his combat effectiveness, and was waiting for him to get close to give a fatal blow, so he dared not step forward. Yun Zhonghe was willing to test it out, but Duan Yanqing couldn't ask for it.

Seeing Duan Yanqing nodded slightly, Yun Zhonghe held the rotten silver crane claws in his arms, and while pinching his chin, he leaned towards Min Rou: "Little lady, it seems that you still can't escape my palm today, don't worry. , My brother will take good care of you in a while."

"Shameless person, dare you!" Shi Qing glared at him. He has always been righteous all his life, but now he is poisoned, but he also has some power.

Yun Zhonghe was bluffed and his pace was stagnant. He quickly reacted and couldn't help but become angry: "What can I not dare? My old crane has played with many women in his life, but he still plays with his wife in front of her husband. It’s the first time. Tsk tsk, it’s dysfunctional, I’m excited just thinking about it. Shi Daxia, looking at your serious appearance, it must be extremely boring between bed and bed on weekdays. Let’s open your eyes today and look at my old crane’s methods. , How did you make Mrs. Zun so many times."

Seeing him approaching step by step, Min Rou trembled and looked at her husband desperately: "Brother!"

Shi Qing's mouth was full of steel teeth, and he didn't know where the strength was born, suddenly jumped up and patted Yunzhonghe's head with a palm. However, he had exhausted all his strength to stand up, and his palm was weak and without threat.

Yun Zhonghe kicked him back with a kick, watching Shi Qing lying on the ground and vomiting blood, and said bitterly, "This kick has already sent you to see King Yan." He was also curious in his heart, I don't know. There was a husband watching, what would Min Rou's body react later.

"Daddy, that goatee is a big badass. Go and save that beautiful aunt." Miao Ruolan didn't know that her father was also poisoned. Seeing what Yun Zhonghe did, she couldn't help being filled with righteous indignation.

Miao Renfeng looked angry and hummed: "Here in the cloud, the black and white double swordsman gate is a view of the Qing Dynasty. There are many masters in the gate, and it is also related to the Wudang school. If you violate Madam Shi today, others may be affected. The Wudang faction and Shangqing Guan chased them to the end of the world."

"Hehe, Shangqing is not afraid of seeing our four evil men. As for the Wudang school, Zhang Sanfeng's old miscellaneous hair is really good, but Lao Tzu is far away in Xixia, and he is beyond reach, hahaha." Yun Zhonghe laughed arrogantly "On the contrary, Daxia Miao should be more worried. Black and White Swords and Wudang Sect are the backers. You are alone and widow. Who will avenge you? I will definitely not be a little beauty like a daughter and I will not wait for a while. I will let it go."

"Hey, fourth child, you don't let such a small girl go, are you still not a human?" Nanhai Crocodile God suddenly became a little dissatisfied.

Duan Yanqing raised his crutches in front of him, but watched intently how Song Qingshu responded.


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