Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 373: Five battles determine life and death

These few rabbits flew and flew, but it was just a blink of an eye. When everyone in the lobby reacted, the two sides had already separated. The difference was that Jin Guo and his party were in embarrassment, and Xiao Feng appeared to be at ease when he came in and out.

Yelunan Xianxin was unwilling to forget Ouyang Feng for a glance. She didn't expect that she would be defeated by the opponent with one move, although the main reason was that she had to abandon her exquisite swordsmanship to protect Xiao Feng's flanks. A frontal blow against Ouyang Feng. But if you lose, you lose. For the first time, Yelu Nanxian felt how far apart he was from those super masters when he was really struggling with life and death.

"The old man has not been in the world for so many years. I did not expect that a young master like Your Excellency will appear in the rivers and lakes. Bei Qiaofeng is indeed well-deserved." Ouyang Feng looked at Xiao Feng solemnly, thinking about the accomplishments of the other party Jianglong's eighteenth palm. He also surpassed his rival Hong Qigong for many years, and he fought life and death with him. It is not yet known who will kill him.

Song Qingshu’s heart was shocked by the combat power that Ouyang Feng showed at that moment. He did not expect that Ouyang Feng, who had recovered his sanity, would be so much stronger than when he was on Shenlong Island. Originally, according to his speculation on the strength of martial arts people in the world, Ouyang Feng should It's right if you can't beat Xiao Feng. I don't know that the brief encounter between the two just now was actually evenly divided.

When discussing Huashan in the second book, Ouyang Feng won the first place in the world by practicing the Nine Yin Scriptures. It is a pity that he became confused and unconscious for more than ten years. Finally, at the top of Huashan, he and Hong Qigong Fighting for three days and three nights, both died of exhaustion. According to Song Qingshu, Ouyang Feng's martial arts are at best equal to Hong Qigong, and even lost to Hong Qi who resorted to the googling method.

But after experiencing the changes in Ouyang Feng's strength several times with his own eyes, Song Qingshu had to sigh that Xidu's peak strength when he was fully awake was by no means comparable to that crazy old man with only instinct to fight.

"Toad Gong and Iron Palm? Two are Xi Du Ouyang Feng and Iron Palm Qiu Qianren on the water?" Xiao Feng has been in the world for more than 30 years. Whether it is the elders of the Beggars or the eminent monks of Shaolin, Xiao Feng has been far away. Not his opponent, I didn't expect to encounter two people of equal strength this time.

"The King Xiao has good eyesight." Seeing that Xiao Feng had no intention of doing anything, Ouyang Feng stood with his hand. At their level, life and death rarely happen. After all, if you want to kill your opponent, you may have to pay a lot of money. The price is good.

Qiu Qianren's expression on the side was blue, and his hands shrank slightly in his sleeves. After he had practiced his iron palms, he was able to compete with the former Wang Chongyang. He didn't know that he had fallen short in front of a younger generation today. The face is dull.

"Two dignified Han people, as masters of the first generation, why are they willing to run dogs for the golden people?" Xiao Feng scolded angrily. He knew in his heart that Wan Yanliang was protected by Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren, and he might not be able to kill him.

Ouyang Feng smiled faintly when he heard the words, and did not excuse him. On the contrary, Qiu Qianren couldn't help but sneered: "Your Excellency was not the leader of the Beggar Gang before, so why did you go to Qidan to be Yelu Hongji's running dog?"

"Xiao was teased by fate and couldn't choose the blood on his body. How dare he compare with the two of them." Xiao Feng's voice was loud, speaking from a sense of righteousness.

Wan Yanliang smiled and stood up and said, "Brother Xiao misunderstood. Mr. Ouyang and Mr. Qiu are both distinguished guests in the Little Prince’s Mansion. This gentleman is still Xiao Wang's teacher, and the running dog is nothing more than the sewage poured by some people with ulterior motives. Brother Xiao is so wise and martial, he will naturally not have the same knowledge as those who are young."

Seeing the well-used expressions of Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren, Song Qingshu secretly laughed: This Wanyanliang knows how to win people's hearts. Shouldn't Ouyangfeng in the original work belong to Zhao Wangwanyan Honglie? Where is the Wanyan Honglie in this world?

Zhao Min, who was on the side, was very angry. When Xiao Feng attacked Wan Yan Liang just now, if the King Kong Sect Master and Daoist Taoist shot at the same time, Wan Yan Liang would still have his life at this time.

Although Zhao Min was smart, he didn't quite understand the psychology of these martial arts masters. From the perspective of the King Kong Sect Master and Bai Hsiao Taoist, if the two of them had made a move just now, they would inevitably lead to a death fight. Whether the opponent is Ouyang Feng or Qiu Qianren, they are all masters who are almost the same as themselves. skin.

It's better to let Xiao Feng take the lead and fight them first. When the time comes, both lose out, and the two can sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Zhao Min thought it was because the two did not get his own order, so he got up and said to Xiao Feng: "Great King Xiao, how about you and I join forces to capture Wan Yanliang?"

Xiao Feng's expression moved, and it was difficult to hurt Wan Yanliang from the hands of Ouyang Feng, Qiu Qianren, and a group of masters of the Kingdom of Jin with his own strength alone, but if the masters of the Ruyang Palace were added, he would be sure of it.

Ouyang Feng and the others changed their colors, and it was a bit difficult to deal with the masters under the Royal Palace of Ruyang alone. Adding a brave and combative Xiao Feng might be dangerous today.

"Mr. Ximen, this princess put you along with us and wants to get rid of us together. I don't know what you think?" Wan Yanliang didn't panic, and found Song Qingshu, the key figure all at once.

Song Qingshu was stunned, but he didn't expect that he suddenly became a sweet potato. Although Wan Yanliang's tone was asking, he was clearly dragging himself into the water.

But Song Qingshu didn't want to take a trip to the muddy water. He thought that it was not difficult to take Xiaolongnv and Bingxue'er away safely, not to mention that the two girls were very clever.

Noting the tense atmosphere in the lobby, Song Qingshu suddenly changed his mind. Wan Yanliang is now an extremely important figure in the Kingdom of Jin. He is not only noble but also proficient in the art of war. If he died here, he would have broken one of the arms of the Kingdom of Jin. With the growth of the other, Mongolia is even more uncontrollable.

In Song Qingshu's mind, all the Manchu, Jin, Liao, and even Southern Song Dynasty were all passers-by. The ultimate enemy has always been the monstrous Mongolian monster. Even if other countries are temporarily enemies, they can temporarily unite in order to deal with Mongolia.

For example, the most prestigious army today is Mongolia’s Yu Xue, followed by Meng’an Muke from the Kingdom of Jin and the Eight Banners soldiers of the Manchus. If the Jin and Manchus collapse, Mongolia will be invincible if they swept the world.

Now Song Qingshu is the actual controller of the Manchus, he naturally does not want to watch what happened to the "ally" of the Kingdom of Jin, and he will rely on them to help carry the Mongolian iron cavalry in the future...

Making up his mind, Song Qingshu smiled and asked the two women around him: "Which way do you think I can help?"

Bing Xueer was in a daze. Although she didn't like Jin Country, Mongolia now made it clear that it would be disadvantageous to her. If she sat and watched Zhao Min and his party dealt with Yan Liang and ignored them, after they vacated their hands, the three of them would do nothing. It's dangerous.

"You just killed the Taoist priest and offended the princess. Of course, you can only help the other side."

"Dragon girl, what do you think?" Song Qingshu looked at the little dragon girl.

"Help Ouyang Feng over there." Xiaolongnv said coldly. His logic is simple. Zhao Min and his party have blocked themselves from killing Zhao Zhijing several times, and there are villains like King Jinlun Fa under his command, who are naturally bad people. The person from Jin Guo, Wan Yanliang, gave him a sword just now, and Ouyang Feng rescued him again, so he was naturally a good person.

"That's it," Song Qingshu shrugged and looked at Wanyan Liang with a smile, "it seems that we have to face the enemy together."

With the help of "Ximen Chuuxue", Ouyang Feng immediately came up with confidence and laughed at Zhao Min and his group: "Do you want to fight alone, or do you plan to embrace it?"

Zhao Min thought in his heart that his party and Xiao Feng and others would naturally have the advantage in strength, but this kind of thing cannot be simply added and subtracted. If one swarms, the other party and the party will resist desperately, knowing that there is no hope of survival.

And many of the masters here are from Kublai’s account, not from the direct line of the Ruyang Palace. When they fight, they will definitely have ghosts, and hope to take the opportunity to consume the strength of others...under mutual checks and balances, and Jin Guo’s The strengths are declining, and it is not always true who will die.

Wanting to understand all this, Zhao Min smiled: "We are not confronting the two armies now. Since we are in the arena, we will act according to the rules of the arena. We will choose five masters each and win three games in five rounds. If you win, this princess Without further ado, take people out of here right away. If we get lucky, how about you hand over Wan Yanliang to me?"

Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren looked at each other, it is really not clear why Zhao Min chose this almost stupid method under the advantage.

"Mr. Ouyang, you are just a guest from Wanyanliang’s mansion. You are not in a master-servant relationship with him. You can fight for him as much as you can, and you are not ashamed of your heart. This princess can promise you this time In the competition, regardless of victory or defeat, I will let all the seniors leave."

Zhao Min continued, but thought to himself that the old foxes, the masters of the Taoist King Kong, have always done nothing, but they value personal reputation very much, and they are not afraid that they will not do their best.

Wan Yanliang murmured something terribly, Zhao Min's slaughter, to disperse all the morale he had finally accumulated, now that his subordinates have options for retreat, how can they resist desperately? He understands that if he insists on group fights at this time, he will lose the support of his subordinates. This is the end of the matter, and he is not disappointed. He laughed loudly: "Mr. Ouyang, you don't have to worry, you are willing to fight with those Mongolian masters. In the competition, Xiao Wang is already grateful, and if he fails later, it is just that Xiao Wang is destined to die here. You may leave."

The tragic and solemn tone in the tone made Song Qingshu nod his head. This perfect face retreated to advance, and in a blink of an eye he rekindled the morale of his subordinates, which was gradually disintegrating, and Zhao Min could be called a momentary brilliance.

Ouyang Feng, such an old fox, would naturally not be trapped by him with a sentence or two, but thinking of his usual courtesy, he also made a secret decision in his heart to try his best to save his life later. But when he looked around, he was stunned to find that he couldn't make up five great masters at all.


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