Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 367: Fairy fights alone

Xiaoxiangzi snorted coldly and said, "Girl Dragon's swordsmanship is not bad, and I have to learn and teach." Zhao Zhijing only felt that a big gift hit his shoulders with a wave of his left hand. He has a foundation in his internal skills. Although he has suffered several injuries on his body, he still stands still with makeup.

Song Qingshu looked in his eyes, hehe sneered: "Shameless, shameless, three martial arts masters besieging a little girl, what kind of style?"

Xiao Xiangzi and the others listened to her ears, her face warmed slightly. They had never cared about benevolence and morality in their lives, but they were all arrogant and conceited, and they regarded their identity very seriously. Let alone three people teaming up, they were fighting alone, and they didn't bother to work with such a young girl, but this At this moment, alone, she was determined to be unable to resist such unpredictable sword moves like her.

Xiaolongnv glanced at Song Qingshu unexpectedly. Her values ​​are very simple. Whoever treats her well, she treats whoever is good. Hearing Song Qingshu's righteous words, she feels full of affection for this stranger.

Seeing a glimpse of her pure eyes, Song Qingshu actually jumped in her heart. He looked at her peerless appearance and said with emotion: "It's no wonder that Yin Zhiping's decades-long repairs that night in the original work were ruined. There are still men in the world who can refuse to do so. Temptation?"

Seeing Xiaolongnv turned her head, Xiaoxiangzi was overjoyed, waved the mourning stick quietly and rushed over. Seeing him secretly attacking, Song Qingshu pressed his right hand on the table, and a chopstick jumped out of the bamboo tube, and his left hand swiped along the way, with a bang, just hitting Xiaoxiangzi's mourning stick.

Xiao Xiangzi only felt that the tiger's mouth was numb, and looked over in amazement. Song Qingshu leisurely took a glass of wine and took a sip. He was already merciful, otherwise he thought it would be unintentional. With his current martial arts, a chopstick was enough to take the life of a master like Xiaoxiangzi.

The little dragon girl finally came back to her senses, the sword light shook, and she had already made a move. The three of Xiaoxiangzi still couldn't see her sword strength clearly, Qi leaped back, stepped back away, and danced their weapons in unison to protect the vitals.

Xiaoxiangzi, Nimoxing, and Yin Kexi all hope that she will attack others first. As long as they can see some clues in her tricks, they will have a chance to win. The three of them have general ideas, so they each performed their own stunts, protecting the whole body without any gaps, first seeking to be invincible for oneself, and for the victory of the enemy. These three masters took the defensive as soon as they shot, which is rare in their lives, but seeing that the opponent is so strong, if they come forward to attack, nineteen will seek glory and humiliation.

Above the main hall, the little dragon girl's double swords hung on the ground, standing in the center, Xiao Xiangzi and the other three were divided into three places, and a cold light moved back and forth in front of each person. Yin Kexi's golden whip dances into a ball of yellow light; Nemo star's iron snake is a black shadow moving in and out; Xiaoxiangzi's mourning stick is turned into a gray screen, covering her front.

Seeing that Zhao Zhijing shrank and was about to retreat behind the King of the Golden Wheel, the little dragon girl flicked her sleeves and stepped up. Nimo Xing and Xiao Xiangzi grabbed them from left and right, and the iron snake and the crying stick were in front of them. The two of them joined forces, and the offense was insufficient, and self-defense should be more than enough. Seeing that there is no gap to take advantage of, Xiaolongnu didn't hand out her two swords. Seeing Zhao Zhijing fled to the back of the palace, she chased her two steps with her sword, but the two swords of Nimo Xing and Xiaoxiangzi made the whistling wind sound, and she couldn't get past it. The little dragon girl said: "Did you let it or not?"

Nimoxing’s broken legs were actually bestowed by Yang Guo and Li Mochou. He knew that Yang Guo was Xiaolongnv’s lover, and he wanted to vent his grievances on her. He sneered when he heard the words: "We just won’t let you, you little What is the demon girl's ability to show her in a mess?"

Xiaoxiangzi and Yin Kexi looked at each other and understood that in front of Zhao Min and Huazheng, it was already a shame to be three enemies and one. At this time, it was difficult to ride a tiger. Wuyan left in Mongolia.

Xiaolongnv didn't feel annoyed, she knew that she wanted to kill Yin and Zhao, and she had to drive away the three masters in front of her, and said coldly: "If I refuse to let it go, I will offend it!" At the place where the sword light flashed, a sudden sound was heard, and it was leisurely. Before the sound, the little dragon girl leaped back for more than ten years and returned to the center of the hall to stand still.

"Good swordsmanship!" Song Qingshu was full of praise, and then the conversation changed. "It's a pity, a pity..."

"What's the matter?" With Bingxueer's martial arts, she couldn't fully see the lightning-fast sword power of the little dragon girl. After listening to Song Qingshu, she praised the little junior sister. Before he could be happy, he heard the next sentence and couldn't help but worry.

"In an instant, your junior and sister's double swords have pierced and cut, and they have made more than forty moves, but it is a pity that the three of the opponents have kept them dripping. , The very short continuous blows for more than forty are nothing more than the long sound of a weapon clash." Song Qingshu explained in a low voice, "Although your junior swordsmanship is exquisite and quick, but the internal strength is insufficient, you can't use the sword to open their soldiers. Blade, it is difficult to break through the defense of those three people."

Xiaoxiangzi and the other three were even more frightened. The talents were able to block the sword moves, relying on their weapons to dance imperceptibly, without any gaps. If she waited for her sword to come out, and then raised the blade to block the frame, she would have already hit the sword. Up.

The little dragon girl could not attack, she also admired that the opponent was so tightly guarded, she paused slightly, and fluttered back slightly, her face turned towards Xiaoxiangzi, her swords reversed and barbed suddenly, twelve dings and dings. There was a sharp sound, even though the pipa master's Fanxian wheel finger was not so rushing, Yin Kexi's golden whip was never idle, and finally blocked all the twelve strokes back.

The little dragon girl thought in her heart: "So swiftly dancing the blades, the internal strength is extremely exhausted, and it will be difficult to last. I just need to wait for changes. Over time, I can always find the flaws. Even if Zhao Zhijing and the others escape, I will find them slowly. That's it."

So the two swords trembled slightly, as if offensive but not offensive, ready to attack, but did not attack, teaching the opponents three people not to relax a little. However, Xiao Xiangzi and others have extremely deep internal strengths, so they dance their weapons like this, and their strength does not diminish for a while.

Seeing that there is no gap to take advantage of, the little dragon girl stood quietly, her expression elegant, and the wind was strict. She has never been in a hurry. She followed Yin Zhiping and Zhao Zhijing on the road for more than a month, but never made a move. At this time, she stayed for another day and a half. What's wrong? Twenty years of silence and self-preservation in the ancient tomb, has long since cultivated patience that no one can match.

Not to mention that the three masters besieged a young girl, they all went on the defensive. They were as thick as a city wall, and they were too embarrassed to let Princess Zhao Min and Princess Hua Zheng see their ugliness.

Seeing the little dragon girl standing with a sword, Nemo became the first one to lose her breath. She roared, and the iron snake swung out and rushed towards her.

As soon as he attacked, a gap appeared on the left side of his body, the dragon girl's long sword trembling, Nimoxing's walking stick hurriedly leaped back, but felt a slight pain in his shoulder, and when he glanced down, he saw that a small hole had been pierced in the clothes on his left shoulder. The blood oozes out, if it weren't for Xiaolongnu to prevent him from attacking by the iron snake, his left arm is no longer attached to his body at the moment.

Nemo star rushed to the point of no success and was traumatized. Although he was angry in his heart, he did not dare to rush forward. The three of them danced their weapons on three sides, and the little dragon girl stood in the center and ignored them.

Yin Kexi's set of "Huangsha Wanli Whip Method" has been used four times repeatedly, and his heart suddenly moved and called: "Brother Nemo, Brother Xiaoxiang, let's take a half step together."

Nimo Xing and Xiao Xiangzi didn't understand his intentions, but thought he was a great master of the Western Regions, with extensive knowledge and cleverness, so Yiyan took a half-step. Yin Kexi took half a step at the same time and shouted: "The defense must be rigorous, and the step must be slow. Let's take a half step again." Ni Xiao stepped forward.

The three of them didn't slacken their efforts. After a while, they took a half step forward. At this time, everyone had seen that the circle of the three people around the little dragon girl was gradually shrinking, and in the end they would squeeze her in the center. Although the three of them did not dare to attack, each of them danced their swords to form three copper walls and iron walls, gradually squeezing into the middle, and the three defensive forces combined into a powerful offensive, which was really unstoppable.

Everyone saw such a scene, except for a few people like Zhao Zhijing, and even Zhao Min and others were worried about the little dragon girl.

Seeing that the three of them were getting closer, the little dragon girl still had no gaps in her weaponry. When she saw a few, she had to be squeezed to death by them. At the moment, the two swords were stabbing, and she heard the sound of ding and ding. Every move hits the opponent's weapon.

She attacked dozens of swords and blocked all of them back, but the three of them each stepped in half a step. Little Dragon Girl became flustered in her heart. When she retreated to the left, she stumbled and staggered. This time, there was a big flaw in her swordsmanship. If Xiaoxiangzi and the others only defended and did not dare to attack, she had already been attacked. Great danger.

"Uncle, I'm afraid she won't be able to hold on for long." Bing Xueer fidgeted and tried to get up for help several times, but because the Mongols were so powerful, they were worried that they would attract more masters from the other side. Instead, she harmed Xiaolongnv.

Song Qingshu suddenly said, "Miss Dragon, it's exquisite to drive the two swords together by fighting left and right, but have you forgotten that most of the world's swordsmanship is enough with one sword? The other party wants to seize your sword, why should you be persistent? "

Xiaolongnv was originally a smart person with ice and snow. After listening to his guidance, it suddenly became clear that Yin Kexi's Huangsha Wanli whip had a natural suction. Xiaolongnv was worried that the sword in her hand would be drawn, so she deliberately avoided his direction.

Xiaolongnv's mind is also simple. Just now Song Qingshu offered to help, and she felt that the other party would not harm her. Without hesitation, he pierced the center of Yin Kexi's whip with a sword from his left hand.

As soon as the two weapons touched, the little dragon girl felt a strong force coming from the sword, and she almost wanted to let go. I saw her face calm, not only did not pull back, but took advantage of the momentum to send the sword forward, allowing Yin Kexi to **** the sword in her hand.

Yin Kexi's long whip entangled her sword and could no longer wield it freely. At that moment, the defense finally had a loophole. Yin Kexi hurriedly tried to throw the sword away, but just as he was about to lift the soft whip, the dragon girl's long sword pierced out, and Yin Kexi's wrist pained severely, and the soft whip could not be held.

Yin Kexi injured his wrist and the weapon fell to the ground. The iron wall-like encirclement immediately broke. The little dragon girl took the opportunity to pick up the sword just now from the ground. The two swords flashed like two electric lights, and the besieging three rushed towards Retreat sharply.

The little dragon girl didn't chase, but she raised her breath and stabbed Zhao Zhijing with her sword awkwardly.

The King of the Golden Wheel had suffered under the sword technique of the Jade Girl Suxin, and his face changed involuntarily. On the contrary, the King Kong sect master on the side had already seen that although the dragon girl’s sword skills were high, but the internal strength was insufficient, he stretched out **** to clamp the body of the dragon girl, and when the internal force was shocked, he clipped the long sword and took advantage of the dragon girl’s sword. At the moment of consternation and loss, another finger silently poked at her slender waist that was gripping her.


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