Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 376: Three World Wars (middle) vs Xiao Feng

There was an uproar in the lobby. Song Qingshu seemed to have solved the King Kong Sect Master without much trouble just now. This time it was even more outrageous. He actually destroyed the four wheels of the Mongolian National Teacher in an instant.

King Golden Wheel fell in a cold sweat. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the other party’s real qi to have not finished adjusting his breath, and hit him by surprise. How did he know that he was hit by surprise, and his heart suddenly became cold: "Is this man actually so smarter than me? many?"

Only Ouyang Feng, Bai Hsiao Taoist, and Xiao Feng could vaguely see the problem in the field. Song Qingshu broke the four wheels more with skill, and didn't cost much internal force to head-on with the Golden Wheel Fa King.

In this way, several masters of martial arts in the field made judgments. The King of Jinlunfa is clearly powerful, but he can't perform perfectly. It is easy to lose weight when he encounters a player of the same level, and it is difficult to win quickly when he is inferior to his own. In the final analysis , The reason is that the techniques of the Golden Wheel Pharaoh’s moves are too weak.

He believes too much in the principle of Yili Jiangxihui. In the original work of the **** carving, he suffered several times in the Central Plains Wulin. It was obviously because of lack of skills and insufficient adaptability. As a result, he went back to retreat and practiced like Bo Ruogong, who went straight and crushed with strength. Because of his martial arts, even though he exaggerated, it didn't take long for him to die under the delicate palm of Yang Guo.

Now, watching Song Qingshu's gestures destroy his four wheels, the first reaction is that the other party used his strength to break his strength, but he did not expect that the other party was actually using a subtle technique to dial a thousand pounds, so that his heart suddenly became timid.

Noting that King Jinlun Fa was in a trance, Xiao Feng frowned and quietly said to Zhao Min: "Princess, continue to fight in the current state of the national teacher, I am afraid that he will die on the spot."

Thinking of the "Ximen Chuuxue" who wanted to take the opportunity to kill the viciousness of the King Kong Master, Zhao Min felt cold and quickly raised his hand and said: "The second game is no longer a match, we give up."

The old King Jinlunfa blushed and said anxiously: "Princess!"

Zhao Min shook her head and smiled slightly: "The status of a national teacher is honorable, how can there be any damage from an ordinary competition." She sighed slightly in her heart: now, it seems that this competition is probably out of the question. Nine is about to lose. Even though King Xiao's martial arts is high, he is not necessarily the opponent of this Ximen Chuuxue. Then he will face Ouyang Feng and Lu Zhangke against Qiu Qianren, and I am afraid it will be difficult for him to flourish.

Seeing the touched expression of King Jinlun Fawang, Song Qingshu couldn't help but admire how Zhao Min's skill in buying people's hearts reached the top. Although he deliberately took the opportunity to get rid of one or two Mongolian masters, now that the opponent has already conceded, it is difficult to continue to kill.

On the other side, Wan Yanliang looked at Song Qingshu's back in amazement: "There are such masters in the world. If he can be brought under the tent, this king is willing to pay all the price."

The Kingdom of Jin and Mongolia have fought for many years, and how many superb assassins sent by the Kingdom of Jin have died in the hands of the two. Therefore, he is very clear about the martial arts of the King Jinlun and the master of the King Kong. In his heart, the two are the same. With the existence of Yu Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren, now that they are so easily defeated by the hands of Ximen Chuuxue, how good is Ximen Chuuxue's martial arts?

"Your true energy will inevitably be depleted for two consecutive battles. Please adjust your breath first. Xiao can still afford it for an hour or two." Xiao Feng did not rush to shoot, but said loudly.

"The King Xiao is indeed a sincere gentleman," Song Qingshu said with emotion, "Since King Xiao said so, if I insist on not taking a break, wouldn't I look down on your Excellency? It just doesn't take one or two hours, just a stick of incense."

Xiao Feng raised his hand, and Yaoyao made an inviting gesture: "Please do it yourself." After speaking, he scanned the audience, "If anyone dares to attack Mr. Ximen at this time, it is against Xiao Feng."

Everyone in the field was swept by his gaze, and only felt a tingling pain all over, and they couldn't help being shocked: Xiao Feng's gaze was as real as it was, has his martial arts reached this point?

Zhao Min frowned, knowing that Xiao Feng's words were actually meant to be heard by herself, and she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. In her opinion, it was like two armies facing each other. Extremely, seeking the final victory. However, since Xiao Feng said that, she was not willing to offend him publicly.

"Xiao Feng is really proud and arrogant." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and sat straight on the ground, adjusting his breath. He just won the Vajra Sect Master and the Golden Wheel Dharma in a row just now, looking at the great momentum, the practicality is ingenuity, not much. Attrition, he soon opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Feng: "Lord Xiao, please!"

Xiao Feng is like a tiger waiting for an opportunity. He slowly walked into the field and stared at Song Qingshu's eyes. He knew in his heart that if he attacked first, he would definitely expose his flaws, so he settled. Ideas, first respond to all changes with the same.

Song Qingshu also knew what he was thinking, and laughed loudly: "Since King Xiao doesn't make a move, he will be offended."

The sword light flashed, and Song Qingshu stabbed him at a distance. Xiao Feng had prepared for a long time, turning his palm into claws, and grabbing the dragon's hand to draw a nearby table of Eight Immortals, and attacked Song Qingshu's side.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu didn't expect the other party to deal with it so cleverly. With a flash of sword energy, the menacing table of Eight Immortals was cut to pieces, and then he flashed to the side without stopping.

Sure enough, a majestic palm force attacked the place where Song Qingshu was standing just now, smashing the floor to pieces, and the hotel owner not far away felt painful: these god-killed quacks and lakers smashed things at every turn. , Who will pay later.

The other martial artists naturally did not pay attention to this kind of thing, but noticed that the two had switched positions. Just now, they had already fought against each other.

Just now Song Qingshu had won two consecutive games with ease. Mongolia and the Khitan warriors had already suffocated. Seeing that Xiao Feng played with each other on offensive and defensive, evenly divided, he couldn't help but shocked and shouted aloud.

"This Xiao Feng's martial arts is so high, I don't know if he will be in danger." Bing Xueer muttered worriedly as he watched the situation on the court.

Xiaolongnu pursed her mouth and smiled: "Senior sister, if you care about it, you will be confused. Brother-in-law is so good at martial arts, even if you can't win, self-protection is definitely okay."

"Don't listen to him nonsense, he is your brother-in-law." Bing Xueer only felt her cheeks hot, she was shy.

Not far away, Wan Yanliang noticed the two beautiful and refined girls. Bing Xueer was down. Although she was very graceful, she was wearing a mask after all. Xiaolong Nv looked like a beautiful woman. She smiled just now, as if she was in the beginning of the ice and snow. Rong, it made Yan Liang feel as if he was hit by a heavy hammer in his heart: Is there such a woman in the world? Compared with her, the women before me were all vulgar fans. If I could get this woman, I wouldn't even want to be a prince.

The two women didn't notice Wan Yanliang's fiery gaze, but instead stared intently at the match in the field.

Song Qingshu laughed loudly and said: "The King Xiao used his hand to capture the dragon and the eighteen palms of the dragon. It was superb to use. I didn't pay attention just now. Since you are empty-handed, I naturally can't take advantage of the sword." The voice just fell, Song Qingshu casually said. Throwing, he inserted the long sword back into the scabbard in the hands of the little dragon girl, and this precise control power suddenly amazed the audience.

"A few feet apart, I don't even look at it, so I can accurately find the position with a single throw. It seems that his knowledge of the sword is already at the peak." Ouyang Feng was full of emotions, and couldn't help thinking of the two that he had seen in this life. One of the masters of swordsmanship was Zhong Shentong Wang Chongyang. The all-true swordsmanship was used in his hands, but it was natural and irresistible. The other was Song Qingshu, who I knew on Shenlong Island. His sword skills were exquisite and tricky, especially that of Li Jianshu, which made him frantic.

Wang Chongyang is dead, so don't think about it. I don't know who Song Qingshu's swordsmanship is higher than that of Ximen Chuuxue in front of him? A thought flashed through Ouyang Feng's mind.

If he knew that Ximen Chuuxue was Song Qingshu, he would have spurted a mouthful of old blood.

Seeing that Song Qingshu was going to compete with him empty-handed, Xiao Feng raised his palm: "Uh, Xiongtai doesn't have to be like that. Xiao's physical skills are all above this pair of palms. Having weapons or weapons doesn't affect me much. Why should Xiongtai give up on me? What's the strength of it."

"The King Xiao is really upright and upright," Song Qingshu gestured, "I don't hide it from you. If it is a life and death duel, I will naturally not abandon the sword, but this is just a test. Why use the weapon to make friends."

"Okay!" Xiao Feng lifted the hem of his clothes and threw a green bamboo stick into the hands of the Khitan warrior. "In this case, we will use both palms to meet for a while."

Song Qingshu was startled, and said with a wry smile: "I have forgotten that Brother Xiao was once the leader of the beggar gang, and he is naturally proficient in dogfighting. I was rash."

Xiao Feng shook his head: "Although Xiao can beat the dog and stick, the eighteen palms of Jianglong are more in line with my stomach. Therefore, his attainments must be higher than the dog and stick method. Take advantage of it."

"If this is the case, then I will use the eighteen palms of Jianglong to learn about Brother Xiao's eighteen palms of Jianglong." Song Qingshu laughed for a long time, his left hand turned into a semicircle, and the right palm slowly pushed out, exactly what was in the eighteen palms of Jianglong." Kang Long has regrets."

Song Qingshu knows that Xiao Feng’s martial arts is strong, and he is very familiar with Jianglong’s eighteen palms. It is hard to hurt him if he has regrets in one move. Therefore, when his palm is not exhausted, another move is launched by Kang Long with regret, three palms in succession. Superimposition is based on Xiao Feng's unique skill Jianglong Sandielang in the original work, and he has the heart to fight head-to-head with the opponent.

Seeing him using the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong, Xiao Feng was surprised. Seeing him using the threefold waves of Jianglong, he was even more shocked. He knew that this move was powerful, and if he didn't pay attention, he would be seriously injured and hit quickly. When he regained his energy, Kang Long was also regretful, and he pushed it out flatly.

This trick Jianglong Sandielang was created by him, and his familiarity with it is still better than that of Song Qingshu. Therefore, even though it was launched later, the two of them finally gave out their palms at the same time, and the two churning air currents engulfed the broken floor and collided all the way. go with.


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