Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 364: The Lost Little Dragon Girl (Part 1)

"How could I make you feel wronged? If I can marry you, of course it will not be a concubine, but rather..." Song Qingshu suddenly thought of Zhou Zhiruo's sad and sad eyes when she was lying on the bed, and suddenly found that the words behind said no. Exit.

Bing Xueer seemed to know what he wanted to say. She pressed her slender finger on his lips and said softly, "Don’t say anything that is unfortunate. Sister Zhou is also a pitiful person. Besides, I am embarrassed and never thought about it. Once I can stay with you for a long time, as long as you can accompany me occasionally when I think of it, I will be satisfied."

"You know I don't care about your identity." Song Qingshu grasped her hand, only feeling soft and slippery, and her heart was shaken, and then she looked at her sincerely.

Bing Xueer smiled faintly: "But other people will care, especially after Fei'er knows, how will he think of you, the brother who had worshipped him?"

Song Qingshu looked depressed, and hurriedly corrected him: "That time, Fei Er was the one who worshipped me instead of his father, who is he?"

Bing Xue’er’s face was full of smiles: “Oh, I’m not ready anyway. It’s better to keep our relationship from others.” Seeing the silly expression on Song Qingshu’s face, Bing Xue’er said with no anger: “It’s obviously me. Is it okay to suffer a loss? Why do you act so unhappy if you take advantage of it and you are not responsible for it."

"That's because my sister-in-law loves me." Song Qingshu reached out his arm around Bing Xue'er's waist, and moved her lips to her snow-white face.

"Oh," Bing Xueer said with a pursed anger while dodge, "Don't call me like that."

"But my sister-in-law just liked it very much." Song Qingshu didn't care and kissed wantonly.

"Just now, now is... now." Bing Xueer pressed her lips tightly, her voice trembling.

"Almost." Song Qingshu squeezed Bing Xueer's round shoulders and gently pulled her into his arms.

"It's almost dawn." Although Bing Xue'er had just gotten close to each other, Bing Xueer was still not used to the relationship between the two. The natural shyness of a woman made her subconsciously coy.

Song Qingshu looked up at the window, shook his head and said, "It's not light yet."

"Keep your eyes open and talk nonsense." Bing Xue'er also glanced, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks, and she sipped inwardly. Feeling that Song Qingshu had been pressed on her body, Bing Xueer's heart trembled, she felt her whole body soft, stretched out two white arms, and gently hugged the man on her body.

Before that time, Bing Xueer was ashamed of her heart, so she let Song Qingshu do anything wrong. But after all, she is not a little girl who is ignorant of world affairs. When she wants to live in secret, she gently swings her soft waist to match the movements of the man on her as much as possible.

Feeling Bing Xue'er's catering, Song Qingshu only felt that he had enjoyed the endless gentleness, but he was still a little dissatisfied, leaned down and leaned in her ear and said a few words softly.

Bing Xueer's star eyes were half open and half closed, lying there lazily, hearing what he was saying, she couldn't help but bit her teeth, and said angrily: "What do you think of me."

Song Qingshu knew that she was not really angry, and hurriedly said a few more words in her ear.

Bing Xueer was dubious: "Really?"

"Naturally it is true, you will know if you try." Song Qingshu promised.

Bing Xueer's skin was stained with a fascinating blush of roses at this time. When she was in a state of confusion, she was tempted by Song Qingshu many times, her face couldn't help but a hint of movement appeared, but she quickly frowned: " But I won't... never do that before."

Song Qingshu's heart trembled when he heard it. If it wasn't for Bing Xue'er's temperament, he might have wondered if the other party had deliberately said this to lure him if it were another woman. Seeing that even though Bing Xueer's temples are now scattered, but the pure color between her eyebrows is still the same as usual, she has already believed in her heart very much, and she secretly proudly said: "Big Brother Hu is inherently upright. ."

Fortunately, he was still sane and didn't say the words in his heart, otherwise Bing Xueer might kick him out of bed in shame and anger.

Under Song Qingshu's encouraging eyes, Bing Xueer hesitated for a while, but after all he couldn't match his ardent eyes, and turned her back shyly.

"It's so shameful!" Bing Xueer soon regretted it, and was about to lie back. She didn't know that Song Qingshu had already supported her waist.

Bingxue'er snorted, and after the first taste of the sweetness, there was a glimmer of anticipation, so she blushed and lay there quietly.

"Sister-in-law's waist is so soft, few women can bend to this arc." Song Qingshu was amazed.

"This little **** is comparing herself with other women." The grievance that had just risen in Bing Xueer's heart was dispelled by the gentleness of the man behind him, "It feels like this really... he didn't lie to me just now."

Bing Xue'er quickly became cheerful and sweet, and she didn't want to say a word again.

On the next day, they rode three poles, and the two walked side by side on the official road.

Bing Xueer staggered suddenly and almost fell. Song Qingshu, who just stood firmly and pushed her aside to help her, said angrily: "It's all to blame for you, I still feel my legs are a little weak, and I walk lightly. of."

Thinking of yesterday's beauty, Song Qingshu's heart trembled, and he stretched out his hand: "Why don't I carry you on my back."

Bing Xueer was bluffed, and looked around with a guilty conscience. When no one noticed, she breathed a sigh of relief, then her face sank, and she glared at Song Qingshu: "It is said that you are not allowed to be too intimate under the public."

"Good, good." Song Qingshu nodded with a smile, knowing that she had always been thin-skinned.

Bing Xue'er flushed and sighed faintly, "Hey, I was fainted for a while last night, and I actually did something to apologize to Big Brother Hu. If Big Brother Hu had spirit in the sky, I would really have no face to see him."

Song Qingshu understood her feelings, but it was not very comforting. Suddenly, with an idea, he took out a mask from her arms and handed it to her, smiling and saying, "Will it be easier to cover your face with this?"

Looking at the silver-white mask in front of her, Bing Xueer couldn't laugh or cry, but suddenly thought that she might meet many acquaintances in the next few days, and it would be convenient to cover her face, so she took it and put it on her face.

"Sister-in-law, even if she conceals her beauty, is still hard to conceal her demeanor, which is really exciting." Song Qingshu looked up and down, and exclaimed sincerely.

Bing Xueer was also a little bit happy in her lover's praise: "No, you have to wear it, or I will always feel weird wearing this ghost mask by myself."

"This mask is carefully made by me, and it is completely sloppy and awkward. It's not so ugly." Song Qingshu was very depressed. In the past life, he used to see Zorro and Batman wearing masks in film and television works. You are so handsome, I have been thinking about it since I came to this world, thinking that my skin is not bad, even if it does not achieve the effect of Yang Guo taking off the mask in front of Guo Xiang in "The Legend of Condor Heroes" sixteen years later, deceived. Ordinary little girls should be fine.

I don't know what the fate of that fateful mandarin duck is in this world?

Song Qingshu was taken aback for a moment. Too many things had happened to him in the past two years, and he didn't have the time to investigate where the plot of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" had progressed.

I don't know if Yang Guo broke his arm at this time? Song Qingshu was lost in thought.

Song Qingshu had nothing to do with whether the arm was broken or not. All he cared about was whether the plot of the Dragon Knight happened. If Yang Guo had broken his arm, then the two must have come down from Zhongnan Mountain, proving that the scene that left a shadow in the hearts of countless boys had already happened.

If Yang Guo hadn't broken her arm, then Xiaolongnv's virginity might still have a chance to be preserved.

"The first thing other people do when they cross is to go to Zhongnan Mountain to find the little dragon girl who is not as beautiful as a mortal in the legend. When they meet a upright person, they rescue her from Yin Zhiping; for a despicable person, they will choose I stun Yin Zhiping on myself... Why did I forget to go to Zhongnan Mountain." Song Qing was slanderous.

"Uncle, what's the matter with you?" Bing Xueer asked curiously when he saw his strange expression.

"Nothing," Song Qingshu smiled, returning from a wandering thing, suddenly his heart moved, "What are you calling me?"

Bing Xueer knew what he was thinking, and said angrily: "You promised me, when it's normal, it's still worthy of my uncle and sister-in-law."

"I didn't say anything," Song Qingshu said with a smile, "I'm just worried that you will feel uncomfortable when you shout."

Bing Xueer's face flushed: "It's a little weird."

Song Qingshu laughed triumphantly, and Bing Xueer hurried up to chase him. Song Qingshu is so light-hearted, she won't let her catch it, but in order to tease Bing Xue'er, she deliberately slowed down, and the tomb school has always been known for light work, Bing Xueer knew that the other party was teasing herself, but she was not angry, so she used light work to pursue it. Every time he saw that Song Qingshu was about to be caught, he could not help stomping his feet with anger when he would flee.

Bing Xueer wasn't really angry, just as if she had returned to the days of a girl, so she enjoyed this easy chase.

The two squabbled all the way, and soon left the sphere of influence of the Kingdom of Jin and entered the territory of Shandong.

"Sister-in-law, let's find a restaurant to have something to eat." Seeing the sweat oozing from the temples of Bing Xueer, Song Qingshu said distressedly.

"Okay." Bing Xueer also felt a little tired and nodded.

When the two walked into a restaurant, Song Qingshu took a breath. This kind of place is a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger, a troubled place, martial arts novels are not deceived by me.

It is probably the reason why the recent Golden Snake Camp has widely published hero posts. There are mostly martial arts people in the restaurant, but the most eye-catching is the two groups of people.

Sitting all the way on the east side of the lounge, a circle of strong warriors stood on the outside, and a circle of eight shooters in the inner circle, staring at the people entering and leaving the restaurant.

At the middle table sat a bright and charming girl, and on the opposite side there was a graceful and luxurious woman. It is the old acquaintances Zhao Min and Princess Huazheng.

Song Qingshu looked at the people around her curiously and found that in addition to the two elders of the Golden Wheel Falun Gong and Xuan Ming, there was a lack of Ada, A2 and Asan, but an extra Tutuo and an old man with a green robe.

"Could it be the Kutotuo disguised as Guangming Right Envoy Fan Yao? Could it be that Zhao Min and Zhang Wuji have reconciled again?" Song Qingshu's heart sank, but he shook his head quickly, knowing that he was worrying too much.

Although Fan Yao was a bright right envoy of Mingjiao, he was also a first-class master in the arena, but he was still far away from a real top master. However, the demeanor that this Tutuo showed was a grandmaster demeanor, and his aura was not inferior to that of the Golden Wheel Fa King around him. And the other old man in the green robe had no expression on his face, making people feel unfathomable, and even the two elders Xuan Ming stood respectfully behind him.

"Hey, the two elders of Xuan Ming have joined hands to rank among the top masters in the arena, and the King of the Golden Wheel may not be regarded by them. Who is this Qingpao person who can make them so obedient?" Song Qingshu was shocked.


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